nhanesDXA: Import Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) data.

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nhanesDXAR Documentation

Import Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) data.


DXA data were acquired from 1999-2006.


nhanesDXA(year, suppl = FALSE, destfile = NULL, adjust_timeout = TRUE)



The year of the data to import, where 1999<=year<=2006.


If TRUE then retrieve the supplemental data (default=FALSE).


The name of a destination file. If NULL then the data are imported into the R environment but no file is created.


Typically a logical flag indicating whether the default download.file timeout option should be adjusted by taking into account the size of the file to be downloaded, as reported by the server. The value can also be a positive numeric value, in which case it is used as a further multiplicative factor for the default calculation.


Provide destfile in order to write the data to file. If destfile is not provided then the data will be imported into the R environment.


By default the table is returned as a data frame. When downloading to file, the return argument is the integer code from download.file where 0 means success and non-zero indicates failure to download.


dxa_b <- nhanesDXA(2001)
dxa_c_s <- nhanesDXA(2003, suppl=TRUE)
## Not run: dxa = nhanesDXA(1999, destfile="dxx.xpt")

cjendres1/nhanes documentation built on May 13, 2024, 1:34 p.m.