Man pages for ckenaley/trackter
Automated Kinematic Analysis of Image Data

amp.freqComputes amplitude and frequency of wave-like data
bearing.xyComputes the heading between to cartesian points
colon-equalsAssignment by reference
contrast.imgChange image contrast
cosine.angComputes angle between two segments sharing a point.
crop.imgCrop an image
cyclizeCalculate waveform cycles
data.overlayPlot data over an image
degConverts radians to degrees
dist.2dComputes distance between two points in Cartesian space
dist.2d.lineComputes orthogonal distance between a point and a line
find.roiROI identification through thresholding and segmentation
fin.kinTracking of fin-like extensions of body contours estimations for closed contours
gg.overlayPlot output from 'kin' functions
halfwaveCompute half wavelengths from a sine-like waveform images into a video file
kin.searchMidline and outline tracking over image sequences
pick.pts2D Manual digitization of image data
point.ang.origComputes new position of a point rotating about an origin
radconvert degrees to radians
thr.checkEvaluate a range of threshold values for creating binary... images from a video file
waveCompute wavelengths from a sine-like waveform
ckenaley/trackter documentation built on Feb. 11, 2022, 6:43 a.m.