plot.kdeAlgo: Plot Diagnostics for a kdeAlgo Object

View source: R/plot.kdeAlgo.R

plot.kdeAlgoR Documentation

Plot Diagnostics for a kdeAlgo Object


Plots the estimated density of the interval-censored variable. Also, convergence plots are given for all estimated statistical indicators. The estimated indicator is plotted for each iteration step of the KDE-algorithm. Furthermore, the average up to iteration step M is plotted (without the burn-in iterations). A vertical line indicates the end of the burn-in period. A horizontal line marks the value of the estimated statistical indicator


## S3 method for class 'kdeAlgo'
plot(x, indicator = NULL, ...)



an object of type "kdeAlgo", typical result of kdeAlgo


a vector of indicator names specifying for which indicators convergence plots are plotted, e.g. c("mean", "gini")


optional arguments passed to generic function.


Convergence and density plots.

See Also

kdeAlgoObject, kdeAlgo

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