Man pages for clbustos/coolcat-r

categoryUtilityFunctionCalculates the category utility function Sums the differences...
detectBadPointsDetect bad fitting points on data
entropyEntropy for a vector. Omits NA. If you consider NA as a value...
entropy.rEntropy, R bases Works fine, but is slow!
expectedEntropyExpected entropy of Y given X, where Y is multivariate...
expectedEntropy.pairwiseExpected entropy of Y given X, where Y is factor Assumes...
expectedEntropy.partitionExpected entropy for a partition object
expectedEntropy.rR version of conditional/expected entropy Only useful for...
fitPointReturns the cluster for which the point is better suited....
multivariateEntropyMultivariate entropy E(X)=sum_i E(X_i)
plot.coolcatPlot coolcat object
pointFittingProbabilityPoint fitting probability Calculates the log of conditional...
refitPointDetects bad categorized points and returns new clustering
symUncertaintyCoefficientSymmetrical measure of uncertainty between variables on a...
tableByFactorPercentages or frequency for attribute on a data.frame,...
clbustos/coolcat-r documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:39 p.m.