Man pages for clauswilke/colorblindr
Simulate colorblindness in R figures

cvd_gridCreate a grid of different color-deficiency simulations of a...
edit_colorsEdit colors in existing plot or grid object
gg_color_gradientGenerate a continuous color gradient to be colored via...
gg_color_swatchesGenerate a set of color swatches to be colored via ggplot2's...
palette_OkabeItoColor palette proposed by Okabe and Ito
palette_plotVisualize a color palette as swatches of colors, possibly...
scale_OkabeItoOkabe-Ito color scale
view_cvdInteractively view cvd simulations of a figure or plot
clauswilke/colorblindr documentation built on July 29, 2023, 2:17 p.m.