
essurvey 1.0.8

essurvey 1.0.7

essurvey 1.0.6

essurvey 1.0.5

CRAN maintenance release to add more informative message when the status code of the HTTP request of '' is more than 300.

Minor changes

All tests/examples are now excluded from running on CRAN based on the warning from Brian Ripley:

'Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an informative message if the resource is not available (and not give a check warning nor error).'

They are all forced to run on Travis and Appveyor and this is made clear on the

essurvey 1.0.4

CRAN maintenance check after release of ESS round 9.

essurvey 1.0.3

Breaking changes

New features

Minor changes


Bug fixes

essurvey 1.0.2

Minor changes

Breaking changes

import_all_cntrounds and import_country returned incorrect countries [#31]

essurvey 1.0.1

Minor changes

essurvey 1.0.1

Minor release

essurvey 1.0.0

The ess package has been renamed to essurvey for a name conflict with Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS). See R-pkg mailing list, the post related to the release of ess-0-0-1.

Breaking changes

New features

Minor changes

ess 0.1.1 (2018-03-05)

Breaking changes

New features

Bug fixes

ess 0.0.1 (2017-11-07)

First release

cimentadaj/essurvey documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 2:25 p.m.