Man pages for ckornafel/expldata
Implementation of Exploratory Data Analysis

ColTypeDetermining Class Types of Each Column in an Object
ColValidValidation of the Number of Columns
CountValCount of Unique & Duplicated Values of Each Column
CreateHuxCreates Hux Table Object for Printing
EDAPerforms Multiple EDA Analyis Functions
FindColNAIdentifies Number and Percentage of NAs By Column
FindRowNAIdentifies Number and Percentage of NAs By Row
HasNAChecks for Missing Values in Dataframe
IQRangeCalculates Quartiles and Outlier Ranges
MultiplotPrints Multiple Plots from a List
OutDetermines Inner and Outer IQR Fence Outlier Counts
OutsideRangeDetermines if a Value is Outside Range
PlotsCreates a List of ggplots: density or boxplot
RngIdentifies Max, Min, and Spread of Numeric Columns
RowDupIdentifies Duplicate Rows in Object
RowSampleRandom Row Sample
RowValidValidation of the Number of Rows
SWNormalityPerforming Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test
ckornafel/expldata documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 2:20 a.m.