simtvc is depricated. It's functions have been moved to simPH.


Christopher Gandrud

Version 0.04

Note: simtvc is in beta. Please report any bugs at:

An R package for simulating and graphing non-proportional hazards (relative hazards, first differences, and hazard ratios) from Cox Proportional Hazard (PH) models. It can also simulate and graph stratified non-proportional hazard rates from Cox models.

The package includes four functions:


Use the devtools command install_github to install simtvc in R. Here is the exact code for installing the most recent stable version:

devtools::install_github("simtvc", "christophergandrud", ref = "v0.04")


For more information about simulating parameter estimates to make interpretation of results easier see:

Licht, Amanda A. 2011. “Change Comes with Time: Substantive Interpretation of Nonproportional Hazards in Event History Analysis.” Political Analysis 19: 227–43.

King, Gary, Michael Tomz, and Jason Wittenberg. 2000. “Making the Most of Statistical Analyses: Improving Interpretation and Presentation.” American Journal of Political Science 44(2): 347–61.

For more information about stratified Cox PH models (and frailties, which I am working to incorporate in future versions) see:

Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M, and Suzanna De Boef. 2006. “Repeated Events Survival Models: the Conditional Frailty Model.” Statistics in Medicine 25(20): 3518–33.

For an example of how non-proportional hazard results were often presented before simtvc see (some of the problems I encountered in this paper were a major part of why I'm developing this package):

Gandrud, Christopher. 2012. “The Diffusion of Financial Supervisory Governance Ideas.” Review of International Political Economy.

Future Plans

This package is in the early stages of development. I intend to expand the quantities of interest that can be simulated and graphed for Cox PH models. I am also currently working on functions that can simulate and graph hazard ratios estimated from Fine and Gray competing risks models.

I am also working on a way to graph hazard ratios with frailties.

christophergandrud/simtvc documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:03 p.m.