## ----environment, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning=FALSE----------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "", out.width = "600px", dpi = 70)
options(tibble.print_min = 4L, tibble.print_max = 4L)
## ----import_data, warning=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
## ----diagnose-----------------------------------------------------------------
## ----diagnoses----------------------------------------------------------------
# Select columns by name
diagnose(flights, year, month, day)
# Select all columns between year and day (include)
diagnose(flights, year:day)
# Select all columns except those from year to day (exclude)
diagnose(flights, -(year:day))
## ----diagnose_pipe------------------------------------------------------------
flights %>%
diagnose() %>%
select(-unique_count, -unique_rate) %>%
filter(missing_count > 0) %>%
## ----diagnose_pipe_numeric----------------------------------------------------
## ----diagnose_pipe_numeric_pipe-----------------------------------------------
diagnose_numeric(flights) %>%
filter(minus > 0 | zero > 0)
## ----diagnose_category--------------------------------------------------------
## ----diagnose_category_pipe---------------------------------------------------
diagnose_category(flights) %>%
## ----diagnose_category_pipe2--------------------------------------------------
flights %>%
diagnose_category(top = 500) %>%
filter(ratio <= 0.01)
## ----diagnose_outlier---------------------------------------------------------
## ----diagnose_outlier_pipe----------------------------------------------------
diagnose_outlier(flights) %>%
filter(outliers_cnt > 0)
## ----diagnose_outlier_pipe2---------------------------------------------------
diagnose_outlier(flights) %>%
filter(outliers_ratio > 5) %>%
mutate(rate = outliers_mean / with_mean) %>%
arrange(desc(rate)) %>%
## ----plot_outlier, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4----------
flights %>%
## ----plot_outlier_pipe, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE----
# flights %>%
# plot_outlier(diagnose_outlier(flights) %>%
# filter(outliers_ratio >= 5) %>%
# select(variables) %>%
# unlist())
## ----plot_na_pareto1, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4-------
mice::boys %>%
plot_na_pareto(col = "blue")
## ----plot_na_pareto2, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE----
# mice::boys %>%
# plot_na_pareto(only_na = TRUE, main = "Pareto Chart for mice::boys")
## ----plot_na_pareto3, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE----
# mice::boys %>%
# plot_na_pareto(grade = list(High = 0.1, Middle = 0.6, Low = 1), relative = TRUE)
## ----plot_na_pareto4, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE----
# plot_na_pareto(mice::boys, only_na = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
## ----plot_na_hclust, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4--------
mice::boys %>%
plot_na_hclust(main = "Distribution of missing value")
## ----plot_na_hclust1, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4-------
mice::boys %>%
## ----plot_na_hclust3, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE----
# mice::boys %>%
# plot_na_intersect(n_vars = 5)
## ----plot_na_hclust4, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE----
# mice::boys %>%
# plot_na_intersect(only_na = FALSE, n_intersacts = 7)
## ----diagnose_web_report, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------
# flights %>%
# diagnose_web_report(subtitle = "flights", output_dir = "./",
# output_file = "Diagn.html", theme = "blue")
## ----diag_web_title, echo=FALSE, out.width='80%', fig.align='center', fig.pos="!h", fig.cap="The part of the report"----
## ----diag_web_content, echo=FALSE, out.width='80%', fig.align='center', fig.pos="!h", fig.cap="The dynamic contents of the report"----
## ----diagnose_paged_report, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------
# flights %>%
# diagnose_paged_report(subtitle = "flights", output_dir = "./",
# output_file = "Diagn.pdf", theme = "blue")
## ----diag_paged_cover, echo=FALSE, out.width='80%', fig.align='center', fig.pos="!h", fig.cap="The part of the report"----
## ----diag_paged_cntent, echo=FALSE, out.width='80%', fig.align='center', fig.pos="!h", fig.cap="The dynamic contents of the report"----
## ----dbi_table, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------
# library(dplyr)
# carseats <- Carseats
# carseats[sample(seq(NROW(carseats)), 20), "Income"] <- NA
# carseats[sample(seq(NROW(carseats)), 5), "Urban"] <- NA
# # connect DBMS
# con_sqlite <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
# # copy carseats to the DBMS with a table named TB_CARSEATS
# copy_to(con_sqlite, carseats, name = "TB_CARSEATS", overwrite = TRUE)
## ----dbi_diag, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
# # Diagnosis of all columns
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose()
# # Positions values select columns, and In-memory mode
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose(1, 3, 8, in_database = FALSE)
# # Positions values select columns, and In-memory mode and collect size is 200
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose(-8, -9, -10, in_database = FALSE, collect_size = 200)
## ----dbi_category, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# # Positions values select variables, and In-memory mode and collect size is 200
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_category(7, in_database = FALSE, collect_size = 200)
# # Positions values select variables
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_category(-7)
## ----dbi_numeric, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
# # Diagnosis of all numerical variables
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_numeric()
# # Positive values select variables, and In-memory mode and collect size is 200
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_numeric(Sales, Income, collect_size = 200)
## ----dbi_outlier, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_outlier() %>%
# filter(outliers_ratio > 1)
## ----plot_outlier_dbi, fig.align='center', fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4, eval=FALSE, eval=FALSE----
# # Visualization of numerical variables with a ratio of
# # outliers greater than 1%
# # the result is same as a data.frame, but not display here. reference above in document.
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# plot_outlier(con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_outlier() %>%
# filter(outliers_ratio > 1) %>%
# select(variables) %>%
# pull())
## ----dbi_diag_report, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
# # create web report file.
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_web_report()
# # create pdf file. file name is Diagn.pdf, and collect size is 350
# con_sqlite %>%
# tbl("TB_CARSEATS") %>%
# diagnose_paged_report(collect_size = 350, output_file = "Diagn.pdf")
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