
title: 'mzEasy: A simple interface for mass spectrometry data conversion and LC-MS/MS overview plotting' tags: - Mass Spectrometry - LC-MS/MS - Liquid Chromatography - File Conversion - Quality Check affiliations: - index: 1 name: Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL authors: - affiliation: '1' name: Chase M Clark orcid: 0000-0001-6439-9397 date: "02 July 2018" output: pdf_document: default html_document: df_print: paged bibliography: paper.bib


An increase in access to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and advanced algorithms (often cloud-based) has led to a surge in users whose time is often better spent with advanced analyses than converting and evaluating their raw data. However, conversion of raw spectra to open access formats and ensuring data is of good quality are necessary steps for proper use in later analyses. Unfortunately, users unfamiliar with conversion software often miss needed settings or are unsure how to proceeed, adding a barrier of entry to the use of more advanced analysis pipelines.

mzEasy provides a simple interface (Figure 1) with MSConvert [@Chambers2012] to convert raw MS files to the "mzXML" open access format [@Pedrioli2004]. As it utilizes Proteowizard's MSConvert, it is capable of converting raw data from such vendors as AB SCIEX, Agilent, Bruker, and ThermoFisher, and some limited Waters' data. The auto-generated overview plots allow for easy inspection of the converted files and feedback of whether the conversion was succesful, including the option to save graphs as a pre-assembled manuscript image (Figure 2). Importantly, mzEasy doesn't require (or have options for) adjusting/selecting any settings other than to select which image format to save plots. For more advanced processing options another software such as MZmine 2 [@Pluskal2010] should be used.

mzEasy is auto-configured to convert vendor files to mzXML with the basic settings required for analyses such as Global Natural Products Social molecular networking (GNPS) [@Wang2016] and is meant for anyone uneasy with using MSConvertGUI.

It is also designed for users that want access to parallelized MSConvert and/or a simple way to generate quality control plots that are pre-arranged for easy publication/sharing.



Software Requirements:

mzEasy was written in R [@baseR2018] and utilizes Shiny [@shiny2018], RInno [@RInno2018], mzR [@Chambers2012], and ggplot2 [@gg2009].

A screenshot of the mzEasy user interface{ width=75% }

Example of an exported, auto-assembled figure{ width=75% }


chasemc/mzEasy documentation built on Oct. 25, 2019, 10:21 a.m.