Man pages for chihlinwei/OceanData
Tools to download and extract oceanographic data from various sources

case1_z_euEuphotic depth function based on Morel and Berthon (1989,...
Get_all_Ocean_ProdDownload all SeaWiFS or MODIS HDF4 file from Ocean...
Get_all_Ocean_Prod2Download multiple SeaWiFS or MODIS HDF4 file from Ocean...
Get_Arctic_Sea_IceDownload Arctic Sea Ice Concentrations from NSIDC
Get_Belanger_PPDownload Arctic primary production data from Belanger et al....
Get_Bottom_WOADownload near-bottom climatology data from World Ocean Atlas
Get_IsoValueDepth_WOADownload climatology data from World Ocean Atlas and...
Get_Ocean_ProdDownload SeaWiFS or MODIS HDF4 file from Ocean Productivity...
Get_Ocean_Prod2Download SeaWiFS or MODIS HDF4 file from Ocean Productivity...
Get_Surface_WOADownload surface climatology data from World Ocean Atlas
locMegabenthos sampling location in the Canadian Arctic
lutz_p_fluxExport POC flux function based on Lutz et al. (2007, J....
OceanDataDownload and extract oceanographic data from various online...
tmpA raster template of the Canadian Arctic
Year_DayRegularly spaced year plus day of year
chihlinwei/OceanData documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 2:47 p.m.