IDBac Easy Install

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Finding Help, Reporting Issues

We have setup a discussion forum at!forum/idbac

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Run IDBac from R

If you would rather run IDBac directly from R:

# install.packages("devtools") # Run this if you don't have the devtools package

# And, to run the app:

IDBac Method

Click Here

Citing IDBac

Clark, C. M., Costa, M. S., Sanchez, L. M., & Murphy, B. T. (2018). Coupling MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry protein and specialized metabolite analyses to rapidly discriminate bacterial function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(19), 4981-4986.

Every IDBac release is preserved at Zenodo for citability/reproducibility: DOI

For IDBac Developers

Linux and Mac CI: - Build Status

Windows CI: - AppVeyor build status

Coverage: - codecov

chasemc/tempRepo documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:32 p.m.