  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Aim of this article

This article should provide you with some approaches how you can perform parameter sensitivity analysis with SWATplusR some of the standard R packages for sensitivity analysis. Although parameter sensitivity analysis is a wide field with many different methods available I will focus on a few standard and (still) state-of-the-art methods for Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA). This article will cover the following topics:

R packages for sensitivity analysis

Several R packages are available that provide widely used methods for (global) sensitivity analysis. sensitivity [@Iooss2018] for example is a very comprehensive collection of methods, including the Morris's "OAT" elementary effects screening method [@Morris1991], different variance-based methods to estimate for example Sobol' first order, second order and total indices [@Sobol1993], and extended-FAST sensitivity indices [@Saltelli1999], or derivative based methods such as Distributed Evaluation of Local Sensitivity Analysis (DELSA, @Rakovec2014) , just to mention a few. Another more recent R package to compute Variance-Based Sensitivity Indices is sensobol [@Puy2022]. It includes methods such as the Sobol' method or VARS [@Razavi2016a; @Razavi2016b].

Most methods for sensitivity analysis require scalar model output to assess the sensitivity of an output variable to changes in the model inputs. To directly perform a sensitivity analysis on a simulated time series of a SWAT model output variable the analysis can be performed for example for each time step (temporal sensitivity analysis), or the simulated time series is aggregated to a single value before it is used in the analysis. One way could be to compute average annual values. Another option is to use any performance measures and calculate e.g. a goodness-of-fit value in comparison to observation data that is then used in a sensitivity analysis. The latter approach is the most common approach to be found in the literature. The hydroGOF package [@MZB2017] for example provides a comprehensive collection of performance measures used in hydrological model performance assessment (and which you can also use in any sensitivity analysis).

I personally prefer to perform sensitivity analyses directly on the simulation outputs, first because it does not require any observation data and second the analysis shows the direct effect of the simulated output to changes in e.g. the perturbed model parameters and does not require a performance metric that may have an emphasis on specific parts of the time series (e.g. NSE has a stronger weight on peaks).

To learn how you can use R packages for sensitivity analysis together with SWATplusR I will share a few examples and different approaches for sensitivity analysis in this section. At the beginning I will introduce the two packages sensivitity and sensobol and show how those can be implemented in a general way. After the introduction we will go through a simple parameter screening using the Morris' method. After that we will learn how to implement VARS and the Sobol' method for global sensitivity analysis which are can be considered as more in depth analysis, which come however with higher computational costs. In the last example I will show you how you can quickly transform the analysis with the Sobol' method into a temporal sensitivity analysis. For the target variables (model outputs) that I use in the analyses I will switch between aggregated long term average values and calculated Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE, @Nash1970) values as scalar variables to demonstrate the different possible approaches that you can implement in your analyses.

Package installation

If you do not have installed any of the required R package, follow the instructions for the respective R package. All of the required R packages are available from CRAN and can be installed with the following commands:

# If any of the packages is not installed already run the respective lines here.
# General data science packages, plotting etc.

# Packages for sensitivity analysis

# Hydrological model performance metrics

Loading R packages

# General data science packages, plotting etc.

# Packages for sensitivity analysis

# Hydrological model performance metrics

Using sensitivity with SWATplusR

The concept of sensitivity is to keep the model parameters, the analyzed model, and the sensitivity analysis results together in one object in R. When you define a sensitivity analysis, you pass the model parameters and the model together in one function call. This is however not an optimal way to use sensitivity with SWATplusR. A more intuitive workflow with SWATplusR is to define the model parameter sets, perform the simulations (maybe with parallel processing), return the model results, and analyze the simulations or calculated performance metrics with any sensitivity analysis method.

sensitivity offers a way to decouple the model simulations and the sensitivity analysis with the function tell(). You can first define a sensitivity analysis experiment without passing model, run the simulations with the parameter set that was defined in the experiment and calculate the sensitivity indices afterwards with tell(). The simple example below, that was taken from the tell() help page shows how the decoupling works in a general way.

In this example a sensitivity analysis is designed using the eFAST method. Three parameters (factors) and a sample size n = 1000 are defined. The important step here is that the model = NULL, which means that no model was passed to the sensitivity analysis setup initially.

x <- fast99(model = NULL, factors = c('par1', 'par2', 'par3'), n = 1000,
            q = "qunif", q.arg = list(min = -pi, max = pi))

In a separate step the parameter set that was generated (stored in x$X) is used to perform the model simulations. In the simple example the an example function from the sensitivity package is used to run the simulations. With a SWAT model, simulations using e.g. run_swatplus would now be performed instead.

y <-$X)

tell() brings the designed sensitivity analysis x together with the model simulations. The sensitivity indices are calculated and also stored in the object x.

tell(x, y)

With print() you can print the results of the sensitivity analysis.


And with plot() you can visualize the results of the sensitivity analysis.


Using sensobol with SWATplusR

sensobol uses a concept that better fits the workflow of SWATplusR. Parameter sampling, running the simulations and the sensitivity analysis are by default decoupled. The short example below again shows an analysis of the Ishigami function this time using the Sobol' method from sensobol. You can see that sampling, simulation and analysis are 3 separate function calls.

# Define the parameter names
params <- paste("par", 1:3, sep = "")
# Create sample matrix to compute first and total-order indices
mat <- sobol_matrices(N = 500, params = params)
# Compute the model output (using the Ishigami test function)
Y <- ishigami_Fun(mat)
# Compute and the Sobol' indices
ind <- sobol_indices(Y = Y, N = 500, params = params)

Again you can use print() to print the analysis results.


And you can also use plot() to plot the analysis results.


Parameter screening with the Morris' method

The Morris' method is useful for parameter screening to identify the important parameters at a low cost (few number of simulations). The Morris' method does however only analyze the elementary effects of model parameters (thus it is also called Morris' elementary effects screening). It uses a one-step-at-a-time method (OAT) sampling design where only one parameter is changed in each step. The number of simulations which are required for the elementary effects screening is $r \cdot (p + 1) $, where $p$ is the number of parameters and $r$ is the number of repetitions of the OAT sampling.

In the example below we will perform a parameter screening for simulated average annual sums of ET and average annual mean discharge. The Morris' method is implemented in sensitivity. For this example and also the following examples we will use a small set of parameter which are frequently used for model calibration.

Used Model parameters

Below I defined a table with the 7 model parameters, the type of change I want to apply to the initial parameter values, and the upper and lower boundaries of the changes that we will apply to the parameter values. The syntax in the definition of SWAT model parameters with SWATplusR is important and is explained with great detail in the Get started section. If you are not familiar with this concept, I recommend you to go there first, before you continue with the sensitivity analysis examples.

par_bound <- tibble('esco.hru | change = absval' = c(0, 1),
                    'epco.hru | change = absval' = c(0, 1),
                    'cn2.hru | change = abschg' = c(-15, 10),
                    'cn3_swf.hru | change = abschg' = c(-0.5, 0.5),
                    'surlag.bsn | change = absval' = c(0.05, 3),
                    'awc.sol | change = relchg' = c(-0.25, 0.25),
                    'perco.hru | change = abschg' = c(-0.5, 0.5))

# Extract parameter names from the names in par_bound
par_names <- str_remove(names(par_bound), '\\:\\:.*|\\..*')

Defining the Morris' screening experiment

As explained above we will define the Morris' screening experiment without passing a model (model = NULL) to the function morris() and decouple the sensitivity analysis and the SWAT simulations using the function tell() for the evaluation of the simulation outputs. morris() provides different sampling designs which are improvements over the experiment design that was initially proposed by Morris (1991). Please see the R package documentation if you want to implement one of those. For demonstration we will use the default sampling design.

# Define the Morris experiment design
morris_sample <- morris(model = NULL, factors = ncol(par_bound), r = 4,
                        design = list(type = 'oat', levels = 5, grid.jump = 3))

# Assign the SWAT model parameter names to parameters in the experiment
colnames(morris_sample$X) <- par_names
# saveRDS(morris_sample, here::here('vignettes/datasets/morris_sample.rds'))
# saveRDS(sim_morris, here::here('vignettes/datasets/sim_morris.rds'))
morris_sample <- readRDS(here::here('vignettes/datasets/morris_sample.rds'))
sim_morris <- readRDS(here::here('vignettes/datasets/sim_morris.rds'))

The experiment design results in a parameter set of 32 parameter combinations. When printing the parameter set you can see a few things; i) The model parameter range of each parameter is between 0 and 1, ii) because we set levels = 5 the interval steps in the parameter space is 0.25 as the range 0 to 1 was split into 5 levels. You can see a clear pattern of the parameter jumps of single parameters while the others are kept constant. The parameter grid.jump = 3 defines that the sampling will jump 3 levels when a parameter is changed.


SWAT model simulations

As the sampled parameter values vary between 0 to 1 we have to transform them to the parameter boundaries that we defined for the SWAT model parameter. You can use the recipe below to transform parameter ranges from 0 to 1 to the actual parameter ranges. These lines of code you will find in many examples as the task of transforming parameter values from 0 to 1 to the actual SWAT parameter values will be often necessary.

par_morris <- morris_sample$X %>%
  as_tibble(., .name_repair = 'minimal') %>% # Convert to a tibble
  set_names(names(par_bound)) %>% # Assign the parameter names with purrr
  map2_df(., par_bound, ~ (.x * (.y[2] - .y[1]) + .y[1]))

We will again use the SWAT+ demo project to perform the model simulations. You can load the demo path again by running load_demo(), or use the demo path from previous examples, if you do have the demo project already on your hard drive. Loading the existing demoe with load_demo() in the same path will not overwrite the existing demo, but will return the path to the demo project that you can further use.

# The path where the SWAT demo project will be written
demo_path <- 'Define:/your/path'

# Loading a SWAT+ demo project
path_plus <- load_demo(dataset = 'project',
                       path = demo_path,
                       version = 'plus')
path_plus <- "C:/Users/schuerz/Documents/swatplus/swatplus_rev60_demo"

We perform daily simulations for the basin average evapotranspiration (et) and the discharge (q) in the channel of the model setup.

sim_morris <- run_swatplus(project_path = path_plus,
                           output = list(et = define_output(file = 'basin_wb',
                                                            variable = 'et',
                                                            unit = 1),
                                         q  = define_output(file = 'channel_sd',
                                                            variable = 'flo_out',
                                                            unit = 1)),
                           parameter = par_morris,
                           start_date = 20030101,
                           end_date = 20121231,
                           start_date_print = 20060101,
                           n_thread = 4)

#> Building 4 threads in 'Define:/your/path/swatplus_rev60_demo/.model_run': 
#>  Completed 4 threads in 0S                                                  
#> Performing 32 simulations on 4 cores: 
#>  Completed 32 simulations in 1M 14S   

Output aggregation and sensitivity analysis

We will perform the sensitivity analysis with the Morris' method for average annual values of ET and discharge. We could have also returned average annual values already in the model execution. I do prefer however to write daily values and perform any aggregation later on, as it gives me full control over the aggregation step. For the temporal aggregation we can again use the functions that we know from previous examples.

aggregate_annual <- function(tbl, fun) {
  tbl %>%
    mutate(year = year(date)) %>%
    group_by(year) %>%
    summarise(across(starts_with('run_'), ~ fun(.x)))

To calculate average annual ET we first calculate annual sums and then calculate the average of the annual sums.

et_annual <- sim_morris$simulation$et %>%
  aggregate_annual(., sum)

et_avann <- et_annual %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with('run_'), .fns = mean)) %>%

As explained in the introduction of sensitivity above we now have to "tell" our Morris' sampling design the model output. This is done with the function tell().

morris_et <- morris_sample
tell(morris_et, et_avann)

print() returns the results of the sensitivity analysis in tabular form.


plot() plots the resulting sensitivity of average annual ET for the analyzed model parameters. Plotting sensitivity analyses performed with sensitivity results in different plot types depending on the used method. For Morris' method the statistics $\mu^{}$ and $\sigma$ are plotted, where $\mu^{}$ is the mean sensitivity value and $\sigma$ is its standard deviation. $\mu^{*}$ can be interpreted as the direct effect of a parameter, while $\sigma$ describes interaction effects of a parameter.

plot(morris_et, xlim = c(0,100), ylim = c(0,100))

In our example we can see that surlag does not have any effect on ET, while for example perco has a strong direct linear effect but a low interaction with other parameters. esco and epco, two other highly relevant parameters, show both large $\mu^{*}$ and large $\sigma$ values.

As we also simulated the discharge we can perform the same analysis with the average annual discharge. In this case we will simply calculate the mean discharge in $m^3 s^{-1}$.

q_avann <- sim_morris$simulation$q %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with('run_'), .fns = mean)) %>%

Again we "tell" our sampling design the simulated average annual values and plot the results of the sensitivity analysis. For the simulation of mean average annual discharge perco is again by far the most relevant parameter. This makes sense, as when larger amounts of water infiltrate the lower the average discharge will be. cn3_swf a parameter that is less important for ET is now more relevant. cn3_swf is a parameter that controls the calculation of the daily curve number values and thus affects the runoff. In contrast to perco, cn3_swf shows a large interaction component $\sigma$. Again, surlag shows no relevance for discharge, although this parameter controls properties of the surface runoff. But we analyzed long term mean discharges here. That surlag does not have any impact on long term average values seems plausible to me.

morris_q <- morris_sample
tell(morris_q, q_avann)
plot(morris_q, xlim = c(0,0.11), ylim = c(0,0.07))

Sensitivity analysis with VARS

VARS is a state-of-the-art method for global sensitivity analysis (GSA) that implements variograms of the parameter response surface to estimate parameter sensitivities. The calculation of total order VARS sensitivity indices is implemented in the sensobol package. Below I show two small example that implement the VARS method with average annual SWAT+ simulation outputs but also when we use scalar performance metrics.

STAR sampling

VARS uses a specific sampling design for which 'center points' in the parameter space are defined. From these center points transects with a defined step width h are sampled along each parameter dimension. For our small VARS experiment we define the following STAR sample.

# Number of STAR sample centers
star_centers <- 10 
# Normalized step width of the transects 
h <- 0.1

# Create STAR sample
star_sample <- vars_matrices(star.centers = star_centers, params = par_names, h = h)

The number of star centers was set to star_centers <- 10 in our example. For a practical application this number should be larger and I would recommend to increase the number to e.g. star_centers <- 50. In this example I simply wanted to keep the computation time at acceptable levels. 10 center points, 7 parameters and a step width of h <- 0.1 resulted in 640 parameter combinations which we use in our SWAT simulations. For the implementation in run_swatplus() we have to transform the matrix star_sample into a tibble with the proper parameter names parameter value ranges which are defined in par_bound. The procedure is the same as in the previous example.

# saveRDS(star_sample, here::here('vignettes/datasets/star_sample.rds'))
# saveRDS(par_star, here::here('vignettes/datasets/par_star.rds'))
# saveRDS(sim_vars, here::here('vignettes/datasets/sim_vars.rds'))
par_star <- readRDS(here::here('vignettes/datasets/par_star.rds'))
sim_vars <- readRDS(here::here('vignettes/datasets/sim_vars.rds'))
par_star <- star_sample %>% 
  as_tibble(., .name_repair = 'minimal') %>% # Convert to a tibble
  set_names(names(par_bound)) %>% # Assign the parameter names with purrr
  map2_df(., par_bound, ~ (.x * (.y[2] - .y[1]) + .y[1]))

SWAT simulations

We will again simulate ET and discharge which we already analyzed in the Morris' example. We keep the same time periods and the same start date to print simulation outputs. Hence the only input argument that we have to change in the simulation run is the parameter set that we want to use. We define parameter = par_star to implement the parameter set that we sampled with the STAR sampling design.

sim_vars <- run_swatplus(project_path = path_plus,
                         output = list(et = define_output(file = 'basin_wb',
                                                          variable = 'et',
                                                          unit = 1),
                                       q  = define_output(file = 'channel_sd',
                                                          variable = 'flo_out',
                                                          unit = 1)),
                         parameter = par_star,
                         start_date = 20030101,
                         end_date = 20121231,
                         start_date_print = 20060101,
                         n_thread = 4)

#> Building 4 threads in 'Define:/your/path/swatplus_rev60_demo/.model_run': 
#>  Completed 4 threads in 0S                                                  
#> Performing 640 simulations on 4 cores: 
#>  Completed 640 simulations in 27M 45S

Calculation of VARS sensitivity

The calculation of the total order sensitivity indices is done with the function vars_to(). You have to provide scalar model outputs (single value per parameter combination) and the STAR sample including its sampling design. For ET we again use the average annual ET sums. So we aggregate the daily simulations and use them to calculate the parameter sensitivities.

et_avann <- sim_vars$simulation$et %>%
  aggregate_annual(., sum) %>% 
  summarise(across(starts_with('run_'), .fns = mean)) %>%

vars_et <- vars_to(Y = et_avann, star.centers = star_centers, 
                   params = par_names, h = h)

Printing the sensitivity analysis results with VARS gives you a table with the total order sensitivity values for the analyzed parameters. The $Ti$ values can vary in a range between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates that a parameter has no relevance and values closer to 1 mean large sensitivities. As with the Morris' method surlag has no influence. epco results to be the most relevant parameter, followed by perco.


sensobol does not provide a function to plot the results of a VARS analysis. But using the table vars_et$results with ggplot you can quickly generate your own plot, like in the short example below.

ggplot(vars_et$results) +
  geom_col(aes(x = parameters, y = Ti)) +
  ylim(c(0,1)) +

SWATdata provides observation data for the discharge at the demo catchment outlet. For the simulated discharge we will now use calculate NSE values from the daily simulated and the observed discharge and use those scalar performance metrics in the sensitivity analysis.

We first have to load the observation data with load_demo() and trim it to the same time period as we performed our simulations for.

obs <- load_demo(dataset = 'obs') %>% 
  filter(date %in% sim_vars$simulation$q$date)

Below we use map_dbl() to apply the function NSE() to all simulated time series of the discharge to calculate the NSE values for all parameter combinations of our STAR parameter set.

nse_q <- sim_vars$simulation$q %>% 
  select(-date) %>% 
  map_dbl(., ~ NSE(.x, obs$discharge))

With vars_to() we again calculate the total order sensitivity values.

vars_nse_q <- vars_to(Y = nse_q, star.centers = star_centers, 
                      params = par_names, h = h)

The parameter perco has the strongest impact on the daily discharge simulations when they are evaluated with the NSE. The parameters cn2 and cn3_swf are as well relevant for the simulation of discharge. Although the impact of surlag is not 0 it is rather low (same applies to awc).

ggplot(vars_nse_q$results) +
  geom_col(aes(x = parameters, y = Ti)) +
  ylim(c(0,1)) +

Sensitivity analysis with the Sobol' method

The Sobol' method is a well established method to perform global sensitivity analysis and is often considered as a benchmark method to e.g. compare new methods to. Both of the presented R packages sensitivity and sensobol offer a large number of implementations of the Sobol' method with adjustments such as different sampling schemes and adapted estimators for the first and total order sensitivity indices. In the example below we use the implementation of the Sobol' method from the sensobol package. Without executing the code I added the setup of the Sobol' sensitivity analysis with the sensitivity package below. The function calls differ a bit. But eventually the same analysis would be performed.

Parameter sampling

With sobol_matrices() you sample the parameter matrices which are needed to compute Sobol' indices. The function requires a base sample size that we defined with n <- 100 here. We will see below in the results that the confidence intervals of the calculated sensitivity indices will be wide. Thus, in an actual application of the Sobol' method I would recommend to use base sample sizes larger that 500 to 1000. Such large samples would however be computationally expensive and we therefore use the lower sample size. With order = 'first' we define that we want to calculate only first and total order sensitivities. In this case the function would create a matrix with $n \cdot (p + 2)$ parameter combinations, where n is the base sample size and p is the number of parameters. In our case we have to perform the simulations for 900 parameter combinations.

n <- 100
sobol_mat <- sobol_matrices(N = n, params = names(par_bound), order = 'first')
# saveRDS(sobol_mat, here::here('vignettes/datasets/sobol_mat.rds'))
# saveRDS(sim_sobol, here::here('vignettes/datasets/sim_sobol.rds'))
sobol_mat <- readRDS(here::here('vignettes/datasets/sobol_mat.rds'))
sim_sobol <- readRDS(here::here('vignettes/datasets/sim_sobol.rds'))

Again we have to transform the parameter values to the ranges of the actual SWAT model parameters that we will use in the model simulations.

par_sobol <- sobol_mat %>%
  as_tibble(.) %>% # Convert to a tibble
  map2_df(., par_bound, ~ (.x * (.y[2] - .y[1]) + .y[1]))

SWAT model simulations

As in the previous examples we will simulate ET and the discharge. Because the number of required simulations is large than in the previous examples we will use a shorter simulation period between start_date = 20050101 and end_date = 20101231 where we print the years starting from start_date_print = 20080101. We will also use the new parameter set parameter = par_sobol now for the simulations.

sim_sobol <- run_swatplus(project_path = path_plus,
                          output = list(et = define_output(file = 'basin_wb',
                                                           variable = 'et',
                                                           unit = 1),
                                        q  = define_output(file = 'channel_sd',
                                                           variable = 'flo_out',
                                                           unit = 1)),
                          parameter = par_sobol,
                          start_date = 20050101,
                          end_date = 20101231,
                          start_date_print = 20080101,
                          n_thread = 4)

#> Building 4 threads in 'Define:/your/path/swatplus_rev60_demo/.model_run': 
#>  Completed 4 threads in 0S                                                  
#> Performing 900 simulations on 4 cores: 
#>  Completed 900 simulations in 21M 6S 
#> Performing 450 simulations on 4 cores: 
#> Completed 450 simulations in 12M 51S 

Sobol analysis for average annual ET

For the analysis of ET we will again use average annual values that we calculate with code from the previous examples. The Sobol' sensitivity indices are calculated with the function sobol_indices(). In this function you have different options to calculate first and total order sensitivities. I selected the method of Jansen [-@Jansen1999] here. You could select any of the available methods. The simple reason why I selected this method over others here is because it results in smaller confidence intervals with the small selected base sample. So this is just for demonstration reasons. To get conficence intervals you have to set boot = TRUE and provide a value for the bootstrap replicas R.

et_avann <- sim_sobol$simulation$et %>%
  aggregate_annual(., sum) %>% 
  summarise(across(starts_with('run_'), .fns = mean)) %>%

sobol_et <- sobol_indices(Y = et_avann, N = n, params = par_names, 
                          first = "jansen", total = 'jansen',
                          boot = TRUE, R = 100)

With bootstrapping the results table is now more comprehensive as it also provides e.g. a standard error and the lower and upper confidence intervals for the estimates of the sensitivity indices. The results show the first order and total order sensitivities together in one table.


For the Sobol' method sensobol provides a plot() option. plot() returns a ggplot for both, the first and the total order sensitivity values for the analyzed parameters. The whiskers show the confidence intervals of the sensitivity estimates. The results are comparable to the previous sensitivity experiments with the largest sensitivity values for epco and perco. We used the bootstrapping option for the Sobol' indices which give us an idea about the uncertainties of the estimates. Due to the used small base sample size the confidence intervals are large. You can try other methods for the calculation of the first and total order sensitivities and you will see that the confidence intervals computation can then lead to even more excessive values.


Using sensitivity for the Sobol' analysis

The code below performs the Sobol' analysis using the sensitivity package instead of sensobol. The implementation of methods in sensitivity is even more comprehensive compared to sensobol. Eventually the use of both methods should lead to comparable results as both use variants of the Sobol' method. The code below is no complete workflow but should show you the differences in the application of the Sobol' method.

ns <- 100
np <- length(par_names)
X1 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(np * ns), nrow = ns)) %>% set_names(par_names)
X2 <- data.frame(matrix(runif(np * ns), nrow = ns)) %>% set_names(par_names)

sobol_sample <- sobolSalt(model = NULL, X1, X2, scheme="A", nboot = 100)

par_sobol <- sobol_sample$X %>%
  as_tibble(., .name_repair = 'minimal') %>% # Convert to a tibble
  set_names(names(par_bound)) %>% # Assign the parameter names with purrr
  map2_df(., par_bound, ~ (.x * (.y[2] - .y[1]) + .y[1]))

# Here you would simulate ET and aggregate to average annual values.

tell(sobol_sample, et_avann)
row.names(sobol_sample$S) <- par_names
row.names(sobol_sample$T) <- par_names
ggplot(sobol_sample, choice=1) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Sobol analysis for NSE values of discharge

In contrast to the example of average annual ET values we will implement NSE values as scalar output variables in the sensitivity analysis. The NSE expresses the goodness-of-fit of the simulated discharge compared to the observed discharge in a scalar value between $-\inf$ and 1.

For the evaluation of the simulated discharge time series with observed data we will load the the observation data for the demo model setup using load_demo(). We trim the observed data to the same time period as the simulations with filter().

obs <- load_demo(dataset = 'obs') %>% 
  filter(date %in% sim_sobol$simulation$q$date)

To get a vector of NSE values for all simulated discharge time series we NSE() from the hydroGOF package and map over all simulated time series.

nse_q <- sim_sobol$simulation$q %>% 
  select(-date) %>% 
  map_dbl(., ~ NSE(.x, obs$discharge))

We again use sobol_indices() to estimate the Sobol' indices for the parameters and the calculated NSE values. We will leave the settings from the ET example unchanged.

sobol_nse_q <- sobol_indices(Y = nse_q, N = n, params = par_names, 
                             first = "jansen", total = 'jansen',
                             boot = TRUE, R = 100)

Below we again use plot() to do a ggplot of the Sobol' analysis. The results are comparable to the ones of the VARS analysis, where the largest sensitivity inidices were found for perco, cn2, and cn3_swf. Also in this example the confidence intervals are wide and in a practical applicaction we might use a larger base sample size.


Temporal sensitivity analysis

With a few steps we can transform the sensitivity analysis into a temporal analysis, where we can use the daily simulations for the sampled Sobol' parameter set. This example gives another good argument why I prefer to do all simulations with daily time steps and perform any data aggregation after the simulations. It is always better to keep all information and reduce it when we have to.

The small difference between the previous sensitivity analyses and a temporal one is simply that before we aggregated the simulated time series to scalar values, while now we just do the analysis for the simulated values of each time step which are already scalar values. There is really not more to that!

To achieve this calculation in practice we will loop over all the time steps of the simulations and perform a sensitivity analysis in each time step. For a later analysis we will then put the results of all individual analyses together into one table. The looping will be done in a for loop (At this point I have to assume that you are familiar with basic elements of programming such as for loops). Before we iterate over all dates we generate an empty list s where we will store the analysis results for each time step as an individual element in this list. To make the analysis a bit simpler and shorter we will do the analysis only for the days of the year 2009. Thus we extract the simulated discharges of the year 2009 from our simulations and assign them to the variale q_2009. In the loop we again use the function sobol_indices() for the calculation of the Sobol' indices. By taking only the $i^{th}$ line of the discharge data and the columns starting from 2 (q_2009[i, 2:ncol(q_2009)) we perform the analysis for all discharges on the day $i$. The unlist() is necessary here to convert the values from the table to a vector. All other input arguments in sobol_indices() we know already from the previous examples. After the loop we bind all results together into one table using bind_rows().

s <- list()
q_2009 <- filter(sim_sobol$simulation$q, year(date) == 2009)
for (i in 1:nrow(q_2009)) {
  s[[i]] <- sobol_indices(Y = unlist(q_2009[i, 2:ncol(q_2009)]), 
                          N = n, params = par_names, 
                          first = "jansen", total = 'jansen',
                          boot = TRUE, R = 100) %>% 
    .$results %>% 
    as_tibble(.) %>% 
    mutate(., date = q_2009$date[i])

s <- bind_rows(s)

We want to show the temporal sensitivity analysis in a rather comprehensive plot, where we want to show the simulated upper and lower bounds of discharge together with the first and total order Sobol' estimates for the parameters including the calculated confidence intervals.

In a first step we prepare the discharge data of the year 2009 (q_2009) for the plot of the simulated ranges. Below we select all columns except the .$date column and calculate the minimum and maximum values for each line (time step) using the pmap_dbl() function and passing it the functions min() and max(). In general this is a very efficient way to calculate rowwise values. There are other ways (you can e.g. look for rowwise() and the across*() functionality of dplyr. The base R way would be to e.g. use apply()) but some of those approaches are sometimes a bit slow. Finally, we only select the computed min and max values qmin and qmax and add again the date.

q_bound <- q_2009 %>%
  select(-date) %>%
  mutate(qmax = pmap_dbl(., max),
         qmin = pmap_dbl(., min)) %>%
  select(qmin, qmax) %>%
  mutate(date = q_2009$date, .before = 1)

For the discharge we prepare a ggplot where we will show the simulated ranges as grey areas (geom_ribbon()). The boundaries of the area we border with lines (geom_line()). We give our plot the final touch by adding a better y-axis title and use the black and white theme (theme_bw() which I prefer a bit over the standard theme). We will also remove all the text on the x-axis with theme() settings, as we will put the discharge and the sensitivity plot together in the final step below.

q_plot <- ggplot(q_bound) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = date, ymin = qmin, ymax = qmax), fill = 'grey30', alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = qmin), col = 'grey30') +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = qmax), col = 'grey30') +
  labs(y = expression (Discharge~(m^3~s^{-1}))) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank())

The sensitivity plot should have a similar structure as the discharge plot. Again we plot the calculated confidence intervals with areas (geom_ribbon()) and border them with lines (geom_line()). The time series of the sensitivity estimates should also be plotted with lines. We define the fill colors and the line colors for the first and total order sensitivities with scale_color_manual() and scale_fill_manual(). With labs() we give the Axes and the legend entries better names. As we control the plot properties color and fill with the sensitivity index type we give both arguments the same name. With facet_grid() we split the plots for the different parameters we analyzed. We use coord_cartesian() to limit the plot window to the range -0.1 and 1.1. The Sobol' estimates have a plausible range between 0 and 1. The estimates and their confidence intervals cna however also lie outside of these ranges. It would make the plot hard to read when we show the entire calculated ranges. To show the smaller range but to plot e.g. the confidence bands considering the data that lies outside of this range we have to limit the plot canvas with coord_cartesian() instead of using e.g. ylim() or lims(). With scale_y_continuous() we define the breaks of the y-axis. Again we use a 'nicer' theme and place the legend at the bottom of the plot.

sens_plot <- ggplot(s) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 'dotted') +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = date, ymin =, ymax =, fill = sensitivity), alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y =, col = sensitivity), size = 0.25, alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y =, col = sensitivity), size = 0.25, alpha = 0.3) +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = original, col = sensitivity), size = 0.75) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c('tomato3', 'steelblue')) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c('tomato3', 'steelblue')) +
  labs(x = 'Date', y = 'First and total order sensitivity',
       color = 'Sensitivity index', fill = 'Sensitivity index') +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(parameters)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

We use the patchwork package to 'patch' our two plots together. This plot gives us a wonderful insight into the processes that control the simulated discharge and which parameters control these processes in their temporal sequence.

q_plot / sens_plot + plot_layout(heights = c(0.3, 0.7))


chrisschuerz/SWATplusR documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 6:56 p.m.