Man pages for chris-s-friedman/Friedman
Functions Just For Me

add_classAdd a class to an object
adv_tblMake Advanced Tables
as_adv_attrCoerce objet to an advanced attribute list
as_adv_edgeCoerce objet to an advanced edge list
as_adv_tblCoerce object to adv_tbl
display_drexel_allDisplay all Drexel Color Palette Colors
display_drexel_palDisplay a color palette
display_gatech_allDisplay all gatech Color Palette Colors
display_gatech_palDisplay a color palette
drexel_colsFunction to extract drexel colors as hex codes
drexel_palReturn function to interpolate a drexel color palette
fuzzy_matcherFuzzy string matching
gatech_colorsGeorgia Tech colors
gatech_colsFunction to extract gatech colors as hex codes
gatech_palReturn function to interpolate a gatech color palette
graph_from_adv_dataConvert advanced format data into lists of edges and vertices
graph_from_adv_tblConvert adv_data in an igraph object
has_all_itemsDoes a df grouping column have all possible instances?
InitializeRBuild project directories quickly and easily
runnRYou're doing something important
save_anaSave Analytical Data
scale_color_drexelColor scale constructor for drexel colors
scale_color_gatechColor scale constructor for gatech colors
scale_fill_drexelFill scale constructor for drexel colors
scale_fill_gatechFill scale constructor for gatech colors
str_detect_approxApproximate string matching, stringr style
chris-s-friedman/Friedman documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 8:02 p.m.