knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


mpersonalized is an R package aiming to solve the problem of personalized medicine in meta-analysis and multiple outcomes. This package extends the contrast classification framework [@zhang2012] to both meta-analysis and multiple outcomes, and fits a linear classifier to identify the subgroup who might benefit from treatment. With an increasing number of biomarkers available nowadays, variable selection has become more than necessary in personalized medicine. Hence, the package incorporate a rich variety of variable selection methods to handle high dimensional problems properly. mpersonalized also provides other options flexible enough to meet different requirements from users; e.g. in multiple outcomes, using different rules or a single rule.

In the setting of a single study or outcome, the contrast classification framework [@zhang2012] estimates the optimal treatment rule by solving \begin{equation} \label{contrast zhang} \min_g \sum_{i=1}^n |\hat{C}(X_i)|[1{\hat{C}(X_i)>0}-g(X_i)]^2, \end{equation} where $\hat{C}$ is the estimator of the usually unknown contrast function $C(X) = E(Y|A=1, X) - E(Y|A=0, X)$ and $g(X)$ is a treatment recommendation rule. Then, given a subject with baseline covariates $x$, $A = 1$ is recommended if $g(x) > 0.5$ and vice versa. Althgouh adapting the framework to more complicated settings, mpersonalized incorporates the whole pipeline, from estimation of the contrast function to fitting of treatment rules to eventually prediction for new subjects, in one single package so as to facilitate the usage of this framework.

The main functions in our package are mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv and this vignette will focus on the usage of the main functions. Various arguments can be passed to these functions to best meet user requirements. We divide the optional arguments into different groups and place them in different sections of the vignette to ease understanding. The vignette is structured as follows: in section \ref{section:installation}, we briefly describe how to install mpersonalized package; in section \ref{section:quick example}, we give a quick example to demonstrate the typical usage; in section \ref{section:data arguments} and section \ref{section:model arguments}, we introduce the arguments related to data input and model specification, respectively; in section \ref{section:penalty parameter}, different ways of sepcifying penalty parameter sequence are introduced; finally, in section \ref{section:S3 methods}, we provide users with the avaiable S3 methods for return values from mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv. There are also some more sophisticated arguments, which do not usually requires specification from users, and thus they are covered in Appendix.

This vignette is aimed to help users understand how mpersonalized works and how to apply it to a new dataset or problem according to specific requirements. Various examples will be provided and most options will be covered. To learn more about the package, we recommended users to the reference manual.

Installation \label{section:installation}

mpersonalized can be installed from Github repository "chenshengkuang/mpersonalized" now. In order to do that, users need to install R package devtools first. devtools could be downloaded from CRAN by the following command: ```{R install devtools, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE} install.packages("devtools")

When `devtools` has been installed, we could then install `mpersonalized` package using commands:
```{R install mpersonalized, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE}

In the future, there might be frequent updates of the package. To update mpersonalized, install it again using the above commands.

A Quick Example \label{section:quick example}

In this section, we provide a quick example to illustrate the typical usage and functionaltiy of mpersonalized package. This example is demonstrated through a simulated dataset generated by the built-in function simulated_dataset in this package.

We first load the package and generate a simulated meta-analysis dataset.

```{R quick example data generation, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}

Load package



Generate simulated dataset

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis") Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist; Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist; Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist

The simulated dataset contains the information of 6 studies, with each of them containing information of 200 subjects. Specifically, `Xlist` contains all the information of baseline covariates, `Ylist` all the information of  outcome and `Trtlist` all the information of treatment indicator. To inspect the structure of the simulated dataset, users can apply R base function `str` to `Xlist`, `Ylist` and `Trtlist`.

The simulated dataset has 50 baseline covariates with only 200 subjects in each of the studies. Therefore, regularization is necessary not only to reduce the variance but also for variable selection so that the fitted model is more interpretable.

Using function `mpersonalized_cv`, we could fit different rules for different stuides and perform variable selection with a penalty function. As we mentioned in introduction, `mpersonalized_cv` and `mpersonalized` are the main functions of the package. The difference between them is that `mpersonalized` fit a model for each different penalty parameter in the penalty parameter sequence while `mpersonalized_cv` will further tune the penalty parameter by built-in cross validation and provide the optimal model.

```{R quick example model fit, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
mp_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis",
                          Xlist = Xlist, Ylist = Ylist, Trtlist = Trtlist,
                          penalty = "lasso", single_rule = FALSE)

mp_mod, the return value from mpersonalized_cv, could then be passed to other functions in the mpersonalized package for analysis. For example, plot(mp_mod) will return a list object containing the interaction plots of the fitted rules. These plots could be used as a sanity check to see whether the rules are working as intended, at least on training set.

```{R quick example plot, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE} interaction_plots = plot(mp_mod)

Interaction plot for the first study


We could also predict optimal treatments for new subejcts using `predict` function.

```{R quick example predict, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
# Simulate baseline covariates for 10 new subjects
newx = matrix(rnorm(10 * 50), nrow = 10)

pred = predict(mp_mod, newx = newx)


pred$opt_treatment displays the optimal treatments based on study treatment rules. It also gives an additional column named as overall treatment recommendation, which can be viewed as a weighted voting of recommendations from each study and the weight can be specified by users. Other than prediction for new subejcts, predict function can also be convenient for validation purpose if users have a validation set.

This quick example is merely aimed to provide a general understanding of what mpersonalized is capable of doing. In the rest of the vignette, we will explain more carefully about the functions and step by step how users can set theses options to best fit their problems.

Data Arguments \label{section:data arguments}

Before feeding their data to mpersonalized or mpersonalized_cv, the very first thing for users to do is to specify whether they are solving a "meta-analysis" problem or a "multiple outcomes" problem. This is denoted by the argument problem in function mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv. Users should always specify problem so that these functions can choose the correct set of arguments.

problem = "meta-analysis" refers to the case when multiple studies study the effect of the same treatment, and in our setting, it is further assumed the studies are using the same outcome to evaluate efficacy and the same set of baseline covariates as well. The subjects from study to study could be potentially different. In other words, the baseline covariates matrices could be different.

problem = "multiple outcomes", on the other hand, refers to the case when there is only one study but multiple outcomes are observed for every subject. Outcomes can be different types of variables, for example, one is binary and another is continuous. There is, however, only one single baseline covariates matrix because these outcomes are observed from the same subjects.

Data Input Formats

The above difference results in different data input formats. When problem = "meta-analysis", mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv require a baseline covariates matrix, a treatment vector and an outcome vector from each study; when problem = "multiple outcomes", they instead require a single baseline covariates matrix, a single treatment vector and multiple outcome vectors.

We illustrate the difference through function simulated_dataset. The simulated dataset is formulated so that it already satisfies the input formats of mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv.

```{R input format, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat1 = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis") str(sim_dat1, vec.len = 1)

Simulated dataset for multiple outcomes

sim_dat2 = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "multiple outcomes") str(sim_dat2, vec.len = 1)

When `problem = "meta-analysis"`, `Xlist`, `Ylist` and `Trtlist` should be provided to function `mpersonalized` and `mpersonalized_cv`. `Xlist`, `Ylist` and `Trtlist` should all be lists, with each element of these lists representing the baseline covariates matrix, the outcome vector and the treatment vector of each study, respectively. When `problem = "multiple outcomes"`, users provide `X`, `Ylist` and `Trt` instead, where `X` and `Trt` denote the baseline covariates matrix and treatment vector, and `Ylist` is a list with each element denoting one of the multiple outcomes.

We can fit a model for each of the above simulated dataset in the following fashion. 

```{R fit simulated dataset, eval = TRUE, eval = TRUE, warning = FALSE}
# Fit for meta-analysis dataset
mp_mod1 = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis",
                           Xlist = sim_dat1$Xlist, 
                           Ylist = sim_dat1$Ylist, 
                           Trtlist = sim_dat1$Trtlist,
                           penalty = "lasso", single_rule = FALSE)

# Fit for multiple outcomes dataset
mp_mod2 = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "multiple outcomes",
                           X = sim_dat2$X, 
                           Ylist = sim_dat2$Ylist, 
                           Trt = sim_dat2$Trt,
                           penalty = "lasso", single_rule = FALSE)

Other Data Arguments

Propensity score can be supplied via arguments Plist when problem = "meta-analysis" or P when problem = "multiple outcomes". The difference is Plist is a list object containing the propensity score vectors for subjects in multiple studies, while P is the propensity score vector for the one and only group of subjects. Although propensity score is not mandatory for mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv, we do recommend users to specify it especially when dealing with observational data. If not supplied, the data will be treated as randomized experiments and the propensity score will be esimated as the proportion of treated units for every individual.

Another argument related to data is typelist. This argument specifies the type of the outcome for each element in Ylist, and is helpful in estimation of the contrast function better. Currently each element in typelist could only take value from "continuous"or "binary" and default value is "continuous".

To summarize, depending on the argument problem, users should choose the correct set of arguments (Xlist, Ylist, Trtlist, Plist for problem = "meta-analysis" and X, Ylist, Trt, P for problem = "multiple outcomes") for input and the input should satisfies corresponding formats.

Model Arguments \label{section:model arguments}

In terms of modeling aspect, the most critical argument to feed to mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv is single_rule, a logical value with FALSE as default value. This arugment specifies whether a single treatment rule should be fitted across all studies if problem = "meta-analysis" and across all outcomes if problem = "multiple outcomes". Letting single_rule be TRUE or FALSE will formulate different optimization problems, and this decision should depend on the context of the problem.

single_rule = FALSE

If each study or outcome has its own treatment recommendation rule, denoted as $g_i(X)$ for $i$th study or $i$th outcome, then based on the contrast classification framework \ref{contrast zhang}, the objective function of optimization is formulated as \begin{equation} \label{contrast multiple meta-analysis} \min_{g_1,\dots,g_K} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^{n_k}\frac{|\hat{C}k(X{ki})|}{\sum_{i=1}^{n_k}|\hat{C}k(X{ki})|}\bigl [1{\hat{C}k(X{ki})>0}-g_k(X_{ki})\bigr]^2 + h(g_1,\dots,g_K) \end{equation} for meta-analysis and \begin{equation} \label{contrast multiple multiple outcomes} \min_{g_1,\dots,g_K} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{|\hat{C}k(X{i})|}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}|\hat{C}k(X{i})|}\bigl [1{\hat{C}k(X{i})>0}-g_k(X_{i})\bigr]^2 + h(g_1,\dots,g_K) \end{equation} for multiple outcomes.

Note in the above formulation, the loss function of each study or outcome in \ref{contrast zhang} is adjusted by its contrast estimator, to avoid the issue of contrast estimators not being on the same scale. $h(g_1,\dots,g_K)$, a regularization term, is useful when variable selection is needed. mpersonalized package focuses on linear classifiers and we denote $g_j(X) = \beta_{0j} + \beta_{1j}X_1 + \dots +\beta_{pj}X_j$. $h$ is a combination of sparse group lasso penalty and fused lasso penalty, \begin{equation} \label{penalty multiple} h = (1-\alpha)\lambda_1\sqrt{q} \sum_{j=1}^p \|\boldsymbol{\beta_j}\|2+\alpha \lambda_1 \sum{j=1}^p \|\boldsymbol{\beta_j}\|1+ \lambda_2 \sum{j=1}^p \sum_{1\le a < b \le K}|\beta_{ja}-\beta_{jb}| \end{equation} where $\boldsymbol{\beta_j}=(\beta_{j1},\dots,\beta_{jK})$. This formulation provides a flexible choice of penalty when fitting $g_1, \dots, g_K$. Group lasso penalty is helpful when rules share common variables and fused lasso penalty is helpful when the coefficients are close. Users are free to drop or keep each penalty term depending on the detailed problem.

When using mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv, it is recommended users specify the argument penalty and then either use default penalty parameter sequence or supply the functions a specified sequence. For mpersonalized, the argument penalty could be choosen from the following options, covering all the possible combintaion of penalty terms:

For mpersonalized_cv, penalty could take every option above except "none" since there is no need to do cross validation without regularization term.

As an example, we fit a SGL penalty with different rules by specifying single_rule = FALSE and penalty = "SGL". coef will return a coefficients matrix with rows indicating studies or outcomes and columns indicating covariates. ```{R multiple rules example, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

multiple_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "SGL", single_rule = FALSE) str(coef(multiple_mod)) set.seed(NULL)

## `single_rule = TRUE`

If a single rule $g(X) = \beta_0 + \beta_1X_1+\dots+\beta_pX_p$ is fitted across all studies or outcomes, the objective function of optimization is instead formulated as 
\label{contrast single}
\min_{g} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^{n_k}\frac{|\hat{C}_k(X_{ki})|}{\sum_{i=1}^{n_k}|\hat{C}_k(X_{ki})|}\bigl [1\{\hat{C}_k(X_{ki})>0\}-g(X_{ki})\bigr]^2 + h(g)
for meta-analysis and
\label{contrast single}
\min_{g} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{|\hat{C}_k(X_{i})|}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}|\hat{C}_k(X_{i})|}\bigl [1\{\hat{C}_k(X_{i})>0\}-g(X_{i})\bigr]^2 + h(g)
for multiple outcomes. The regularization term $h$ is simply a lasso penalty 
\label{penalty single}
h = \lambda_{s}\|\beta\|_1.

If `single_rule = TRUE` when using `mpersonalized` and `mpersonalized_cv`, users again specify the `penalty` argument and then either use the default sequence computed by the function or specify a sequence. For `mpersonalized`, the argument `penalty` could be chosen from:

* "none": no penalty. $\lambda_{single} = 0$.
* "lasso": lasso penalty. $\lambda_{single} \ne 0$.

For `mpersonalized_cv`, the only option is `"lasso"`.

As an example, we could fit a single rule with lasso penalty. `coef` will then return a vector of coefficients of the single rule.
```{R single rule example, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
# Simulated dataset for meta-analysis
sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

single_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis",
                              Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                              Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                              Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                              penalty = "lasso",
                              single_rule = TRUE)


Multiple Rules vs. Single Rule

Using multiple rules will surely capture the individual features of studies or outcomes better so that we have a better understanding of individual study or outcome. However, given a new subejct, multiple rules are likely to give contrary recommendations, which could be difficult to implemented in practice. On the other hand, if a single rule is used across all the studies or outcomes, we obtain a more consistent and general rule with the price of certian flexibility. Which formulation is better really depends on the goal of the research and we leave the decision to users.

Penalty Parameter Sequence \label{section:penalty parameter}

In this section, we will cover more details of the penalty parameter sequence used in mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv. Both functions offer a default penalty parameter sequence, regardless of single_rule and penalty. The default sequence for lambda1 is computed through SGL package, for lambda2 computed through genlasso and for single_rule_lambda computed through glmnet. When both lambda1 and lambda2 are involved in the penalty, then the penalty parameter sequence is the grid of default lambda1 sequence and default lambda2 sequence.

User-specified Sequence

Users can always supply a specified sequence of penalty parameter if the default one is not desired. The user-specified sequence is passed to the functions through arguments lambda1, lambda2, alpha and single_rule_lambda, which corresponds to $\lambda1$, $\lambda2$, $\alpha$ in \ref{penalty multiple}, and $\lambda_{s}$ in \ref{penalty single}. Depending on the values of single_rule and penalty, these functions will detect whether users have sepcified any corresponding penalty parameter.

For example, ```{R use specify argument} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

multiple_mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "lasso", lambda1 = seq(0.01, 0.05, 0.01), single_rule = FALSE)


single_mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "lasso", single_rule_lambda = seq(0.01, 0.05, 0.01), single_rule = TRUE)

single_mod$penalty_parameter_sequence set.seed(NULL)

If, however, users supply the sequence to wrong arguments given `single_rule` and `penalty`, the functions will then use default computed one and corresponding warning message will be generated. For example, when `single_rule = TRUE` and `penalty = "lasso"`, users specify the `lambda1` argument rather than `single_rule_lambda`.
```{R warning example1, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, warning = TRUE}
# Simulated dataset for meta-analysis
sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

single_mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis",
                           Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                           Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                           Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                           penalty = "lasso",
                           lambda1 = seq(0.01, 0.05, 0.01),
                           single_rule = TRUE)

# lambda1 is ignored and default single_rule_lambda is used

Or when single_rule = TRUE and penalty = "none", in which case users do not need to specify any penalty parameter, ```{R warning example2, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, warning = TRUE} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

single_mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "none", single_rule_lambda = seq(0.01, 0.05, 0.01), single_rule = TRUE)

lambda1 is ignored

head(single_mod$penalty_parameter_sequence) set.seed(NULL)

Or when `single_rule = FALSE` and `penalty = "lasso"`, $alpha$ will be foreced to be 1,
```{R warning example3, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, warning = TRUE}
# Simulated dataset for meta-analysis
sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

multiple_mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis",
                           Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                           Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                           Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                           penalty = "lasso",
                           alpha = 0.5,
                           single_rule = FALSE)

# alpha is forced to be 1

These warning messages should help users to understand the framework better, and meanwhile the functions automatically correct the errors.

User-specified Length of Sequence

Sometimes users may not know what values should be supplied to the sequence, but they do want to control the length of the sequence. This could be achieved through arguments num_lambda1, num_lambda2 and num_single_rule_lambda. However, if user do specify a sequence, the corresponding length will be ignored.

We could, for example, set the length of lambda1 sequence to 20. ```{R set number, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, warning = TRUE} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

multiple_mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "lasso", num_lambda1 = 20, single_rule = FALSE)

length(multiple_mod$penalty_parameter_sequence) set.seed(NULL)

Note when `single_rule = TRUE` and an integer is assinged `num_single_rule_lambda`, the actual length of penalty parameter sequence used might be actually shorter than `num_single_rule_lambda`. This is because `mpersonalized` uses `glmnet` package for numerical computation when `single_rule = TRUE`, and the path algorithm will stop early if the percent deviance explained does not change sufficently from one lambda to the next.

When `single_rule = FALSE`, numerical computation relies on `SGL` package and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm. Specifically, when `penalty` is `"lasso"`, `"SGL"` or `"GL"`, the optimization problem can be numerically solved by `SGL` package; when `penalty` is `"fused"`, `"lasso+fused"`, `"GL+fused"` or `"SGL+fused"`, we have to rely on the ADMM algorithm. The ADMM algorithm is written in `mpersonalized` package with original code and users can change parameters of the algorithm through `admm_control` argument in `mpersonalized`  and `mpersonalized`. More details of `admm_control` will be explained in appendix. Since the ADMM algorithm is written in R code, the computation will be slow when `penalty` involves a fused lasso part. Therefore, we recommend using a short sequence if fused lasso term is involved. The computation should be able to speed up if the corresponding ADMM algorithm is implemented in a more low-level programming language, e.g. C++.

So far We have covered the arguments needed to fit a model via `mpersonalize` or `mpersonalized`. After the fitting process,`mpersonalized` will return an object of class `"mp"`. The return object contains all the information of the fitted models. Each value in the penalty parameter sequence has a corresponding fitted model. `mpersonalized_cv` will return an obejct of class `"mp_cv"`, which only contains the fitted model corresponding to the optimal penalty parameter value.

Users can directly access the fitted model from class `"mp"` and `"mp_cv"` objects. For example, the coefficients  of some `"mp_cv"` class object could be obtained through `mp_cv$intercept` and `mp_cv$beta`. Alternatively, users could also apply S3 methods to these objects. We will talk more about the available S3 methods for `"mp"` and `"mp_cv"` in next section.

# S3 Methods for Class `"mp"` and `"mp_cv"` \label{section:S3 methods}

S3 methods provide a convenient way to extract model information from S3 objects. In `mpersonalized`, a few methods are included for further analysis of the fitted model.

## `coef` 

Just like most `coef` methods, `coef` for `"mp"` and `"mp_cv"` classes will extract coefficients from the fitted models. For `"mp"` classes, `coef` will return a list object and each element in the list denotes the coefficients corresponding to one value in the penalty parameter sequence. For `"mp_cv"` classes, `coef` will return the coefficients corresponding to the optimal penalty parameter value. The return coefficients will be in matrix form if `single_rule = FALSE` is used in fitting and in vector if `single_rule = TRUE`.

To obtain the coefficients corresponding to some specific penalty parameter value, users can use its index in penalty parameter sequence.

```{R coef, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
# Simulated dataset for meta-analysis
sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

# use the proposed method of the paper ("SGL+SL")
mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis",
                    Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                    Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                    Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                    penalty = "SGL+SL",
                    single_rule = FALSE)


# lambda1 = 0.173 is the 3rd value in the sequence, to obtain corresponding coefficients

cv_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis",
                          Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                          Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                          Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                          penalty = "SGL+SL",
                          single_rule = FALSE)

# with cross validation, coef will directly return the coefficients with the optimal penalty parameter value



predict function predicts optimal treatments for individual subjects. If newx is additionally supplied to predict besides the "mp" or "mp_cv" object, predicition is made for new subejcts with covariates matrix represented by newx; otherwise, prediction is made for the original subejcts used in fitting procedure.

The difference between "mp" and "mp_cv" in predict method is still that for "mp", predict returns predictions for every penalty parameter value in the sequence while for "mp_cv", predict only returns the prediction using the optimal penalty paratmer value.

For every specific penalty parameter value, predict returns a matrix of optimal treatments and also a matrix of benefit score, that is, $g_1(X), \dots, g_K(X)$, with rows indicating subjects and columns indicating stuides or outcomes if newx is supplied. In addition, predict provides an extra argument overall_rec indicating whether a wegihted voting of the individual recommendations from all studies or outcomes should also be computed. If overall_rec = TRUE, weights for each voter can be further specified by users and the overall recommendation will be added to the optimal treatments matrix.

```{R predict, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

cv_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "SGL+SL", single_rule = FALSE)

simulate the covariates matrix for 10 new subjects

overall_rec = TRUE by default

newx = matrix(rnorm(10 * 50), nrow = 10) predict(cv_mod, newx = newx)$opt_treatment

round(predict(cv_mod, newx = newx)$benefit_score,3)


## `plot`

`plot` method provides interaction plots for `"mp"` and `"mp_cv"` objects. More specifically, it plots the interaction between recommended treatment and received treatment for the fitted data.

The interaction plots can be used to check if the estimated treatment rule is working as intended, at least in training set. Based on interactions of recommended treatment ($\hat{A}$) and received treatment ($A$), we divide subjects into four groups.  Assuming large outcome is more favorable, then ideally the group with $\hat{A} = 1$ and $A = 1$ should have average higher outcome compared to the group with $\hat{A} = 1$ and $A = 0$; similarly, the group with $\hat{A} = 0$ and $A = 0$ should also have average higher outcome compared to the group with $\hat{A} = 0$ and $A = 1$.

For `"mp"` class, `plot` requires an extra argument `penalty_index`. Not returning the plots throughout the whole penalty parameter sequence is mainly due to computation memory consideration. For `"mp_cv"` class, `plot` again returns the interaction plots corresponding to the optimal penalty parameter value.

```{R plot, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
# Simulated dataset for meta-analysis
sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

mod = mpersonalized(problem = "meta-analysis",
                    Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                    Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                    Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                    penalty = "SGL+SL",
                    single_rule = FALSE)

# interaction plot of study 1 corresponding to the model fitted with the 3rd penalty parameter value 
plot(mod, penalty_index = 3)[[1]]

cv_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis",
                          Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist,
                          Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist,
                          Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist,
                          penalty = "SGL+SL",
                          single_rule = FALSE)

# interaction plot of study 1

# plot cross validation error vs tuning parameters


Appendix \label{section: appendix}

Other than the options mentioned above, some internal arguments are also provided to control more subtle aspects in the whole modeling procedure. Typically, users do not need to specify them but we will cover it here in cases needed.

Internal Arguments for Contrast Estimation

In mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv, contrast function for each study or outcome need to be estimated ahead of the optimization problem being formed. One of the simplest estimators for contrast function is the inverse probability weighted estimator, \begin{equation} \hat{C}(X) = \frac{YA}{P(X)}-\frac{Y(1-A)}{1-P(X)}, \end{equation} where $P(X)$ is the propensity score.

Although it is unbiased, the inverse probability weighted estimator is usually not efficient. The efficiency could be improved by subtracting the outcome with an efficiency augmentation term $a(X)$, \begin{equation} a(X) = {1 - P(X)}E(Y|A = 1, X) + P(X)E(Y|A=0, X). \end{equation}

The new estimator is refered to as augmented inverse probability weighted estimaator (AIPWE) [@Robins1994]. This efficiency augmentation term requires an estimate of the outcome model $E(Y|A=1, X)$ and $E(Y|A=0, X)$. Note here we merely use the outcome model to increase efficiency rather than directly predict the optimal treatment. Hence, it does not necessarily have to be very accurate.

To control arguments related to contrast estimation, users could supply contrast_builder_control in mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv. contrast_builder_control should be a list object with the following optional elements:

Although response_model only offers "lasso" and "linear" options, users could still implement a more complicated model by manually subtracting the augmentation term from outcome before suppply it to mpersonalized and mpersonalized_cv, and then set eff_aug = FALSE.

An example of efficiency agumentation with lasso for outcome modeling: ```{R eff aug, eval = TRUE, eval = TRUE} set.seed(123)

Simulated dataset for meta-analysis

sim_dat = simulated_dataset(n = 200, problem = "meta-analysis")

single_mod = mpersonalized_cv(problem = "meta-analysis", Xlist = sim_dat$Xlist, Ylist = sim_dat$Ylist, Trtlist = sim_dat$Trtlist, penalty = "lasso", single_rule = TRUE, contrast_builder_control = list(eff_aug = TRUE, response_model = "lasso"))

set.seed(NULL) ```

Internal Argument for ADMM

When fused lasso penalty is involved, our package relis on ADMM algorithm [@boyd2011] for numerical optimization. For a general optimization problem: \begin{eqnarray} &\text{minimize } &f(x) + g(z)\ &\text{subject to } &Ax +Bz = c \end{eqnarray}

The corresponding augmented Langrangian problem is constructed as \begin{equation} L_{\rho}(x,z,y) = f(x) + g(z) + y^T(Ax+Bz-c) + (\rho/2) \|Ax+Bz-c\|2^2 \end{equation} and ADMM iterates through the following steps \begin{eqnarray} x^{k+1}&:=& \arg\min_x L{\rho}(x, z^k, y^k)\ z^{k+1}&:=& \arg\min_z L_{\rho}(x^{k+1}, z, y^k)\ y^{k+1}&:=& y^k + \rho(Ax^{k+1} + Bz^{k+1}-c), \end{eqnarray} where $\rho>0$ and called augmented Lagrangian parameter.

The stopping criteria of ADMM algorithm requires both the dual residual \begin{equation} s^{k+1} = \rho A^T B(z^{k+1}-z^k) \end{equation} and the primal residual \begin{equation} r^{k+1} = Ax^{k+1}+Bz^{k+1}-c \end{equation} to be small.

Given absolute tolerance $\epsilon^{\text{abs}}>0$ and relative tolerance $\epsilon^{\text{rel}}>0$, ADMM stops when $\|r^k\|_2 \le \epsilon^{\text{pri}}$ and $\|s^k\|_2 \le \epsilon^{\text{dual}}$ are both satisfied, where \begin{eqnarray} \epsilon^{\text{pri}} &=& \sqrt{p}\epsilon^{\text{abs}}+\epsilon^{\text{rel}}\max{\|AX^k\|_2, \|Bz^k\|_2, \|c\|_2},\ \epsilon^{\text{dual}} &=& \sqrt{n} \epsilon^{abs} + \epsilon^{rel}\|A^Ty^k\|_2. \end{eqnarray}

mpersonalized and mpersonalized provides the argument admm_control for users to control the internal parameters of ADMM algorithm. Similar to contrast_builder_control, admm_control should be a list which could takes the following options:

Note that large values of $\rho$ tend to produce small primal residuals. Conversely, small values of $\rho$ tend to reduce the dual residual, but at the expense of resulting in a larger primal residual. It is hard to select a proper $\rho$ manually and we recommend users to leave it to the program to estimate the optimal $\rho$ by default.


chenshengkuang/MetaPersonalized documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:16 p.m.