Computing the covariance between two data vectors of length $n$ requires $O(n)$ operations. A sample $n \times p$ covariance matrix requires $(p + 1)p / 2$ vector covariances. So the whole covariance matrix needs

$$ O(n) frac{(p + 1) p}{2} $$

Suppose we model wall time required for an $n \times p$ sample covariance calculation as:

$$ t = c + b n (p + 1) p / 2 + \epsilon $$

where $c$ is the constant overhead and $\epsilon$ is the random error.

cov_times = read.csv("cov_times.csv")
cov_times$complexity = with(cov_times, n * (p + 1) * p / 2)

fit_baseline = lm(baseline ~ complexity, cov_times)
fit_chunked = lm(chunked ~ complexity, cov_times)
fit_parallel_chunked = lm(parallel_chunked ~ complexity, cov_times)

The baseline model uses the builtin cov() function, while the chunked version builds on cov() by partitioning the sample matrix into groups of columns.

Side note: great QQ plot here.

plot(fit_baseline, which = 2)

If the coefficients for complexity are similar this is good for the model.


They're reasonably close at 1.2 and 1.3. The units are in nanoseconds. What does this mean in terms of processor speed and actual number of operations? The clock speed is around 3 GHz, so a single clock cycle takes around 1 / 3 nanoseconds. Really understanding this will require significant low level knowledge, and depends on how the code was compiled. I also need to know exactly how the covariance is computed. But without considering all this I can see that the coefficient for computational complexity is on the same order as a single clock cycle.

Parallelism should cut the computational complexity coefficient approximately in half, because this experiment was done with 2 cores.


# This is not nearly as symmetrical as the others.
plot(fit_parallel_chunked, which = 2)

Hmmm, doesn't cut it in half. Overhead in the intercept is around $1.4 \times 10^7$ nanoseconds = 14 milliseconds. This is consistent with each use of parallel taking around 1 ms. But it would be better to model this in terms of $n$ and $p$.

We can also ask, for what values of computational complexity will the parallel version be faster?

cov_times$parallel_faster = cov_times$parallel_chunked < cov_times$baseline

plot(cov_times$complexity, cov_times$parallel_faster, log = "x")

fit2 = glm(parallel_faster ~ complexity, family = "binomial"
        , data = cov_times)

curve(predict(fit2, data.frame(complexity=x), type="resp"), add=TRUE)


TODO: Look at outlying cases. What makes them exceptional?

outliers = abs(residuals(fit2)) > 3

cov_times[outliers, ]

This one has $n = 2848, p = 433$, and all the times around 0.3 seconds. Probably just random that the parallel version took longer.

clarkfitzg/codedoctor documentation built on Nov. 18, 2020, 4:34 p.m.