
Parallelism is useful if it improves the speed of a slow program. If speed doesn't improve then parallelism is an unnecessary complication. autoparallel transforms programs from serial into multicore parallel, and then benchmarks the modified program to determine if the transformation increases the speed.

The word 'program' means a collection of valid R statements. Typically this means a script or a function.

Basic Transformations

We begin with the simplest and most obvious way to transform a program. Top level occurences of lapply, mapply, Map are changed to mclapply, mcmapply, mcMap from the parallel package, and the run times are compared. Below lapply, mapply, Map are referred to as the 'target statements'.

This technique may be useful if the following conditions are met:

Consider the following simple program:

# simple.R

ffast = function(x) rnorm(1)

fslow = function(x){

z = 1:10
r1 = lapply(z, ffast)
r2 = lapply(z, fslow)

To make this run faster the last line should be changed to:

r2 = parallel::mclapply(x, fslow)

To transform it:


benchmark_transform("simple.R", output = "simple2.R")

clarkfitzg/codedoctor documentation built on Nov. 18, 2020, 4:34 p.m.