
Data package with example database management vignettes, presentation, and datasets

Installing this package

Install the package from github using devtools:


Make sure the following dependencies are installed: - dplyr - readr - knitr - tidyr - lubridate


Exploring this package

First, load the package!


Take a look at the datasets

There are datasets that are set up well and others that are poorly constructed. To load a dataset in a readable format use the following commands:


After typing "View(dataManagment::" a list of all the datasets should appear: - full - location - observer - sighting - sightings_bad - sightings_really_bad - species - species_bad

Learn what not to do

Take a look at the sightings_bad, sightings_really_bad, and species_bad datasets

Also, look at the documentation for each of the datasets, to learn what might be wrong with each of them


How to better manage data

Consider viewing the "Data Management Tips" vignette:

  1. Enter "browseVignettes('dataManagement')" in the Console window
  2. Select the HTML link for the "Data Management Tips" Vignette

Look at the following datasets and their documentation as examples: - full - location - observer - sighting - species

Consider learning about making your own R Data Package:

clabuzze/dataManagement documentation built on Sept. 8, 2020, 10:37 a.m.