  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "figures/README-"


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Diagnose, explore and transform data with dlookr.


The name dlookr comes from looking at the data in the data analysis process.

Install dlookr

The released version is available on CRAN


Or you can get the development version without vignettes from GitHub:


Or you can get the development version with vignettes from GitHub:

install.packages(c("DBI", "RSQLite"))
devtools::install_github("choonghyunryu/dlookr", build_vignettes = TRUE)


dlookr includes several vignette files, which we use throughout the documentation.

Provided vignettes is as follows.

browseVignettes(package = "dlookr")

Data quality diagnosis

Data: flights

To illustrate basic use of the dlookr package, use the flights data in dlookr from the nycflights13 package. The flights data frame contains departure and arrival information on all flights departing from NYC(i.e. JFK, LGA or EWR) in 2013.


General diagnosis of all variables with diagnose()

diagnose() allows you to diagnose variables on a data frame. Like any other dplyr functions, the first argument is the tibble (or data frame). The second and subsequent arguments refer to variables within the data frame.

The variables of the tbl_df object returned by diagnose () are as follows.

For example, we can diagnose all variables in flights:



year can be considered not to be used in the analysis model since unique_count is 1. However, you do not have to remove it if you configure date as a combination of year, month, and day.

For example, we can diagnose only a few selected variables:

# Select columns by name
diagnose(flights, year, month, day)
# Select all columns between year and day (include)
diagnose(flights, year:day)
# Select all columns except those from year to day (exclude)
diagnose(flights, -(year:day))

By using with dplyr, variables including missing values can be sorted by the weight of missing values.:

flights %>%
  diagnose() %>%
  select(-unique_count, -unique_rate) %>% 
  filter(missing_count > 0) %>% 

Diagnosis of numeric variables with diagnose_numeric()

diagnose_numeric() diagnoses numeric(continuous and discrete) variables in a data frame. Usage is the same as diagnose() but returns more diagnostic information. However, if you specify a non-numeric variable in the second and subsequent argument list, the variable is automatically ignored.

The variables of the tbl_df object returned by diagnose_numeric() are as follows.

The summary() function summarizes the distribution of individual variables in the data frame and outputs it to the console. The summary values of numeric variables are min, Q1, mean, median, Q3 and max, which help to understand the distribution of data.

However, the result displayed on the console has the disadvantage that the analyst has to look at it with the eyes. However, when the summary information is returned in a data frame structure such as tbl_df, the scope of utilization is expanded. diagnose_numeric() supports this.

zero, minus, and outlier are useful measures to diagnose data integrity. For example, numerical data in some cases cannot have zero or negative numbers. A numeric variable called employee salary cannot have negative numbers or zeros. Therefore, this variable should be checked for the inclusion of zero or negative numbers in the data diagnosis process.

diagnose_numeric() can diagnose all numeric variables of flights as follows.:


If a numeric variable can not logically have a negative or zero value, it can be used with filter() to easily find a variable that does not logically match:

diagnose_numeric(flights) %>% 
  filter(minus > 0 | zero > 0) 

Diagnosis of categorical variables with diagnose_category()

diagnose_category() diagnoses the categorical(factor, ordered, character) variables of a data frame. The usage is similar to diagnose() but returns more diagnostic information. If you specify a non-categorical variable in the second and subsequent argument list, the variable is automatically ignored.

The top argument specifies the number of levels to return for each variable. The default is 10, which returns the top 10 level. Of course, if the number of levels is less than 10, all levels are returned.

The variables of the tbl_df object returned by diagnose_category() are as follows.

`diagnose_category() can diagnose all categorical variables of flights as follows.:


In collaboration with filter() in the dplyr package, we can see that the tailnum variable is ranked in top 1 with 2,512 missing values in the case where the missing value is included in the top 10:

diagnose_category(flights) %>% 

The following example returns a list where the level's relative percentage is 0.01% or less. Note that the value of the top argument is set to a large value such as 500. If the default value of 10 was used, values below 0.01% would not be included in the list:

flights %>%
  diagnose_category(top = 500)  %>%
  filter(ratio <= 0.01)

In the analytics model, you can also consider removing levels where the relative frequency is very small in the observations or, if possible, combining them together.

Diagnosing outliers with diagnose_outlier()

diagnose_outlier() diagnoses the outliers of the numeric (continuous and discrete) variables of the data frame. The usage is the same as diagnose().

The variables of the tbl_df object returned by diagnose_outlier() are as follows.

diagnose_outlier() can diagnose outliers of all numerical variables on flights as follows:


Numeric variables that contained outliers are easily found with filter().:

diagnose_outlier(flights) %>% 
  filter(outliers_cnt > 0) 

The following example finds a numeric variable with an outlier ratio of 5% or more, and then returns the result of dividing mean of outliers by total mean in descending order:

diagnose_outlier(flights) %>% 
  filter(outliers_ratio > 5) %>% 
  mutate(rate = outliers_mean / with_mean) %>% 
  arrange(desc(rate)) %>% 

In cases where the mean of the outliers is large relative to the overall average, it may be desirable to impute or remove the outliers.

Visualization of outliers using plot_outlier()

plot_outlier() visualizes outliers of numerical variables(continuous and discrete) of data.frame. Usage is the same diagnose().

The plot derived from the numerical data diagnosis is as follows.

The following example uses diagnose_outlier(), plot_outlier(), and dplyr packages to visualize all numerical variables with an outlier ratio of 0.5% or higher.

flights %>%
  plot_outlier(diagnose_outlier(flights) %>% 
                 filter(outliers_ratio >= 0.5) %>% 
                 select(variables) %>% 

Analysts should look at the results of the visualization to decide whether to remove or replace outliers. In some cases, you should consider removing variables with outliers from the data analysis model.

Looking at the results of the visualization, arr_delay shows that the observed values without outliers are similar to the normal distribution. In the case of a linear model, we might consider removing or imputing outliers. And air_time has a similar shape before and after removing outliers.

Exploratory Data Analysis


To illustrate the basic use of EDA in the dlookr package, I use a Carseats dataset. Carseats in the ISLR package is a simulated data set containing sales of child car seats at 400 different stores. This data is a data.frame created for the purpose of predicting sales volume.


The contents of individual variables are as follows. (Refer to ISLR::Carseats Man page)

When data analysis is performed, data containing missing values is frequently encountered. However, 'Carseats' is complete data without missing values. So the following script created the missing values and saved them as carseats.

carseats <- Carseats

carseats[sample(seq(NROW(carseats)), 20), "Income"] <- NA

carseats[sample(seq(NROW(carseats)), 10), "Urban"] <- NA

Univariate data EDA

Calculating descriptive statistics using describe()

describe() computes descriptive statistics for numerical data. The descriptive statistics help determine the distribution of numerical variables. Like function of dplyr, the first argument is the tibble (or data frame). The second and subsequent arguments refer to variables within that data frame.

The variables of the tbl_df object returned by describe() are as follows.

For example, we can computes the statistics of all numerical variables in carseats:


The describe() function can be sorted by left or right skewed size(skewness) using dplyr.:

carseats %>%
  describe() %>%
  select(described_variables, skewness, mean, p25, p50, p75) %>% 
  filter(! %>% 

The describe() function supports the group_by() function syntax of the dplyr package.

carseats %>%
  group_by(US) %>% 
  describe(Sales, Income) 
carseats %>%
  group_by(US, Urban) %>% 
  describe(Sales, Income) 
Test of normality on numeric variables using normality()

normality() performs a normality test on numerical data. Shapiro-Wilk normality test is performed. When the number of observations is greater than 5000, it is tested after extracting 5000 samples by random simple sampling.

The variables of tbl_df object returned by normality() are as follows.

normality() performs the normality test for all numerical variables of carseats as follows.:


You can use dplyr to sort variables that do not follow a normal distribution in order of p_value:

carseats %>%
  normality() %>%
  filter(p_value <= 0.01) %>% 

In particular, the Advertising variable is considered to be the most out of the normal distribution.

The normality() function supports the group_by() function syntax in the dplyr package.

carseats %>%
  group_by(ShelveLoc, US) %>%
  normality(Income) %>% 

The Income variable does not follow the normal distribution. However, the case where US is No and ShelveLoc is Good and Bad at the significance level of 0.01, it follows the normal distribution.

The following example performs normality test of log(Income) for each combination of ShelveLoc and US categorical variables to search for variables that follow the normal distribution.

carseats %>%
  mutate(log_income = log(Income)) %>%
  group_by(ShelveLoc, US) %>%
  normality(log_income) %>%
  filter(p_value > 0.01)

Visualization of normality of numerical variables using plot_normality()

plot_normality() visualizes the normality of numeric data.

The information that plot_normality() visualizes is as follows.

In the data analysis process, it often encounters numerical data that follows the power-law distribution. Since the numerical data that follows the power-law distribution is converted into a normal distribution by performing the log or sqrt transformation, so draw a histogram of the log and sqrt transformed data.

plot_normality() can also specify several variables like normality() function.

# Select columns by name
plot_normality(carseats, Sales, CompPrice)

The plot_normality() function also supports the group_by() function syntax in the dplyr package.

carseats %>%
  filter(ShelveLoc == "Good") %>%
  group_by(US) %>%

EDA of bivariate data

Calculation of correlation coefficient using correlate()

correlate() calculates the correlation coefficient of all combinations of carseats numerical variables as follows:


The following example performs a normality test only on combinations that include several selected variables.

# Select columns by name
correlate(carseats, Sales, CompPrice, Income)

correlate() produces two pairs of variables. So the following example uses filter() to get the correlation coefficient for a pair of variable combinations:

carseats %>%
  correlate(Sales:Income) %>%
  filter(as.integer(var1) > as.integer(var2))

The correlate() also supports the group_by() function syntax in the dplyr package.

carseats %>%
  filter(ShelveLoc == "Good") %>%
  group_by(Urban, US) %>%
  correlate(Sales) %>%
  filter(abs(coef_corr) > 0.5)
Visualization of the correlation matrix using plot.correlate()

plot.correlate() visualizes the correlation matrix.

carseats %>% 
  correlate() %>%

plot.correlate() can also specify multiple variables with correlate() function. The following is a visualization of the correlation matrix including several selected variables.

# Select columns by name
carseats %>% 
  correlate(Sales, Price) %>%

The plot.correlate() function also supports the group_by() function syntax in the dplyr package.

carseats %>%
  filter(ShelveLoc == "Good") %>%
  group_by(Urban, US) %>%
  correlate(Sales) %>% 

EDA based on target variable

Definition of target variable

To perform EDA based on target variable, you need to create a target_by class object. target_by() creates a target_by class with an object inheriting data.frame or data.frame. target_by() is similar to group_by() in dplyr which creates grouped_df. The difference is that you specify only one variable.

The following is an example of specifying US as target variable in carseats data.frame.:

categ <- target_by(carseats, US)
EDA when target variable is categorical variable

Let's perform EDA when the target variable is a categorical variable. When the categorical variable US is the target variable, we examine the relationship between the target variable and the predictor.

Cases where predictors are numeric variable:

relate() shows the relationship between the target variable and the predictor. The following example shows the relationship between Sales and the target variable US. The predictor Sales is a numeric variable. In this case, the descriptive statistics are shown for each level of the target variable.

# If the variable of interest is a numerical variable
cat_num <- relate(categ, Sales)

plot() visualizes the relate class object created by relate() as the relationship between the target variable and the predictor variable. The relationship between US and Sales is visualized by density plot.


Cases where predictors are categorical variable:

The following example shows the relationship between ShelveLoc and the target variable US. The predictor variable ShelveLoc is a categorical variable. In this case, it shows the contingency table of two variables. The summary() function performs independence test on the contingency table.

# If the variable of interest is a categorical variable
cat_cat <- relate(categ, ShelveLoc)

plot() visualizes the relationship between the target variable and the predictor. The relationship between US and ShelveLoc is represented by a mosaics plot.

EDA when target variable is numerical variable

Let's perform EDA when the target variable is numeric. When the numeric variable Sales is the target variable, we examine the relationship between the target variable and the predictor.

# If the variable of interest is a numerical variable
num <- target_by(carseats, Sales)

Cases where predictors are numeric variable:

The following example shows the relationship between Price and the target variable Sales. The predictor variable Price is a numeric variable. In this case, it shows the result of a simple linear model of the target ~ predictor formula. The summary() function expresses the details of the model.

# If the variable of interest is a numerical variable
num_num <- relate(num, Price)

plot() visualizes the relationship between the target and predictor variables. The relationship between Sales and Price is visualized with a scatter plot. The figure on the left shows the scatter plot of Sales and Price and the confidence interval of the regression line and regression line. The figure on the right shows the relationship between the original data and the predicted values of the linear model as a scatter plot. If there is a linear relationship between the two variables, the scatter plot of the observations converges on the red diagonal line.


Cases where predictors are categorical variable:

The following example shows the relationship between ShelveLoc and the target variable Sales. The predictor ShelveLoc is a categorical variable and shows the result of one-way ANOVA of target ~ predictor relationship. The results are expressed in terms of ANOVA. The summary() function shows the regression coefficients for each level of the predictor. In other words, it shows detailed information about simple regression analysis of target ~ predictor relationship.

# If the variable of interest is a categorical variable
num_cat <- relate(num, ShelveLoc)

plot() visualizes the relationship between the target variable and the predictor. The relationship between Sales and ShelveLoc is represented by a box plot.


Data Transformation

dlookr imputes missing values and outliers and resolves skewed data. It also provides the ability to bin continuous variables as categorical variables.

Here is a list of the data conversion functions and functions provided by dlookr:

Imputation of missing values

imputes the missing value with imputate_na()

imputate_na() imputes the missing value contained in the variable. The predictor with missing values support both numeric and categorical variables, and supports the following method.

In the following example, imputate_na() imputes the missing value of Income, a numeric variable of carseats, using the "rpart" method. summary() summarizes missing value imputation information, and plot() visualizes missing information.

income <- imputate_na(carseats, Income, US, method = "rpart")

# result of imputation

# summary of imputation

# viz of imputation

The following imputes the categorical variable urban by the "mice" method.


urban <- imputate_na(carseats, Urban, US, method = "mice", print_flag = FALSE)

# result of imputation

# summary of imputation

# viz of imputation
Collaboration with dplyr

The following example imputes the missing value of the Income variable, and then calculates the arithmetic mean for each level of US. In this case, dplyr is used, and it is easily interpreted logically using pipes.

# The mean before and after the imputation of the Income variable
carseats %>%
  mutate(Income_imp = imputate_na(carseats, Income, US, method = "knn")) %>%
  group_by(US) %>%
  summarise(orig = mean(Income, na.rm = TRUE),
    imputation = mean(Income_imp))

Imputation of outliers

imputes thr outliers with imputate_outlier()

imputate_outlier() imputes the outliers value. The predictor with outliers supports only numeric variables and supports the following methods.

imputate_outlier() imputes the outliers with the numeric variable Price as the "capping" method, as follows. summary() summarizes outliers imputation information, and plot() visualizes imputation information.

price <- imputate_outlier(carseats, Price, method = "capping")

# result of imputation

# summary of imputation

# viz of imputation
Collaboration with dplyr

The following example imputes the outliers of the Price variable, and then calculates the arithmetic mean for each level of US. In this case, dplyr is used, and it is easily interpreted logically using pipes.

# The mean before and after the imputation of the Price variable
carseats %>%
  mutate(Price_imp = imputate_outlier(carseats, Price, method = "capping")) %>%
  group_by(US) %>%
  summarise(orig = mean(Price, na.rm = TRUE),
    imputation = mean(Price_imp, na.rm = TRUE))

Standardization and Resolving Skewness

Introduction to the use of transform()

transform() performs data transformation. Only numeric variables are supported, and the following methods are provided.

Standardization with transform()

Use the methods "zscore" and "minmax" to perform standardization.

carseats %>% 
  mutate(Income_minmax = transform(carseats$Income, method = "minmax"),
    Sales_minmax = transform(carseats$Sales, method = "minmax")) %>% 
  select(Income_minmax, Sales_minmax) %>% 
Resolving Skewness data with transform()

find_skewness() searches for variables with skewed data. This function finds data skewed by search conditions and calculates skewness.

# find index of skewed variables

# find names of skewed variables
find_skewness(carseats, index = FALSE)

# compute the skewness
find_skewness(carseats, value = TRUE)

# compute the skewness & filtering with threshold
find_skewness(carseats, value = TRUE, thres = 0.1)

The skewness of Advertising is 0.637. This means that the distribution of data is somewhat inclined to the left. So, for normal distribution, use transform() to convert to "log" method as follows. summary() summarizes transformation information, and plot() visualizes transformation information.

Advertising_log = transform(carseats$Advertising, method = "log")

# result of transformation
# summary of transformation
# viz of transformation

It seems that the raw data contains 0, as there is a -Inf in the log converted value. So this time, convert it to "log+1".

Advertising_log <- transform(carseats$Advertising, method = "log+1")

# result of transformation
# summary of transformation
# viz of transformation


Binning of individual variables using binning()

binning() transforms a numeric variable into a categorical variable by binning it. The following types of binning are supported.

Here are some examples of how to bin Income using binning().:

# Binning the carat variable. default type argument is "quantile"
bin <- binning(carseats$Income)
# Print bins class object
# Summarize bins class object
# Plot bins class object
# Using labels argument
bin <- binning(carseats$Income, nbins = 4,
              labels = c("LQ1", "UQ1", "LQ3", "UQ3"))
# Using another type argument
binning(carseats$Income, nbins = 5, type = "equal")
binning(carseats$Income, nbins = 5, type = "pretty")
binning(carseats$Income, nbins = 5, type = "kmeans")
binning(carseats$Income, nbins = 5, type = "bclust")

# Extract the binned results

# -------------------------
# Using pipes & dplyr
# -------------------------

carseats %>%
 mutate(Income_bin = binning(carseats$Income) %>% 
                     extract()) %>%
 group_by(ShelveLoc, Income_bin) %>%
 summarise(freq = n()) %>%
 arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
Optimal Binning with binning_by()

binning_by() transforms a numeric variable into a categorical variable by optimal binning. This method is often used when developing a scorecard model.

The following binning_by() example optimally binning Advertising considering the target variable US with a binary class.

# optimal binning using character
bin <- binning_by(carseats, "US", "Advertising")

# optimal binning using name
bin <- binning_by(carseats, US, Advertising)

# summary optimal_bins class

# performance table
attr(bin, "performance")

# visualize optimal_bins class

# extract binned results


Diagnostic Report

dlookr provides two automated data diagnostic reports:

Create a diagnostic report using diagnose_web_report()

diagnose_web_report() create dynamic report for object inherited from data.frame(tbl_df, tbl, etc) or data.frame.

Contents of dynamic web report

The contents of the report are as follows.:

Some arguments for dynamic web report

diagnose_web_report() generates various reports with the following arguments.

The following script creates a quality diagnosis report for the tbl_df class object, flights.

flights %>%
  diagnose_web_report(subtitle = "flights", output_dir = "./", 
                      output_file = "Diagn.html", theme = "blue")
Screenshot of dynamic report

Create a diagnostic report using diagnose_paged_report()

diagnose_paged_report() create static report for object inherited from data.frame(tbl_df, tbl, etc) or data.frame.

Contents of static paged report

The contents of the report are as follows.:

Some arguments for static paged report

diagnose_paged_report() generates various reports with the following arguments.

The following script creates a quality diagnosis report for the tbl_df class object, flights.

flights %>%
  diagnose_paged_report(subtitle = "flights", output_dir = "./",
                        output_file = "Diagn.pdf", theme = "blue")
Screenshot of static report

EDA Report

dlookr provides two automated EDA reports:

Create a dynamic report using eda_web_report()

eda_web_report() create dynamic report for object inherited from data.frame(tbl_df, tbl, etc) or data.frame.

Contents of dynamic web report

The contents of the report are as follows.:

Some arguments for dynamic web report

eda_web_report() generates various reports with the following arguments.

The following script creates a EDA report for the data.frame class object, heartfailure.

heartfailure %>%
  eda_web_report(target = "death_event", subtitle = "heartfailure", 
                 output_dir = "./", output_file = "EDA.html", theme = "blue")
Screenshot of dynamic report

Create a EDA report using eda_paged_report()

eda_paged_report() create static report for object inherited from data.frame(tbl_df, tbl, etc) or data.frame.

Contents of static paged report

The contents of the report are as follows.:

Some arguments for static paged report

eda_paged_report() generates various reports with the following arguments.

The following script creates a EDA report for the data.frame class object, heartfailure.

heartfailure %>%
  eda_paged_report(target = "death_event", subtitle = "heartfailure", 
                   output_dir = "./", output_file = "EDA.pdf", theme = "blue")
Screenshot of static report

Data Transformation Report

dlookr provides two automated data transformation reports:

Create a dynamic report using transformation_web_report()

transformation_web_report() create dynamic report for object inherited from data.frame(tbl_df, tbl, etc) or data.frame.

Contents of dynamic web report

The contents of the report are as follows.:

Some arguments for dynamic web report

transformation_web_report() generates various reports with the following arguments.

The following script creates a data transformation report for the tbl_df class object, heartfailure.

heartfailure %>%
  transformation_web_report(target = "death_event", subtitle = "heartfailure",
                            output_dir = "./", output_file = "transformation.html", 
                            theme = "blue")
Screenshot of dynamic report

Create a static report using transformation_paged_report()

transformation_paged_report() create static report for object inherited from data.frame(tbl_df, tbl, etc) or data.frame.

Contents of static paged report

The contents of the report are as follows.:

Some arguments for static paged report

transformation_paged_report() generates various reports with the following arguments.

The following script creates a data transformation report for the data.frame class object, heartfailure.

heartfailure %>%
  transformation_paged_report(target = "death_event", subtitle = "heartfailure",
                              output_dir = "./", output_file = "transformation.pdf", 
                              theme = "blue")
Screenshot of static report

Supports table of DBMS

Functions that supports tables of DBMS

The DBMS table diagnostic/EDA function supports In-database mode that performs SQL operations on the DBMS side. If the size of the data is large, using In-database mode is faster.

It is difficult to obtain anomaly or to implement the sampling-based algorithm in SQL of DBMS. So some functions do not yet support In-database mode. In this case, it is performed in In-memory mode in which table data is brought to R side and calculated. In this case, if the data size is large, the execution speed may be slow. It supports the collect_size argument, which allows you to import the specified number of samples of data into R.

How to use functions

Preparing table data

Copy the carseats data frame to the SQLite DBMS and create it as a table named TB_CARSEATS. Mysql/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle DBMS, etc. are also available for your environment.

if (!require(DBI)) install.packages('DBI')
if (!require(RSQLite)) install.packages('RSQLite')
if (!require(dplyr)) install.packages('dplyr')
if (!require(dbplyr)) install.packages('dbplyr')


carseats <- Carseats
carseats[sample(seq(NROW(carseats)), 20), "Income"] <- NA
carseats[sample(seq(NROW(carseats)), 5), "Urban"] <- NA

# connect DBMS
con_sqlite <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")

# copy carseats to the DBMS with a table named TB_CARSEATS
copy_to(con_sqlite, carseats, name = "TB_CARSEATS", overwrite = TRUE)

Diagonose table of the DBMS

Diagnose data quality of variables in the DBMS

Use dplyr::tbl() to create a tbl_dbi object, then use it as a data frame object. That is, the data argument of all diagnose function is specified as tbl_dbi object instead of data frame object.

# Diagnosis of all columns
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 

# Positions values select columns, and In-memory mode
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  diagnose(1, 3, 8, in_database = FALSE)

Diagnose data quality of categorical variables in the DBMS

# Positions values select variables, and In-memory mode and collect size is 200
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  diagnose_category(7, in_database = FALSE, collect_size = 200) 

Diagnose data quality of numerical variables in the DBMS

# Diagnosis of all numerical variables
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 

Diagnose outlier of numerical variables in the DBMS

con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  diagnose_outlier()  %>%
  filter(outliers_ratio > 1)

Plot outlier information of numerical data diagnosis in the DBMS

# Visualization of numerical variables with a ratio of
# outliers greater than 1%
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  plot_outlier(con_sqlite %>% 
                 tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
                 diagnose_outlier() %>%
                 filter(outliers_ratio > 1) %>%
                 select(variables) %>%

Reporting the information of data diagnosis for table of thr DBMS

The following shows several examples of creating an data diagnosis report for a DBMS table.

Using the collect_size argument, you can perform data diagnosis with the corresponding number of sample data. If the number of data is very large, use collect_size.

# create html file. 
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 

# create pdf file. file name is Diagn.pdf
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  diagnose_paged_report(output_format = "pdf", output_file = "Diagn.pdf")

EDA table of the DBMS

Calculating descriptive statistics of numerical column of table in the DBMS

Use dplyr::tbl() to create a tbl_dbi object, then use it as a data frame object. That is, the data argument of all EDA function is specified as tbl_dbi object instead of data frame object.

# extract only those with 'Urban' variable level is "Yes",
# and find 'Sales' statistics by 'ShelveLoc' and 'US'
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  filter(Urban == "Yes") %>%
  group_by(ShelveLoc, US) %>%

Test of normality on numeric columns using in the DBMS

# Test log(Income) variables by 'ShelveLoc' and 'US',
# and extract only p.value greater than 0.01.

# SQLite extension functions for log transformation

con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
 mutate(log_income = log(Income)) %>%
 group_by(ShelveLoc, US) %>%
 normality(log_income) %>%
 filter(p_value > 0.01)

Normalization visualization of numerical column in the DBMS

# extract only those with 'ShelveLoc' variable level is "Good",
# and plot 'Income' by 'US'
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  filter(ShelveLoc == "Good") %>%
  group_by(US) %>%

Compute the correlation coefficient between two columns of table in DBMS

# extract only those with 'ShelveLoc' variable level is "Good",
# and compute the correlation coefficient of 'Sales' variable
# by 'Urban' and 'US' variables.
# And the correlation coefficient is negative and smaller than 0.5
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  filter(ShelveLoc == "Good") %>%
  group_by(Urban, US) %>%
  correlate(Sales) %>%
  filter(coef_corr < 0) %>%
  filter(abs(coef_corr) > 0.5)

Visualize correlation plot of numerical columns in the DBMS

# Extract only those with 'ShelveLoc' variable level is "Good",
# and visualize correlation plot of 'Sales' variable by 'Urban'
# and 'US' variables.
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  filter(ShelveLoc == "Good") %>%
  group_by(Urban, US) %>%
  correlate(Sales) %>% 

EDA based on target variable

The following is an EDA where the target column is character and the predictor column is a numeric type.

# If the target variable is a categorical variable
categ <- target_by(con_sqlite %>% tbl("TB_CARSEATS") , US)

# If the variable of interest is a numarical variable
cat_num <- relate(categ, Sales)

Reporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS

The following shows several examples of creating an EDA report for a DBMS table.

Using the collect_size argument, you can perform EDA with the corresponding number of sample data. If the number of data is very large, use collect_size.

# create html file. file name is EDA_TB_CARSEATS.html
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  eda_web_report(US, output_file = "EDA_TB_CARSEATS.html")

## target variable is numerical variable
# reporting the EDA information, and collect size is 350
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  eda_web_report(Sales, collect_size = 350)

# create pdf file. file name is EDA2.pdf
con_sqlite %>% 
  tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>% 
  eda_paged_report("Sales", output_file = "EDA2.pdf")

choonghyunryu/dlookr documentation built on June 11, 2024, 9:12 a.m.