Man pages for clbustos/SemanticFields
Analize lexical availability corpora using traditional methods and graphs

bagOfWordsGenerate matrix with people as rows and words as columns
buildGephiFromCorpusBuild a Gephi file based on a corpus
buildGephiFromGraphBuild a Gephi file based on graph
cleanRawCorpusClean raw database, before generate a corpus
generateCorpusGenerate a base object to analyze corpus as a graph and its...
graphFromCorpusGenerate a Graph from igraph, using a data.frame with corpus...
LAILexical availability index
LAI.lexmathLexical availability index, LEXMATH version
meanPathWeightCalculates mean path weight for every person In raw
nodeStatisticsReturns a data.frame with statistics for each node
nodeWeightCalculates the sum and mean of edge weight for all nodes
personalLAICalculates mean LAI for every person In raw and normalized...
semanticfieldsMethods to analyze Lexical Availability Index and Word and...
sfWideCsvToCorpusTransform wide representation (each line a set of responses)...
trimByWeightTrim by weight
clbustos/SemanticFields documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:39 p.m.