
Defines functions serve_api_bicing_slots api_bicing

Documented in api_bicing

##' REST API for Bicycle usage in Barcelona
##' Bicing is a Bicycle-sharing system in the city of Barcelona, Spain, which was implemented in March 2007, promoted by the City Council.
##' This API wraps a manually downloaded set of bicycle stations from the city. Every time the API is invoked, a random number of bicycles are assigned as 'being used' and the timestamp in the returning dataset is updated with the current time.
##' The API has no parameters
##' This function launches a plumber API in a new R process using `callr` and return the `callr` process.
##' @param port a numeric value used as a port
##' @return callr result of the individual R process
##' @author Jorge Cimentada
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'   live_api <- api_bicing()
##'   live_api$kill()
##' }
api_bicing <- function(port = NULL) {
  launch_api("api_bicing", random_port = port)

serve_api_bicing_slots <- function() {
  bicing$current_time <- Sys.time()
  bicing$in_use <- sapply(bicing$slots, function(x) sample(0:x, 1))
cimentadaj/scrapex documentation built on Jan. 5, 2023, 9:49 p.m.