
Lightweight R package to use an Apache Spark cluster for parallel computation

ATTENTION: This package should be considered as an experimental beta version only. I have yet to test it on a real cluster :)

Please see SparkR for the official Apache supported Spark / R interface.

This project initially came out of an attempt to connect Spark to the more general ddR project (distributed data in R). Work supported by R-Consortium.


Suppose we want to check how well similar invariance of the trace holds numerically for random matrices.

This is useful for demonstration because this is an expensive function taking between O(n^2) and O(n^3) operations. Push the heavy computation to the cluster.

Note that this is the naive way to set random seeds. For more sophisticated uses see the rsprng and rlecuyer packages.

# Here the "local[3]" argument means there will be 3 local workers
sc <- sparkapi::start_shell(master = "local[3]", app_name = "sparklite_demo")


sim <- function(seed, n = 1000){
    A <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), nrow = n)
    B <- matrix(rnorm(n * n), nrow = n)
    Binv <- solve(B)
    BAB <- Binv %*% A %*% B
    tr <- function(X) sum(diag(X))
    c(trA = tr(A), trBAB = tr(BAB))

results <- clusterApply(sc, 1:20, sim)


The web UI to watch a local Spark job progress is here by default: http://localhost:4040/jobs/


The goal of this package is to enable distributed computation in Spark from R through the simplest possible interface, using a minimum amount of code. It can therefore be considered a direct translation of the Java class org.apache.spark.api.r.RRDD. This would be useful for users who would like to use Spark and R for heavy computation in embarrassingly parallel problems such as simulation.

Whenever possible we emulate the API of functions from R's excellent included parallel package, since we're doing exactly the same thing with a Spark cluster instead of SNOW clusters.

The official SparkR package is useful if you'd like to use more of the native capabilities in Spark. However, at around 30K lines of R code it's much more complex.

# Line count:
~/dev/spark/R $ find . -name "*.R" | xargs wc -l | tail -n 1
   27895 total

Example with real data

# 22 MB dataset
df <- read.csv("~/data/nycflights13.csv")

# I imagine that tuning this matters:
N <- 5
splits <- sort(rep(1:N, length.out = nrow(df)))

# The elements of this list will be serialized into Spark
dflist <- split(df, splits)

# Function to apply
linmod <- function(d){
    fit <- lm(arr_delay ~ year + month, data = d)

# Apply it over the data in chunks
results <- clusterApply(sc, dflist, linmod)

clarkfitzg/sparklite documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:35 p.m.