Man pages for chris-prener/gateway
Tools for Working with St. Louis Spatial Data

gw_address_validationCity Address Validation API
gw_aggregateAggregate Point Data to Selected Areal Units
gw_api_keyInstall a City of St. Louis API Key in Your '.Renviron' File...
gw_build_geocoderBuild Local Geocoder
gw_geocodeGeocode Addresses
gw_get_coordsExtract Coordinates from sf Object
gw_get_dataDownload Data About St. Louis
gw_identifyAdd Areal Unit Identifiers to Point Data
gw_nhoodNeighborhood Indentifier Conversion
sample_geocoderSample Geocoder, sf Format
stl_std_directionsStandardized Directions
stl_std_houseSuffixStandardized House Suffix Values
stl_std_streetsStandardized Street Names
stl_std_suffixStandardized Street Suffix Names
sushiSushi Resturants in the Ciy of St. Louis, Tibble Format
sushi_sfSushi Resturants in the Ciy of St. Louis, sf Format
chris-prener/gateway documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 9:11 a.m.