addCtryPolyIdx | Add an index column to all layers of a polygon |
addREADME | Add README file to the root data path |
allExistsCtryNlData | Checks if all data is available |
allValid | Check if a vector/list of values given is valid as per the... |
allValidCtryAdmLvls | Checks if all ctry admLevels are valid |
allValidCtryCodes | Check if all ctryCodes are valid |
allValidNlPeriods | Check if all nlPeriods are valid for given nlTypes |
allValidNlTypes | Checks if all given character strings are valid nlTypes |
createCtryNlDataDF | Initiates the country nightlight dataframe with the country... |
createCtryStruct | Save ctry admin structure to text file for faster access |
createNlCtryGasFlares | Checks if a country has gasflares |
createNlDataDirs | Create required data subdirectories in the root data path |
createNlGasFlares | Get the path to the saved world gasflare RDS |
createNlTilesSpPolysDF | Creates a tile Spatial Polygons DataFrame from the... |
ctryCodeToName | Convert a country ISO3 code to the full name |
ctryNameToCode | Convert country names to ISO3 codes |
ctryShpLyrName2Num | Get the integer number of the layer. |
dateToNlPeriod | Convert date to nlPeriod |
deleteCtryPoly | Download a country's polygon shapefile from <URL:... |
deleteNlDataCol | Delete an aggregate nightlight data column in a country... |
deleteSavedNlStat | Delete a previously saved nlStat |
dnldCtryPoly | Download a country's polygon shapefile from <URL:... |
dnldGADMCtryShpZip | Download a country's polygon RDS files from <URL:... |
dnldGADMCtrySpRds | Download a country's polygon RDS files from <URL:... |
dot-RnightlightsEnv | A package-wide hidden environment |
downloadNlTiles | Download the listed tiles for a given nlType in a given... |
downloadNlTilesOLS | Download OLS nightlight tile |
downloadNlTilesVIIRS | Download VIIRS nightlight tile |
equalNlStats | Check if two nlStats are equal |
existsCtryNlData | Check if VIIRS nightlight stats exist locally |
existsCtryNlDataFile | Check if a country admin level data file exists |
existsCtryPoly | Checks if a country polygon exists |
existsNlCtryGasFlaresRds | Checks if the country gasflares rds exists |
existsNlGasFlaresRds | Check if the world gasflare RDS exists |
existsPolyFnamePath | Check if the decompressed country polygon has been downloaded... |
existsPolyFnameRDS | Check if the decompressed country polygon has been stored as... |
existsPolyFnameZip | Check if the compressed country polygon has been downloaded... |
existsSavedNlStat | Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats |
existsSavedNlStatHash | Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats given the... |
existsSavedNlStatSig | Check whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats |
fnAggRadGdal | Calculate zonal statistics using GDAL |
fnAggRadRast | Calculate statistics on a nightlight raster that fall within... |
getAllGadmPolyTypes | Return a vector of GADM polyTypes |
getAllGadmVersions | Return a vector of GADM versions |
getAllNlConfigNames | Generate a list of all possible configNames for a given... |
getAllNlCtryCodes | Get all known valid ISO3 country codes |
getAllNlPeriods | Generate a list of all possible nlPeriods for a given nlType |
getAllNlTypes | Lists supported nightlight types |
getAllNlUrlOLS | Function to return the url of the OLS tile to download |
getAllNlUrlVIIRS | Function to return the url of the VIIRS tile to download |
getBatchBytes | Calculate the RAM to provide to the package for gdal... |
getCredentialsEOG | Retrieve credentials required for download from the EOG site |
getCRS | Specify the wgs84 CRS globally |
getCtryCodesWithData | Return ctryCodes that have data |
getCtryGFMaskOutputFname | Constructs the name of the output raster |
getCtryGFMaskOutputFnamePath | Get the full path to the file where the cropped VIIRS country... |
getCtryNlData | Returns nightlight statistics for the given ctryCode and... |
getCtryNlDataColName | Construct the name of a nightlight data column given the... |
getCtryNlDataFname | Construct the name of the country data file. |
getCtryNlDataFnamePath | Construct the full path to save the file containing the... |
getCtryNlTypes | Return the unique nlTypes available in the data |
getCtryPolyAdmLevelNames | Get the list of admin level names in a polygon shapefile |
getCtryPolyUrl | Get the GADM url from which to download country polygons |
getCtryRasterOutputFname | Constructs the name of the output raster |
getCtryRasterOutputFnamePath | Get the full path to the file where the cropped VIIRS country... |
getCtrysDataDirect | Read the ctryNlData directly from files |
getCtryShpAllAdmLvls | Get all the admLevels in a country |
getCtryShpLowestLyrNames | Get the name of the lowest ctry admin level |
getCtryShpLyrNames | Get the standard names of polygon layers in a country |
getCtryStructAdmLevelNames | Get the list of admin level names from a ctryStruct file |
getCtryStructFname | Construct the name for the country struct file |
getCtryStructFnamePath | Construct the full path to the country struct file |
getCtryTileList | Returns a list of VIIRS nightlight tiles that a country or... |
getFreeRAM | Detect the amount of available RAM on the computer |
getNlCtryGasFlaresPoly | Returns a country's gasflares polygon if it exists |
getNlCtryGasFlaresRds | Creates and returns a country's gasflares polygon |
getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePath | Get the path to the saved country gasflare RDS |
getNlDataPath | Gets the root path to the file directory" |
getNlDataPathFull | Gets the full path to the data directory" |
getNlDir | Get the paths to the various data locations |
getNlDirNames | Get the names of all possible getNlDir dirNames |
getNlGasFlaresRds | Returns the world gasflares polygon if it exists |
getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePath | Get the path to the saved world gasflare RDS |
getNlTifLclNameOLS | Constructs the filename used to save/access the decompressed... |
getNlTiles | Create mapping of nightlight tiles |
getNlTileTifLclNameOLS | Constructs the filename of the decompressed OLS .tif file |
getNlTileTifLclNamePath | Constructs the full path used to save/access the downloaded... |
getNlTileTifLclNamePathOLS | Constructs the full path used to save/access the decompressed... |
getNlTileTifLclNamePathVIIRS | Constructs the full path used to save/access the decompressed... |
getNlTileTifLclNameVIIRS | Constructs the filename of the decompressed VIIRS .tif file |
getNlTileZipLclNameOLS | The name with which to save the OLS tile locally |
getNlTileZipLclNamePath | Constructs the full path used to save/access the compressed... |
getNlTileZipLclNameVIIRS | Constructs the filename used to save/access the downloaded... |
getNlUrlOLS | Function to return the url of the OLS tile to download |
getNlUrlVIIRS | Function to return the url of the VIIRS tile to download |
getPolyFname | Returns the directory name of the unzipped shapefile... |
getPolyFnamePath | Get the path of the unzipped polygon directory downloaded... |
getPolyFnameRDS | Get the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from... |
getPolyFnameZip | Get the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from... |
getSavedNlStat | Retrieve a saved nlStat function |
getSavedNlStatFname | The name of the file in which the saved nlStats are stored |
getSavedNlStatFnamePath | The path tos the file in which the saved nlStats are stored |
getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRS | Get a list of tiles that a country polygon intersects with |
getWorldMap | Make the rworldmap available for other functions |
gui | Run a web application to explore the processed nightlight... |
hashNlStat | Return the hash of an nlStat function |
hashNlStatBody | Return the hash of an nlStat function body |
hasNlCtryGasFlares | Checks if a country has gasflares |
hCluster | Plots the ctryNlData |
insertNlDataCol | Insert an aggregate nightlight data column in a country... |
listCtryNlData | List available data |
listCtryNlRasters | List available cropped country rasters |
listNlTiles | List locally cached tiles |
listSavedNlStats | List saved nlStats |
loadSavedNlStat | Load the saved nlStat into an accessible environment |
mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS | Create a mapping of all countries and the tiles they... |
mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRS | Create a mapping of all countries and the tiles they... |
masqOLS | Extract raster pixel values within the boundaries of a... |
masqVIIRS | extract data from a raster using one polygon in a... |
maxPtsNeighborDistToHalfThresh | Function to test the use of rowcols and lonlats in... |
myZonal | Calculate zonal statistics. Used internally |
newNlType | Convert pre-0.2.0 nlType names to their new names |
nlCleanup | Clean up the environment after processing (Not yet... |
nlPeriodToDate | Convert nlPeriod to date |
nlRange | Create a range of nlPeriods |
nlSignatureAddArg | Add an argument to an nlSignature |
nlSignatureStat | Convert a signature into an nlStat |
nlSignatureStatName | get the name of the nlStat from the signature |
nlStatArgs | Get the arguments passed to an nlStat |
nlStatArgsStandardize | Standardize the arguments of an nlStat |
nlStatParams | Get the parameters of an nlStat |
nlStatSignature | Get the signature of an nlStat |
orderCustPolyLayers | Order polygon shapefile layers in custom polygons |
pkgDefaults | Retrieve default global options for the Rnightlights package |
pkgOptions | Set or get options for the Rnightlights package |
pkgReset | Reset global options for the Rnightlights package |
plotCtryNlData | Plots the ctryNlData |
plotCtryWithTilesVIIRS | Plot a country boundary with the VIIRS tiles and world map |
prettyNlSignature | Remove triple-dots (...) from names of arguments in a... |
printCredits | Format credits to print to the console |
processNLCountry | Processes nightlights for an individual country in a... |
processNlData | Downloads nightlight tiles and country polygons and calls the... |
readCtryPolyAdmLayer | Read a country admLevel polygon |
readCtryStruct | Reads the ctry admin structure from struct text file |
readSavedNlStats | Read saved nlStats from disk to memory |
removeDataPath | Deletes a root data path all sub-directories |
reqAuthTokenEOG | Retrieve an access token required for download from the EOG... |
saveCredentialsEOG | Save credentials required for download from the EOG site |
saveCtryNlData | Save a data frame of a country's data to the appropriate... |
savedNlStatsIsLoaded | Check if saved nlStats have been loaded into memory from disk |
saveNlStat | Save an nlStat function |
searchAdmLevel | Search for the admLevel by official name |
searchAdmLevelMembers | Search for names of members of admLevels |
searchAdmLevelName | Search for the admLevelName |
searchCountry | Search for a country by name or code |
searchSavedNlStatName | Check if an nlStat has been saved using the nlStatName |
setDataVersion | Add data version file to the root data path |
setNlDataPath | Sets the root path to the package data directory |
setupDataPath | Interactively allows the user to set up the default root path |
tileIdx2Name | Get the name of a tile given its index |
tileName2Idx | Get the index of a tile given its name |
tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRS | Get the list of VIIRS tiles that a polygon intersects with |
upgradeRnightlights | Perform upgrade functions to new package versions as required |
validCtryAdmLvls | Checks if ctry admLevels are valid |
validCtryCodes | Check if country codes are valid |
validCtryNlDataDF | Check if a country dataframe is valid |
validGadmPolyTypes | Check whether GADM polyTypes are valid |
validGadmVersions | Check whether GADM versions are valid |
validNlConfigExtension | Check if a configName is valid for a given nlType |
validNlConfigName | Check if a configName is valid for a given nlType |
validNlPeriods | Check if an nlPeriod is valid for a given nightlight type |
validNlStats | Check if given statistics are valid |
validNlTile | Check valid tile number for a given VIIRS nightlight type |
validNlTileNameVIIRS | Check valid VIIRS nightlight tile name |
validNlTypes | Checks if a given character string is a valid nlType |
ZonalPipe | Create a zonal file if it does not exist and calculate the... |
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