Man pages for christopherkenny/geomander
Geographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering

add_edgeAdd Edges to an Adjacency List
adjacencyBuild Adjacency List
alarm_statesList Available States from ALARM Data
baf_to_vtdEstimate Plans from a Block Assignment File to Voting...
block2precAggregate Block Table by Matches
block2prec_by_countyAggregate Block Table by Matches and County
check_contiguityCheck Contiguity by Group
checkerboard_adjCheckerboard Adjacency
check_polygon_contiguityCheck Polygon Contiguity
clean_vestClean VEST Names
compare_adjacenciesCompare Adjacency Lists
count_connectionsCount Times Precincts are Connected
create_block_tableCreate Block Level Data
create_tract_tableCreate Tract Level Data
dra2rDRA to R
estimate_downEstimate Down Levels
estimate_upEstimate Up Levels
geo_estimate_downEstimate Down Geography Levels
geo_estimate_upEstimate Up Geography Levels
geo_filterFilter to Intersecting Pieces
geomander-packageGeographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering
geo_matchMatch Across Geographic Layers
geo_plotPlots a Shape with Row Numbers as Text
geo_plot_groupCreate Plots of Shapes by Group with Connected Components...
geos_centerishGet the kind of center of each shape
geos_circle_centerGet the centroid of the maximum inscribed circle
geo_sortSort Precincts
geo_trimTrim Away Small Pieces
get_alarmGet ALARM Dataset
get_draGet Dave's Redistricting App Dataset
get_hedaGet Harvard Election Data Archive ("HEDA") Dataset
get_lewisGet historical United States Congressional District...
get_rpvnearmeGet Racially Polarized Voting Dataset from RPV Near Me
get_vestGet Voting and Election Science Team ("VEST") Dataset
global_gearysCompute Global Geary's C
global_moransCompute Global Moran's I
gstar_iCompute Standardized Getis Ord G*i
heda_doiVest DOIs
heda_partyHEDA Parties
heda_statesList Available States from HEDA Dataverse
local_gearysCompute Local Geary's C
local_moransCompute Local Moran's I
pipePipe operator
r2draR to DRA
regionalizeEstimate Regions by Geographic Features
seam_adjFilter Adjacency to Edges Along Border
seam_geomFilter Shape to Geographies Along Border
seam_ripRemove Edges along a Boundary
seam_sewSuggest Edges to Connect Two Sides of a Border
split_precinctSplit a Precinct
st_centerishGet the kind of center of each shape
st_circle_centerGet the centroid of the maximum inscribed circle
subtract_edgeSubtract Edges from an Adjacency List
suggest_component_connectionSuggest Connections for Disconnected Groups
suggest_neighborsSuggest Neighbors for Lonely Precincts
vest_abbVEST Abbreviations
vest_doiVEST DOIs
vest_partyVEST Parties
vest_statesList Available States from VEST Dataverse
christopherkenny/geomander documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 7:58 p.m.