Man pages for chrisschuerz/aRastoCAT
a Raster Climate data Aggregation Tool

add_time_if_existsHelper function to add the time column to the tibble if the...
aggregate_INCAbinAggregate binary INCA raster data for catchment subbasins
aggregate_ncdfAggregate ncdf climate (raster) data for catchment subbasins
aggregate_timeAggregate Time
aggregate_variableIntersect var_grid with the shape file and aggregate the...
calc_cornerHelper function to calculate the mid point between four...
create_polygon_gridCreate a simple feature object that provides each pixel of...
extract_poly_coordHelper function to calculate the coordinates of the pixel...
extrapol_colHelper function to extrapolate the corner points of the grid...
extrapol_rowHelper function to extrapolate the corner points of the grid...
fetch_latlonFetch the laitude and longitude variables and convert to...
fetch_timeFetch the date vector from the ncdf file if provided
fetch_varFetch the trimmed data array according to the trimmed lat/lon...
find_latlonAutomatically find latitude and longitude variables
get_latlonindexGet the indices in the original lat/lon matrices that cover...
helloHello, World!
limit_latHelper function to find the indices of the latitude matrix...
limit_lonHelper function to find the indices of the longitude matrix...
multiply_by_fractionHelper function to multiply each 'timestep' column of the...
re_sortHelper function to resort the table for its initial index...
rotate_ccRotate matrix 90° counter clockwise
transpose_tblHelper function to transpose the data tibble and to name the...
trim_latlonTrim the lat/lon matrices to the extent of the provided shape...
trim_timeTrim the time vector provided by the ncdf file according to...
write_SWATweatherWrite SWAT weather input from aggregated climate variable...
chrisschuerz/aRastoCAT documentation built on May 16, 2020, 1:33 a.m.