
Consider computing a sample covariance matrix with cov(), included with R in the stats package. In the inst/examples directory of this package there is a version with this signature:

cov_with_prechunk = function(x, nchunks = 2L){ ...

cov_with_prechunk() does the same computation as cov(), but internally it breaks a matrix x into chunks and uses lapply() over these chunks. This lapply() makes cov_with_prechunk() amenable to automatic parallelization.

The parameter nchunks determines the number of chunks, which in turn determines the level of parallelism. nchunks doesn't affect the numerical result; it's only used for performance tuning.

Suppose we will be using cov_with_prechunk() many times on similar data inputs. Hence we would like a faster, parallel version with the number of chunks tuned to our specific system and data inputs.


n = 2000
p = 200

# The type of data input we expect, and thus would like to tune for.
typical_x = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)

# A tuning parameter for the performance optimization
nchunks_param = tune_param(list(2L, 4L, 8L, 16L))

cov_tuned = tune(cov_with_prechunk, x = typical_x, nchunks = nchunks_param)

This cov_tuned() is now a version of cov_with_prechunk() that has been specialized to work with inputs similar to typical_x. Specifically, new arguments should share with typical_x the same class, typeof, dim, and presence of NA's / NULL's. TODO: revisit these assumptions. Because nchunks was a performance tuning parameter the tuned function can have the default set for the fastest value that was discovered.

The tuned code should then run faster on the expected input (or at least no slower!):


microbenchmark(cov_with_prechunk(typical_x), times = 5L)

microbenchmark(cov_tuned(typical_x), times = 5L)

future ideas

Rather than specifying a finite set of parameters to try, more generally we would prefer to treat this as a constrained optimization problem. The objective function to minimize is the total run time of the function, which may be highly variable. But we can measure it as many times as we like. Then it may become something like a stochastic mixed integer optimization problem.

Duncan's idea: How about live functions that adapt as they see new input?

# nchunks_param = tune_param(par = 2L, lower = 2L, upper = ncol(typical_x), class = "integer"))

We can also increase speed by removing or modifying code inside the function that doesn't apply based on the characteristics of the sample data. We can dispatch methods more directly if we know what they will be. For example, if we know that the class of the input is numeric we can turn off or remove a bunch of code, ie. inside stats::cov:

    if (is.data.frame(y))
        y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (is.data.frame(x))
        x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (!is.matrix(x) && is.null(y))
        stop("supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'")
    stopifnot(is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x), is.atomic(x))

We make stronger assumptions on the class of the input- these could be tested, or the tests could even be omitted for increased performance.

We could look through all the code in R and several packages to see which conditions are most often tested, and then target those first.

clarkfitzg/codedoctor documentation built on Nov. 18, 2020, 4:34 p.m.