Man pages for civisanalytics/civis-r
R Client for the 'Civis Platform API'

admin_delete_announcementsDelete an announcement
admin_get_announcementsGet a particular announcement
admin_list_announcementsList announcements
admin_list_organizationsList organizations
admin_patch_announcementsEdit an announcement
admin_patch_themesEdit a theme
admin_post_announcementsPost an announcement
admin_post_themesCreate a theme
aliases_deleteDelete an alias
aliases_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
aliases_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
aliases_getGet an Alias
aliases_get_object_typeGet details about an alias within an FCO type
aliases_listList Aliases
aliases_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
aliases_patchUpdate some attributes of this Alias
aliases_postCreate an Alias
aliases_putReplace all attributes of this Alias
aliases_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
aliases_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
announcements_listList announcements
apps_delete_instances_projectsRemove an App Instance from a project
apps_delete_instances_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
apps_delete_instances_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
apps_delete_releases_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
apps_delete_releases_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
apps_getList details of a Decision Application
apps_get_instancesReturn a given app instance
apps_get_releasesReturn a given app release
apps_listList apps
apps_list_instancesList the instances of a Decision Application
apps_list_instances_projectsList the projects an App Instance belongs to
apps_list_instances_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
apps_list_releasesList the releases of a particular Decision Application
apps_list_releases_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
apps_patch_instancesUpdate a given app instance
apps_patch_releasesUpdate an existing Decision Application release
apps_post_instancesCreate a new instance of an application of the given slug
apps_post_releasesCreate a new Decision Application release
apps_put_featuresUpdate the Decision Application features for a given...
apps_put_instances_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
apps_put_instances_projectsAdd an App Instance to a project
apps_put_instances_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
apps_put_instances_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
apps_put_releases_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
apps_put_releases_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
apps_put_releases_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
awaitCall a function repeatedly until a status is reached.
cancelCancel the evaluation of a CivisFuture.
civis_fileA file in the Civis Platform
civis_file_manifestA manifest file in the Civis Platform
CivisFutureEvaluate an expression in Civis Platform
civis_mlInterface for modeling in the Civis Platform
CIVIS_ML_CLASSIFIERSList of classification models.
civis_ml_extra_trees_classifierCivisML Extra Trees Classifier
civis_ml_extra_trees_regressorCivisML Extra Trees Regressor
civis_ml_gradient_boosting_classifierCivisML Gradient Boosting Classifier
civis_ml_gradient_boosting_regressorCivisML Gradient Boosting Regressor
civis_ml_random_forest_classifierCivisML Random Forest Classifier
civis_ml_random_forest_regressorCivisML Random Forest Regressor
CIVIS_ML_REGRESSORSList of civis_ml regression models.
civis_ml_sparse_linear_regressorCivisML Sparse Linear Regression
civis_ml_sparse_logisticCivisML Sparse Logistic
civis_ml_sparse_ridge_regressorCivisML Sparse Ridge Regression
civis_platformEvaluate an expression in Civis Platform
civis_scriptCivis Script
civis_tableA table in the Civis Platform
civis_to_multifile_csvSplit a Redshift table into multiple CSV parts on S3
clusters_delete_kubernetes_partitionsDelete a Cluster Partition
clusters_get_kubernetesDescribe a Kubernetes Cluster
clusters_get_kubernetes_instance_configsDescribe an Instance Config
clusters_get_kubernetes_partitionsDescribe a Cluster Partition
clusters_list_kubernetesList Kubernetes Clusters
clusters_list_kubernetes_deploymentsList the deployments associated with a Kubernetes Cluster
clusters_list_kubernetes_deployment_statsGet stats about deployments associated with a Kubernetes...
clusters_list_kubernetes_instance_configs_historical_graphsGet graphs of historical resource usage in an Instance Config
clusters_list_kubernetes_instance_configs_user_statisticsGet statistics about the current users of an Instance Config
clusters_list_kubernetes_partitionsList Cluster Partitions for given cluster
clusters_patch_kubernetesUpdate a Kubernetes Cluster
clusters_patch_kubernetes_partitionsUpdate a Cluster Partition
clusters_post_kubernetesCreate a Kubernetes Cluster
clusters_post_kubernetes_partitionsCreate a Cluster Partition for given cluster
coef.civis_mlGet civis_ml model coefficients
credentials_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
credentials_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
credentials_getGet a credential
credentials_listList credentials
credentials_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
credentials_postCreate a credential
credentials_post_authenticateAuthenticate against a remote host
credentials_post_temporaryGenerate a temporary credential for accessing S3
credentials_putUpdate an existing credential
credentials_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
credentials_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
databases_delete_whitelist_ipsRemove a whitelisted IP address
databases_getShow database information
databases_get_whitelist_ipsView details about a whitelisted IP
databases_listList databases
databases_list_advanced_settingsGet the advanced settings for this database
databases_list_schemasList schemas in this database
databases_list_tablesList tables in the specified database, deprecated use "GET...
databases_list_tables_searchList tables in the specified database, deprecated use "GET...
databases_list_whitelist_ipsList whitelisted IPs for the specified database
databases_patch_advanced_settingsUpdate the advanced settings for this database
databases_post_schemas_scanCreates and enqueues a schema scanner job
databases_post_whitelist_ipsWhitelist an IP address
databases_put_advanced_settingsEdit the advanced settings for this database
default_credentialThe current user's default credential.
download_civisDownload a table or a file from the Civis Platform to local...
endpoints_listList API endpoints
enhancements_delete_cass_ncoa_projectsRemove a CASS/NCOA Enhancement from a project
enhancements_delete_cass_ncoa_runsCancel a run
enhancements_delete_cass_ncoa_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
enhancements_delete_cass_ncoa_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
enhancements_delete_civis_data_match_projectsRemove a Civis Data Match Enhancement from a project
enhancements_delete_civis_data_match_runsCancel a run
enhancements_delete_civis_data_match_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
enhancements_delete_civis_data_match_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
enhancements_delete_geocode_projectsRemove a Geocode Enhancement from a project
enhancements_delete_geocode_runsCancel a run
enhancements_delete_geocode_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
enhancements_delete_geocode_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
enhancements_get_cass_ncoaGet a CASS/NCOA Enhancement
enhancements_get_cass_ncoa_runsCheck status of a run
enhancements_get_civis_data_matchGet a Civis Data Match Enhancement
enhancements_get_civis_data_match_runsCheck status of a run
enhancements_get_geocodeGet a Geocode Enhancement
enhancements_get_geocode_runsCheck status of a run
enhancements_listList Enhancements
enhancements_list_cass_ncoa_projectsList the projects a CASS/NCOA Enhancement belongs to
enhancements_list_cass_ncoa_runsList runs for the given cass_ncoa
enhancements_list_cass_ncoa_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
enhancements_list_cass_ncoa_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
enhancements_list_cass_ncoa_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
enhancements_list_civis_data_match_projectsList the projects a Civis Data Match Enhancement belongs to
enhancements_list_civis_data_match_runsList runs for the given civis_data_match
enhancements_list_civis_data_match_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
enhancements_list_civis_data_match_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
enhancements_list_civis_data_match_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
enhancements_list_field_mappingList the fields in a field mapping for Civis Data Match, Data...
enhancements_list_geocode_projectsList the projects a Geocode Enhancement belongs to
enhancements_list_geocode_runsList runs for the given geocode
enhancements_list_geocode_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
enhancements_list_geocode_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
enhancements_list_geocode_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
enhancements_list_typesList available enhancement types
enhancements_patch_cass_ncoaUpdate some attributes of this CASS/NCOA Enhancement
enhancements_patch_civis_data_matchUpdate some attributes of this Civis Data Match Enhancement
enhancements_patch_geocodeUpdate some attributes of this Geocode Enhancement
enhancements_post_cass_ncoaCreate a CASS/NCOA Enhancement
enhancements_post_cass_ncoa_cancelCancel a run
enhancements_post_cass_ncoa_runsStart a run
enhancements_post_civis_data_matchCreate a Civis Data Match Enhancement
enhancements_post_civis_data_match_cancelCancel a run
enhancements_post_civis_data_match_cloneClone this Civis Data Match Enhancement
enhancements_post_civis_data_match_runsStart a run
enhancements_post_geocodeCreate a Geocode Enhancement
enhancements_post_geocode_cancelCancel a run
enhancements_post_geocode_runsStart a run
enhancements_put_cass_ncoaReplace all attributes of this CASS/NCOA Enhancement
enhancements_put_cass_ncoa_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
enhancements_put_cass_ncoa_projectsAdd a CASS/NCOA Enhancement to a project
enhancements_put_cass_ncoa_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
enhancements_put_cass_ncoa_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
enhancements_put_civis_data_matchReplace all attributes of this Civis Data Match Enhancement
enhancements_put_civis_data_match_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
enhancements_put_civis_data_match_projectsAdd a Civis Data Match Enhancement to a project
enhancements_put_civis_data_match_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
enhancements_put_civis_data_match_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
enhancements_put_geocodeReplace all attributes of this Geocode Enhancement
enhancements_put_geocode_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
enhancements_put_geocode_projectsAdd a Geocode Enhancement to a project
enhancements_put_geocode_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
enhancements_put_geocode_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
exports_get_files_csvGet a CSV Export
exports_patch_files_csvUpdate some attributes of this CSV Export
exports_post_files_csvCreate a CSV Export
exports_put_files_csvReplace all attributes of this CSV Export
exports_put_files_csv_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
feature_flags_delete_groupsDeactivate a feature for a group
feature_flags_delete_usersDeactivate a feature for a user
feature_flags_getShow a feature flag
feature_flags_listList feature flags
feature_flags_put_groupsActivate a feature for a group
feature_flags_put_usersActivate a feature for a user
fetch_allRetrieve all results from a paginated endpoint
fetch_and_generate_clientFetches and generates the client in generated_client.R
fetch_logsFetch job logs from the Civis Platform
fetch_oos_scoresRetrieve out of sample/fold predictions
fetch_output_file_idsReturn output from a civis_script.
fetch_predictionsRetrieve predictions from a CivisML prediction job
fetch_untilRetrieve some results from a paginated endpoint
files_delete_preprocess_csvArchive a Preprocess CSV (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
files_delete_projectsRemove a File from a project
files_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
files_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
files_getGet details about a file
files_get_preprocess_csvGet a Preprocess CSV
files_list_projectsList the projects a File belongs to
files_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
files_patchUpdate details about a file
files_patch_preprocess_csvUpdate some attributes of this Preprocess CSV
files_postInitiate an upload of a file into the platform
files_post_multipartInitiate a multipart upload
files_post_multipart_completeComplete a multipart upload
files_post_preprocess_csvCreate a Preprocess CSV
files_putUpdate details about a file
files_put_preprocess_csvReplace all attributes of this Preprocess CSV
files_put_preprocess_csv_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
files_put_projectsAdd a File to a project
files_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
files_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
generate_clientGenerate a client
get_database_idReturn the database id for a given database name
get_errorGet error data from civis_errors
get_feature_importanceGet model feature importance
get_job_type_versionDerive the job type and version from the given alias.
get_metricGet model metrics
get_script_funGet a script function matching a job type.
get_statusGet the status from results of 'await'
get_table_idReturn the table id for a given table
get_template_ids_all_versionsGet template IDs for all accessible CivisML versions.
get_train_template_idGet training template IDs for the specified CivisML version
git_repos_deleteRemove the bookmark on a git repository
git_repos_getGet a bookmarked git repository
git_repos_listList bookmarked git repositories
git_repos_postBookmark a git repository
groups_deleteDelete a Group (deprecated)
groups_delete_membersRemove a user from a group
groups_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
groups_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
groups_getGet a Group
groups_listList Groups
groups_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
groups_patchUpdate some attributes of this Group
groups_postCreate a Group
groups_putReplace all attributes of this Group
groups_put_membersAdd a user to a group
groups_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
groups_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
hist.civis_mlPlot a histogram of the predicted scores or probabilities for...
imports_delete_files_csvArchive a CSV Import (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
imports_delete_files_runsCancel a run
imports_delete_projectsRemove an Import from a project
imports_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
imports_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
imports_delete_syncsArchive a sync (deprecated, use the /archive endpoint...
imports_getGet details about an import
imports_get_batchesGet details about a batch import
imports_get_files_csvGet a CSV Import
imports_get_files_runsCheck status of a run
imports_listList Imports
imports_list_batchesList batch imports
imports_list_files_runsList runs for the given import
imports_list_files_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
imports_list_projectsList the projects an Import belongs to
imports_list_runsGet the run history of this import
imports_list_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
imports_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
imports_patch_files_csvUpdate some attributes of this CSV Import
imports_postCreate a new import configuration
imports_post_batchesUpload multiple files to Civis
imports_post_cancelCancel a run
imports_post_filesInitate an import of a tabular file into the platform
imports_post_files_csvCreate a CSV Import
imports_post_files_runsStart a run
imports_post_runsRun an import
imports_post_syncsCreate a sync
imports_putUpdate an import
imports_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
imports_put_files_csvReplace all attributes of this CSV Import
imports_put_files_csv_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
imports_put_projectsAdd an Import to a project
imports_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
imports_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
imports_put_syncsUpdate a sync
imports_put_syncs_archiveUpdate the archive status of this sync
jobs_delete_projectsRemove a Job from a project
jobs_delete_runsCancel a run
jobs_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
jobs_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
jobs_getShow basic job info
jobs_get_runsCheck status of a job
jobs_listList Jobs
jobs_list_childrenShow nested tree of children that this job triggers
jobs_list_parentsShow chain of parents as a list that this job triggers from
jobs_list_projectsList the projects a Job belongs to
jobs_list_runsList runs for the given job
jobs_list_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
jobs_list_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
jobs_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
jobs_list_workflowsList the workflows a job belongs to
jobs_post_runsRun a job
jobs_post_trigger_emailGenerate and retrieve trigger email address
jobs_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
jobs_put_projectsAdd a Job to a project
jobs_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
jobs_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
json_values_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
json_values_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
json_values_getGet details about a JSON Value
json_values_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
json_values_patchUpdate some attributes of this JSON Value
json_values_postCreate a JSON Value
json_values_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
json_values_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
match_targets_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
match_targets_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
match_targets_getShow Match Target info
match_targets_listList match targets
match_targets_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
match_targets_patchUpdate a match target
match_targets_postCreate a new match target
match_targets_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
match_targets_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
match_targets_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
media_delete_optimizations_runsCancel a run
media_delete_optimizations_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
media_delete_optimizations_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
media_delete_ratecards_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
media_delete_ratecards_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
media_delete_spot_orders_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
media_delete_spot_orders_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
media_get_optimizationsShow a single optimization
media_get_optimizations_runsCheck status of a run
media_get_ratecardsGet a Ratecard
media_get_spot_ordersShow a single spot order
media_list_dmasList all Designated Market Areas
media_list_optimizationsList all optimizations
media_list_optimizations_runsList runs for the given optimization
media_list_optimizations_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
media_list_optimizations_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
media_list_ratecardsList all ratecards
media_list_ratecards_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
media_list_spot_ordersList all spot orders
media_list_spot_orders_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
media_list_targetsList all Media Targets
media_patch_optimizationsEdit an existing optimization
media_patch_ratecardsUpdate some attributes of this Ratecard
media_post_optimizationsCreate a new optimization
media_post_optimizations_cloneClone an existing optimization
media_post_optimizations_runsStart a run
media_post_ratecardsCreate a Ratecard
media_post_spot_ordersCreate a spot order
media_put_optimizations_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
media_put_optimizations_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
media_put_optimizations_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
media_put_ratecardsReplace all attributes of this Ratecard
media_put_ratecards_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
media_put_ratecards_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
media_put_ratecards_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
media_put_spot_ordersEdit the specified spot order
media_put_spot_orders_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
media_put_spot_orders_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
media_put_spot_orders_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
models_delete_buildsCancel a build
models_delete_projectsRemove a Model from a project
models_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
models_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
models_getRetrieve model configuration
models_get_buildsCheck status of a build
models_list_buildsList builds for the given model
models_list_builds_logsGet the logs for a build
models_list_projectsList the projects a Model belongs to
models_list_schedulesShow the model build schedule
models_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
models_list_typesList all available model types
models_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
models_put_projectsAdd a Model to a project
models_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
models_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
multipart_uploadUpload to files endpoint in parts.
notebooks_deleteArchive a Notebook (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
notebooks_delete_deploymentsDelete a Notebook deployment
notebooks_delete_projectsRemove a Notebook from a project
notebooks_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
notebooks_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
notebooks_getGet a Notebook
notebooks_get_deploymentsGet details about a Notebook deployment
notebooks_get_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
notebooks_listList Notebooks
notebooks_list_deploymentsList deployments for a Notebook
notebooks_list_deployments_logsGet the logs for a Notebook deployment
notebooks_list_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
notebooks_list_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
notebooks_list_projectsList the projects a Notebook belongs to
notebooks_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
notebooks_list_update_linksGet URLs to update notebook
notebooks_patchUpdate some attributes of this Notebook
notebooks_postCreate a Notebook
notebooks_post_cloneClone this Notebook
notebooks_post_deploymentsDeploy a Notebook
notebooks_post_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
notebooks_putReplace all attributes of this Notebook
notebooks_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
notebooks_put_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
notebooks_put_projectsAdd a Notebook to a project
notebooks_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
notebooks_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
notifications_listReceive a stream of notifications as they come in
ontology_listList the ontology of column names Civis uses
plot.civis_ml_classifierDecile plot for classification with civis_ml
plot.civis_ml_regressorY-yhat plot for regression with civis_ml
predictions_getShow the specified prediction
predictions_listList predictions
predictions_list_schedulesShow the prediction schedule
print.civis_apiPrint results from a Civis API call
projects_deleteArchive a project (deprecated, use the /archive endpoint...
projects_delete_parent_projectsRemove an item from a Parent Project
projects_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
projects_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
projects_getGet a detailed view of a project and the objects in it
projects_listList projects
projects_list_parent_projectsList the Parent Projects an item belongs to
projects_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
projects_postCreate a project
projects_putUpdate a project
projects_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
projects_put_parent_projectsAdd an item to a Parent Project
projects_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
projects_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
publish_addinAdd in to Publish an R Markdown file to Platform Reports from...
publish_htmlPublish HTML to Platform Reports
publish_rmdPublish an R Markdown file to Platform Reports
queries_delete_runsCancel a run
queries_getGet details about a query
queries_get_runsCheck status of a run
queries_list_runsList runs for the given query
queries_list_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
queries_postExecute a query
queries_post_runsStart a run
queries_put_scriptsUpdate the query's associated script
query_civisRun a Query on Platform
query_civis_fileExport results from a query to S3 and return a file id.
read_civisRead tables and files from Civis Platform
refresh_tableRefresh a table
remote_hosts_listList the remote hosts
remote_hosts_list_data_setsList data sets available from a remote host
remote_hosts_postCreate a new remote host
remote_hosts_post_authenticateAuthenticate against a remote host using either a credential...
reports_delete_grantsRevoke permission for this report to perform Civis platform...
reports_delete_projectsRemove a Report from a project
reports_delete_services_projectsRemove a Service Report from a project
reports_delete_services_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
reports_delete_services_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
reports_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
reports_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
reports_getShow a single report
reports_get_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
reports_get_servicesShow a single service report
reports_listList Reports
reports_list_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
reports_list_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
reports_list_projectsList the projects a Report belongs to
reports_list_services_projectsList the projects a Service Report belongs to
reports_list_services_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
reports_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
reports_patchUpdate a report
reports_patch_servicesUpdate some attributes of this service report
reports_postCreate a report
reports_post_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
reports_post_grantsGrant this report the ability to perform Civis platform API...
reports_post_refreshRefresh the data in this Tableau report
reports_post_servicesCreate a service report
reports_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
reports_put_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
reports_put_projectsAdd a Report to a project
reports_put_services_projectsAdd a Service Report to a project
reports_put_services_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
reports_put_services_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
reports_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
reports_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
run_civisEvaluate an R expression in a Civis Platform container
run_templateRun a template script
saml_service_providers_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
saml_service_providers_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
saml_service_providers_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
saml_service_providers_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
saml_service_providers_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
scripts_deleteArchive a script (deprecated, use archive endpoints instead)
scripts_delete_containersArchive a container (deprecated, use archive endpoints)
scripts_delete_containers_projectsRemove a Container Script from a project
scripts_delete_containers_runsCancel a run
scripts_delete_containers_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
scripts_delete_containers_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
scripts_delete_customArchive a Custom Script (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
scripts_delete_custom_projectsRemove a Custom Script from a project
scripts_delete_custom_runsCancel a run
scripts_delete_custom_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
scripts_delete_custom_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
scripts_delete_javascriptArchive a JavaScript Script (deprecated, use archiving...
scripts_delete_javascript_projectsRemove a JavaScript Script from a project
scripts_delete_javascript_runsCancel a run
scripts_delete_javascript_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
scripts_delete_javascript_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
scripts_delete_python3Archive a Python Script (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
scripts_delete_python3_projectsRemove a Python Script from a project
scripts_delete_python3_runsCancel a run
scripts_delete_python3_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
scripts_delete_python3_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
scripts_delete_rArchive an R Script (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
scripts_delete_r_projectsRemove an R Script from a project
scripts_delete_r_runsCancel a run
scripts_delete_r_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
scripts_delete_r_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
scripts_delete_sqlArchive a SQL script (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
scripts_delete_sql_projectsRemove a SQL script from a project
scripts_delete_sql_runsCancel a run
scripts_delete_sql_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
scripts_delete_sql_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
scripts_getGet details about a script
scripts_get_containersView a container
scripts_get_containers_runsCheck status of a run
scripts_get_customGet a Custom Script
scripts_get_custom_runsCheck status of a run
scripts_get_javascriptGet a JavaScript Script
scripts_get_javascript_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
scripts_get_javascript_runsCheck status of a run
scripts_get_python3Get a Python Script
scripts_get_python3_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
scripts_get_python3_runsCheck status of a run
scripts_get_rGet an R Script
scripts_get_r_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
scripts_get_r_runsCheck status of a run
scripts_get_sqlGet a SQL script
scripts_get_sql_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
scripts_get_sql_runsCheck status of a run
scripts_listList Scripts
scripts_list_containers_projectsList the projects a Container Script belongs to
scripts_list_containers_runsList runs for the given container
scripts_list_containers_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
scripts_list_containers_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
scripts_list_containers_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
scripts_list_customList Custom Scripts
scripts_list_custom_projectsList the projects a Custom Script belongs to
scripts_list_custom_runsList runs for the given custom
scripts_list_custom_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
scripts_list_custom_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
scripts_list_custom_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
scripts_list_historyGet the run history and outputs of this script
scripts_list_javascript_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
scripts_list_javascript_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
scripts_list_javascript_projectsList the projects a JavaScript Script belongs to
scripts_list_javascript_runsList runs for the given javascript
scripts_list_javascript_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
scripts_list_javascript_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
scripts_list_javascript_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
scripts_list_python3_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
scripts_list_python3_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
scripts_list_python3_projectsList the projects a Python Script belongs to
scripts_list_python3_runsList runs for the given python
scripts_list_python3_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
scripts_list_python3_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
scripts_list_python3_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
scripts_list_r_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
scripts_list_r_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
scripts_list_r_projectsList the projects an R Script belongs to
scripts_list_r_runsList runs for the given r
scripts_list_r_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
scripts_list_r_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
scripts_list_r_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
scripts_list_sql_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
scripts_list_sql_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
scripts_list_sql_projectsList the projects a SQL script belongs to
scripts_list_sql_runsList runs for the given sql
scripts_list_sql_runs_logsGet the logs for a run
scripts_list_sql_runs_outputsList the outputs for a run
scripts_list_sql_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
scripts_list_typesList available script types
scripts_patchUpdate a script
scripts_patch_containersUpdate a container
scripts_patch_customUpdate some attributes of this Custom Script
scripts_patch_javascriptUpdate some attributes of this JavaScript Script
scripts_patch_python3Update some attributes of this Python Script
scripts_patch_rUpdate some attributes of this R Script
scripts_patch_sqlUpdate some attributes of this SQL script
scripts_postCreate a script
scripts_post_cancelCancel a run
scripts_post_containersCreate a container
scripts_post_containers_cloneClone this Container Script
scripts_post_containers_runsStart a run
scripts_post_containers_runs_logsAdd log messages
scripts_post_containers_runs_outputsAdd an output for a run
scripts_post_customCreate a Custom Script
scripts_post_custom_cloneClone this Custom Script
scripts_post_custom_runsStart a run
scripts_post_custom_runs_outputsAdd an output for a run
scripts_post_javascriptCreate a JavaScript Script
scripts_post_javascript_cloneClone this JavaScript Script
scripts_post_javascript_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
scripts_post_javascript_runsStart a run
scripts_post_javascript_runs_outputsAdd an output for a run
scripts_post_python3Create a Python Script
scripts_post_python3_cloneClone this Python Script
scripts_post_python3_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
scripts_post_python3_runsStart a run
scripts_post_python3_runs_outputsAdd an output for a run
scripts_post_rCreate an R Script
scripts_post_r_cloneClone this R Script
scripts_post_r_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
scripts_post_r_runsStart a run
scripts_post_r_runs_outputsAdd an output for a run
scripts_post_runRun a script
scripts_post_sqlCreate a SQL script
scripts_post_sql_cloneClone this SQL script
scripts_post_sql_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
scripts_post_sql_runsStart a run
scripts_put_containersEdit a container
scripts_put_containers_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
scripts_put_containers_projectsAdd a Container Script to a project
scripts_put_containers_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
scripts_put_containers_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
scripts_put_customReplace all attributes of this Custom Script
scripts_put_custom_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
scripts_put_custom_projectsAdd a Custom Script to a project
scripts_put_custom_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
scripts_put_custom_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
scripts_put_javascriptReplace all attributes of this JavaScript Script
scripts_put_javascript_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
scripts_put_javascript_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
scripts_put_javascript_projectsAdd a JavaScript Script to a project
scripts_put_javascript_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
scripts_put_javascript_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
scripts_put_python3Replace all attributes of this Python Script
scripts_put_python3_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
scripts_put_python3_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
scripts_put_python3_projectsAdd a Python Script to a project
scripts_put_python3_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
scripts_put_python3_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
scripts_put_rReplace all attributes of this R Script
scripts_put_r_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
scripts_put_r_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
scripts_put_r_projectsAdd an R Script to a project
scripts_put_r_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
scripts_put_r_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
scripts_put_sqlReplace all attributes of this SQL script
scripts_put_sql_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
scripts_put_sql_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
scripts_put_sql_projectsAdd a SQL script to a project
scripts_put_sql_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
scripts_put_sql_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
search_listPerform a search
search_list_typesList available search types
services_deleteArchive a Service (deprecated, use archiving endpoints...
services_delete_deploymentsDelete a Service deployment
services_delete_projectsRemove a Service from a project
services_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
services_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
services_delete_tokensRevoke a token by id
services_getGet a Service
services_get_deploymentsGet details about a Service deployment
services_listList Services
services_list_deploymentsList deployments for a Service
services_list_deployments_logsGet the logs for a Service deployment
services_list_projectsList the projects a Service belongs to
services_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
services_list_tokensList tokens
services_patchUpdate some attributes of this Service
services_postCreate a Service
services_post_cloneClone this Service
services_post_deploymentsDeploy a Service
services_post_redeployRedeploy a Service
services_post_tokensCreate a new long-lived service token
services_putReplace all attributes of this Service
services_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
services_put_projectsAdd a Service to a project
services_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
services_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
sqlSQL escaping
stash_local_dataframeStash a data frame in feather or csv format, depending on...
storage_hosts_deleteDelete a storage host (deprecated)
storage_hosts_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
storage_hosts_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
storage_hosts_getGet a storage host
storage_hosts_listList the storage hosts
storage_hosts_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
storage_hosts_patchUpdate some attributes of this storage host
storage_hosts_postCreate a new storage host
storage_hosts_putReplace all attributes of this storage host
storage_hosts_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
storage_hosts_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
tables_delete_projectsRemove a Table from a project
tables_getShow basic table info
tables_get_enhancements_cass_ncoaView the status of a CASS / NCOA table enhancement
tables_get_enhancements_geocodingsView the status of a geocoding table enhancement
tables_listList tables
tables_list_columnsList columns in the specified table
tables_list_projectsList the projects a Table belongs to
tables_patchUpdate a table
tables_post_enhancements_cass_ncoaStandardize addresses in a table
tables_post_enhancements_geocodingsGeocode a table
tables_post_refreshRequest a refresh for column and table statistics
tables_post_scanCreates and enqueues a single table scanner job on a new...
tables_put_projectsAdd a Table to a project
templates_delete_reportsArchive a Report Template (deprecated, use archiving...
templates_delete_reports_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
templates_delete_reports_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
templates_delete_scriptsArchive a Script Template (deprecated, use archiving...
templates_delete_scripts_projectsRemove a Script Template from a project
templates_delete_scripts_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
templates_delete_scripts_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
templates_get_reportsGet a Report Template
templates_get_scriptsGet a Script Template
templates_list_reportsList Report Templates
templates_list_reports_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
templates_list_scriptsList Script Templates
templates_list_scripts_projectsList the projects a Script Template belongs to
templates_list_scripts_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
templates_patch_reportsUpdate some attributes of this Report Template
templates_patch_scriptsUpdate some attributes of this Script Template
templates_post_reportsCreate a Report Template
templates_post_reports_reviewReview a template for security vulnerability and correctness...
templates_post_scriptsCreate a Script Template
templates_post_scripts_reviewReview a template for security vulnerability and correctness...
templates_put_reportsReplace all attributes of this Report Template
templates_put_reports_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
templates_put_reports_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
templates_put_scriptsReplace all attributes of this Script Template
templates_put_scripts_projectsAdd a Script Template to a project
templates_put_scripts_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
templates_put_scripts_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
transfer_tableTransfer a table from one location to another.
users_delete_api_keysRevoke the specified API key
users_delete_me_favoritesUnfavorite an item
users_getShow info about a user
users_get_api_keysShow the specified API key
users_listList users
users_list_api_keysShow API keys belonging to the specified user
users_list_meShow info about the logged-in user
users_list_me_favoritesList Favorites
users_list_me_uiUI configuration for logged-in user
users_patchUpdate info about a user (must be an admin or client user...
users_patch_meUpdate info about the logged-in user
users_postCreate a new user (must be an admin or client user admin)
users_post_api_keysCreate a new API key belonging to the logged-in user
users_post_me_favoritesFavorite an item
with_tempfileCall a function with a temporary file.
workflows_delete_projectsRemove a Workflow from a project
workflows_delete_shares_groupsRevoke the permissions a group has on this object
workflows_delete_shares_usersRevoke the permissions a user has on this object
workflows_getGet a Workflow
workflows_get_executionsGet a workflow execution
workflows_get_executions_tasksGet a task of a workflow execution
workflows_get_git_commitsGet file contents at commit_hash
workflows_listList Workflows
workflows_list_executionsList workflow executions
workflows_list_gitGet the git metadata attached to an item
workflows_list_git_commitsGet the git commits for an item
workflows_list_projectsList the projects a Workflow belongs to
workflows_list_sharesList users and groups permissioned on this object
workflows_patchUpdate some attributes of this Workflow
workflows_postCreate a Workflow
workflows_post_cloneClone this Workflow
workflows_post_executionsExecute a workflow
workflows_post_executions_cancelCancel a workflow execution
workflows_post_executions_resumeResume a paused workflow execution
workflows_post_executions_retryRetry a failed task, or all failed tasks in an execution
workflows_post_git_commitsCommit and push a new version of the file
workflows_putReplace all attributes of this Workflow
workflows_put_archiveUpdate the archive status of this object
workflows_put_gitAttach an item to a file in a git repo
workflows_put_projectsAdd a Workflow to a project
workflows_put_shares_groupsSet the permissions groups has on this object
workflows_put_shares_usersSet the permissions users have on this object
write_chunksSplit a file into chunks of a given chunk size, returning a...
write_civisUpload a local data frame or csv file to the Civis Platform...
write_civis_fileUpload a R object or file to Civis Platform (Files endpoint)
write_job_outputAdd a file as a run output if called from a container job
civisanalytics/civis-r documentation built on June 27, 2020, 7:25 a.m.