
#'Romano-British Pottery for wmpvaer
#'Results of chemical analyses of 48 specimens of Romano-British pottery published by Tubb, et al. (1980).
#'The numbers are the percentage metal oxide. "Kiln" indicates at which kiln site the pottery was found.
#'The kiln sites come from three regions (1=Gloucester, (2=Llanedeyrn, 3=Caldicot), (4=Islands Thorns, 5=Ashley Rails)). 
#'The data were scanned from Table 2.2 in Baxter (2003, p. 21)
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(rbpottery)
#' @format typeof(rbpottery)=="list"
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references Baxter, M. J. 2003. Statistics in Archaeology. Arnold, London ,and,Tubb, A., A. J. Parker, 
#'             and G. Nickless. 1980. The Analysis of Romano-British Pottery by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. 
#'             Archaeometry 22: 153-71.
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