
Build Status AppVeyor Build Status Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

runr packs a set of higher order functions for running lists of functions in various modes.

:movie_camera: runSeries

:ocean: runWaterfall

:running: runRace

:100: runParallel

Get it



runr::run*(tasks = list(NULL), cb = NULL)

Values for the tasks or cb parameter can be defined anonymous or referenced to via a valid function name. If a callback is defined it will always have exactly one non-NULL argument only. Without errors during task execution the data argument of the callback is a named list. In case of errors during task execution the error argument of the callback is an ordinary error object with one additional property $task which indicates the function that threw.

# callback skeleton - must have exactly two parameters
callback <- function(err, data) {
  if (!is.null(err)) stop(err, err$task)  # check n go

bounds, a dependency of runr, has an export bounds::bind that allows binding parameters to functions. It takes a function and a variable sequence of parameters as inputs and returns a closure with the given parameters bound to it. Might come in handy at times.


runr::runSeries runs its input tasks sequentially returning either a named list (on error NULL) or the value of a given callback.

# a named function
moo <- function() 'moooo'

# run as series
runr::runSeries(list(Sys.getpid, Sys.time, moo), callback)
[1] 158584

[1] "2017-11-13 17:59:36 CET"

[1] "moooo"


runr::runWaterfall runs its input tasks sequentially, passing each task's return value to the next task, and returns either a named list (on error NULL) or the value of a given callback.

:ocean: All tasks except the first must have at least one parameter.

# another named function
zoo <- function() 1L:3L

# bind and create a named closure
reduceSum <- bounds::bind(Reduce, function(a, b) a + b)

# chain/pipe consecutive returns
runr::runWaterfall(list(zoo, factorial, reduceSum), callback)
[1] 1 2 3

[1] 1 2 6

[1] 9


runr::runRace runs its input tasks parallel, blocks until the very first return of any of its tasks and returns either a named list (all NULL but one; on error NULL) or the value of a given callback.

# two resembling workers
dlHuckPDF <- bounds::bind(utils::download.file, 
dlHuckTXT <- bounds::bind(utils::download.file, 

# run a race
runr::runRace(list(dlHuckPDF, dlHuckTXT), callback)

[1] 0


runr::runParallel runs its input tasks parallel, blocks until all complete and returns either a named list (on error NULL) or the value of a given callback.

# some stoopid workers
d <- bounds::bind(jsonlite::fromJSON, '')
o <- bounds::bind(base::sub, 
                  '^.*(3).*$', '\\1', paste0(installed.packages(), collapse=''))

# a new callback
cb <- function(err, data) {
  if (!is.null(err)) stop(err, err$task)
  sprintf('@%s | %s | <%s',
          data$d$login, grep('hi', names(data$d), value=TRUE), data$o)

# see ya!
runr::runParallel(list(d, o), cb)
[1] "@chiefbiiko | hireable | <3"


runRace, runParallel



chiefBiiko/runr documentation built on May 13, 2019, 4:11 p.m.