
A simple R package for downloading a variable from the FRED database for multiple countries.

CRAN Version Build Status


For series that are available across multiple countries, FRED denotes each series with a common ID scheme. This includes a prefix, the country's ISO two letter country code, and a suffix. You can find the prefix and suffix on each series' data page on FRED.

For example, this symbol is for Irish central government debt, total (% of GDP): DEBTTLIEA188A. It has the prefix DEBTTL and suffix A188A. Ireland's ISO two letter country code is IE.

In the following example we download the central government debt data for Ireland and Japan (whose ISO2C code is JP):

# Download Central government debt, total (% of GDP) for Ireland and Japan
fred_loop(prefix = 'DEBTTL', suffix = 'A188A', iso2c = c('IE', 'JP'),
          var_name = 'pubdebtgdp_cent_fred')

You can also download a single series using the single_symbol argument. For example:

# Download single series (US Federal Funds Rate)
fred_loop(single_symbol = 'FEDFUNDS')


The package is not on CRAN so install using:


christophergandrud/fredr documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:02 p.m.