Man pages for citiususc/voila
Variational Inference for Langevin Equations

autocovmatAutocovariance matrix
constant_function_factoryCreate a function returning a constant value
covmatCovariance matrix
decrease_upper_boundDecreases the upper bound of the kernel
do_eventsDansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events time series
fit_kbr_sdeKernel Based SDEs Estimation
fit_polynomial_sdePolynomial based SDEs Estimation
get_hyperparamsGet the hyperparameters of a kernel
gp_kernelsGaussian process' kernels
increase_lower_boundDecreases the lower bound of the kernel
ornsteinOrnstein-Uhlenbeck time series
predict.sgp_sdePredictions from drift/diffusion estimates
preprocPreprocess a time series
sde_kernelCreate a gaussian process' kernel
sde_viVariation inference for Langevin equations/SDE
select_diffusion_parametersParameter selection for the diffusion term
set_hyperparamsSet the hyperparameters of a kernel
sgp_sdeSGP-based estimate of a Langevin Equation/SDE
simulate_sdeSimulate Langevin Equations
varsVariance vector
citiususc/voila documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:30 p.m.