
#'Run \emph{Wallace} Application
#' @author Jamie M. Kass
#' @description This function runs the \emph{Wallace} application in the user's default web browser.
#' @note Please see the official website (\url{https://wallaceecomod.github.io/}) for more details. If you have questions about the application, please participate in the \href{https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/wallaceecomod}{Google Group}, or email the team directly: \url{wallaceEcoMod@@gmail.com}.
#' @examples if(interactive()){
#' run_wallace()
#' }
#' @export
run_wallace <- function(){
  app_path <- system.file("shiny", package = "wallace")
  return(shiny::runApp(app_path, launch.browser = TRUE))
chhetrid/rangemapR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:09 a.m.