
This vignette gives an overview of the Assignment3.2.1. The package is designed to analyze FARS data.

Package functions

Following are exported functions:

For example purpose data on FARS can be found in \extdata folder.

Read from a CSV file

The function fars_read() can be used to read from a csv file.validates the file path and abort the process if the path is incorrect with an error message. This function returns a data frame of records.

filename <- system.file("extdata/accident_2013.csv.bz2", package = "Assignment3.2.1")

Summarize accident cases

The function fars_summarize_years() takes a list of years and based on the data, a summary of accidents occured in a given month and year is prepared. The input file should be present in data folder inside working directory.

setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "Assignment3.2.1"))

Plotting accident locations on map

The function fars_map_state() helps to plot the accident hit location on map. It takes two input the satate number and year.

setwd(system.file("extdata", package = "Assignment3.2.1"))
fars_map_state(45, 2015)

Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.

chinmaymandal/Assignment3.2.1 documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:26 p.m.