Man pages for chrisvwn/Rnightlights
Satellite Nightlight Data Extraction

addCtryPolyIdxAdd an index column to all layers of a polygon
addREADMEAdd README file to the root data path
allExistsCtryNlDataChecks if all data is available
allValidCheck if a vector/list of values given is valid as per the...
allValidCtryAdmLvlsChecks if all ctry admLevels are valid
allValidCtryCodesCheck if all ctryCodes are valid
allValidNlPeriodsCheck if all nlPeriods are valid for given nlTypes
allValidNlTypesChecks if all given character strings are valid nlTypes
createCtryNlDataDFInitiates the country nightlight dataframe with the country...
createCtryStructSave ctry admin structure to text file for faster access
createNlCtryGasFlaresChecks if a country has gasflares
createNlDataDirsCreate required data subdirectories in the root data path
createNlGasFlaresGet the path to the saved world gasflare RDS
createNlTilesSpPolysDFCreates a tile Spatial Polygons DataFrame from the...
ctryCodeToNameConvert a country ISO3 code to the full name
ctryNameToCodeConvert country names to ISO3 codes
ctryShpLyrName2NumGet the integer number of the layer.
dateToNlPeriodConvert date to nlPeriod
deleteCtryPolyDownload a country's polygon shapefile from <URL:...
deleteNlDataColDelete an aggregate nightlight data column in a country...
deleteSavedNlStatDelete a previously saved nlStat
dnldCtryPolyDownload a country's polygon shapefile from <URL:...
dnldGADMCtryShpZipDownload a country's polygon RDS files from <URL:...
dnldGADMCtrySpRdsDownload a country's polygon RDS files from <URL:...
dot-RnightlightsEnvA package-wide hidden environment
downloadNlTilesDownload the listed tiles for a given nlType in a given...
downloadNlTilesOLSDownload OLS nightlight tile
downloadNlTilesVIIRSDownload VIIRS nightlight tile
equalNlStatsCheck if two nlStats are equal
existsCtryNlDataCheck if VIIRS nightlight stats exist locally
existsCtryNlDataFileCheck if a country admin level data file exists
existsCtryPolyChecks if a country polygon exists
existsNlCtryGasFlaresRdsChecks if the country gasflares rds exists
existsNlGasFlaresRdsCheck if the world gasflare RDS exists
existsPolyFnamePathCheck if the decompressed country polygon has been downloaded...
existsPolyFnameRDSCheck if the decompressed country polygon has been stored as...
existsPolyFnameZipCheck if the compressed country polygon has been downloaded...
existsSavedNlStatCheck whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats
existsSavedNlStatHashCheck whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats given the...
existsSavedNlStatSigCheck whether an nlStat exists in the saved nlStats
fnAggRadGdalCalculate zonal statistics using GDAL
fnAggRadRastCalculate statistics on a nightlight raster that fall within...
getAllGadmPolyTypesReturn a vector of GADM polyTypes
getAllGadmVersionsReturn a vector of GADM versions
getAllNlConfigNamesGenerate a list of all possible configNames for a given...
getAllNlCtryCodesGet all known valid ISO3 country codes
getAllNlPeriodsGenerate a list of all possible nlPeriods for a given nlType
getAllNlTypesLists supported nightlight types
getAllNlUrlOLSFunction to return the url of the OLS tile to download
getAllNlUrlVIIRSFunction to return the url of the VIIRS tile to download
getBatchBytesCalculate the RAM to provide to the package for gdal...
getCredentialsEOGRetrieve credentials required for download from the EOG site
getCRSSpecify the wgs84 CRS globally
getCtryCodesWithDataReturn ctryCodes that have data
getCtryGFMaskOutputFnameConstructs the name of the output raster
getCtryGFMaskOutputFnamePathGet the full path to the file where the cropped VIIRS country...
getCtryNlDataReturns nightlight statistics for the given ctryCode and...
getCtryNlDataColNameConstruct the name of a nightlight data column given the...
getCtryNlDataFnameConstruct the name of the country data file.
getCtryNlDataFnamePathConstruct the full path to save the file containing the...
getCtryNlTypesReturn the unique nlTypes available in the data
getCtryPolyAdmLevelNamesGet the list of admin level names in a polygon shapefile
getCtryPolyUrlGet the GADM url from which to download country polygons
getCtryRasterOutputFnameConstructs the name of the output raster
getCtryRasterOutputFnamePathGet the full path to the file where the cropped VIIRS country...
getCtrysDataDirectRead the ctryNlData directly from files
getCtryShpAllAdmLvlsGet all the admLevels in a country
getCtryShpLowestLyrNamesGet the name of the lowest ctry admin level
getCtryShpLyrNamesGet the standard names of polygon layers in a country
getCtryStructAdmLevelNamesGet the list of admin level names from a ctryStruct file
getCtryStructFnameConstruct the name for the country struct file
getCtryStructFnamePathConstruct the full path to the country struct file
getCtryTileListReturns a list of VIIRS nightlight tiles that a country or...
getFreeRAMDetect the amount of available RAM on the computer
getNlCtryGasFlaresPolyReturns a country's gasflares polygon if it exists
getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsCreates and returns a country's gasflares polygon
getNlCtryGasFlaresRdsFnamePathGet the path to the saved country gasflare RDS
getNlDataPathGets the root path to the file directory"
getNlDataPathFullGets the full path to the data directory"
getNlDirGet the paths to the various data locations
getNlDirNamesGet the names of all possible getNlDir dirNames
getNlGasFlaresRdsReturns the world gasflares polygon if it exists
getNlGasFlaresRdsFnamePathGet the path to the saved world gasflare RDS
getNlTifLclNameOLSConstructs the filename used to save/access the decompressed...
getNlTilesCreate mapping of nightlight tiles
getNlTileTifLclNameOLSConstructs the filename of the decompressed OLS .tif file
getNlTileTifLclNamePathConstructs the full path used to save/access the downloaded...
getNlTileTifLclNamePathOLSConstructs the full path used to save/access the decompressed...
getNlTileTifLclNamePathVIIRSConstructs the full path used to save/access the decompressed...
getNlTileTifLclNameVIIRSConstructs the filename of the decompressed VIIRS .tif file
getNlTileZipLclNameOLSThe name with which to save the OLS tile locally
getNlTileZipLclNamePathConstructs the full path used to save/access the compressed...
getNlTileZipLclNameVIIRSConstructs the filename used to save/access the downloaded...
getNlUrlOLSFunction to return the url of the OLS tile to download
getNlUrlVIIRSFunction to return the url of the VIIRS tile to download
getPolyFnameReturns the directory name of the unzipped shapefile...
getPolyFnamePathGet the path of the unzipped polygon directory downloaded...
getPolyFnameRDSGet the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from...
getPolyFnameZipGet the filename of the polygon zip file as downloaded from...
getSavedNlStatRetrieve a saved nlStat function
getSavedNlStatFnameThe name of the file in which the saved nlStats are stored
getSavedNlStatFnamePathThe path tos the file in which the saved nlStats are stored
getTilesCtryIntersectVIIRSGet a list of tiles that a country polygon intersects with
getWorldMapMake the rworldmap available for other functions
guiRun a web application to explore the processed nightlight...
hashNlStatReturn the hash of an nlStat function
hashNlStatBodyReturn the hash of an nlStat function body
hasNlCtryGasFlaresChecks if a country has gasflares
hClusterPlots the ctryNlData
insertNlDataColInsert an aggregate nightlight data column in a country...
listCtryNlDataList available data
listCtryNlRastersList available cropped country rasters
listNlTilesList locally cached tiles
listSavedNlStatsList saved nlStats
loadSavedNlStatLoad the saved nlStat into an accessible environment
mapAllCtryPolyToTilesVIIRSCreate a mapping of all countries and the tiles they...
mapCtryPolyToTilesVIIRSCreate a mapping of all countries and the tiles they...
masqOLSExtract raster pixel values within the boundaries of a...
masqVIIRSextract data from a raster using one polygon in a...
maxPtsNeighborDistToHalfThreshFunction to test the use of rowcols and lonlats in...
myZonalCalculate zonal statistics. Used internally
newNlTypeConvert pre-0.2.0 nlType names to their new names
nlCleanupClean up the environment after processing (Not yet...
nlPeriodToDateConvert nlPeriod to date
nlRangeCreate a range of nlPeriods
nlSignatureAddArgAdd an argument to an nlSignature
nlSignatureStatConvert a signature into an nlStat
nlSignatureStatNameget the name of the nlStat from the signature
nlStatArgsGet the arguments passed to an nlStat
nlStatArgsStandardizeStandardize the arguments of an nlStat
nlStatParamsGet the parameters of an nlStat
nlStatSignatureGet the signature of an nlStat
orderCustPolyLayersOrder polygon shapefile layers in custom polygons
pkgDefaultsRetrieve default global options for the Rnightlights package
pkgOptionsSet or get options for the Rnightlights package
pkgResetReset global options for the Rnightlights package
plotCtryNlDataPlots the ctryNlData
plotCtryWithTilesVIIRSPlot a country boundary with the VIIRS tiles and world map
prettyNlSignatureRemove triple-dots (...) from names of arguments in a...
printCreditsFormat credits to print to the console
processNLCountryProcesses nightlights for an individual country in a...
processNlDataDownloads nightlight tiles and country polygons and calls the...
readCtryPolyAdmLayerRead a country admLevel polygon
readCtryStructReads the ctry admin structure from struct text file
readSavedNlStatsRead saved nlStats from disk to memory
removeDataPathDeletes a root data path all sub-directories
reqAuthTokenEOGRetrieve an access token required for download from the EOG...
saveCredentialsEOGSave credentials required for download from the EOG site
saveCtryNlDataSave a data frame of a country's data to the appropriate...
savedNlStatsIsLoadedCheck if saved nlStats have been loaded into memory from disk
saveNlStatSave an nlStat function
searchAdmLevelSearch for the admLevel by official name
searchAdmLevelMembersSearch for names of members of admLevels
searchAdmLevelNameSearch for the admLevelName
searchCountrySearch for a country by name or code
searchSavedNlStatNameCheck if an nlStat has been saved using the nlStatName
setDataVersionAdd data version file to the root data path
setNlDataPathSets the root path to the package data directory
setupDataPathInteractively allows the user to set up the default root path
tileIdx2NameGet the name of a tile given its index
tileName2IdxGet the index of a tile given its name
tilesPolygonIntersectVIIRSGet the list of VIIRS tiles that a polygon intersects with
upgradeRnightlightsPerform upgrade functions to new package versions as required
validCtryAdmLvlsChecks if ctry admLevels are valid
validCtryCodesCheck if country codes are valid
validCtryNlDataDFCheck if a country dataframe is valid
validGadmPolyTypesCheck whether GADM polyTypes are valid
validGadmVersionsCheck whether GADM versions are valid
validNlConfigExtensionCheck if a configName is valid for a given nlType
validNlConfigNameCheck if a configName is valid for a given nlType
validNlPeriodsCheck if an nlPeriod is valid for a given nightlight type
validNlStatsCheck if given statistics are valid
validNlTileCheck valid tile number for a given VIIRS nightlight type
validNlTileNameVIIRSCheck valid VIIRS nightlight tile name
validNlTypesChecks if a given character string is a valid nlType
ZonalPipeCreate a zonal file if it does not exist and calculate the...
chrisvwn/Rnightlights documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.