Man pages for clbustos/dominanceAnalysis
Dominance Analysis

averageContributionRetrieve average contribution of each predictor in a...
bootAverageDominanceAnalysisBootstrap Average Values for Dominance Analysis
bootDominanceAnalysisBootstrap Analysis for Dominance Analysis
centerOnGroupCenter the variables on groups mean.
checkDominanceAnalysisCheck if the given object have the dominanceAnalysis class
contributionByLevelRetrieve average contribution by level for each predictor
daAverageContributionByLevelCalculates the average contribution by level for a...
da.betareg.fitProvides fit indices for betareg models.
da.clm.fitProvides fit indices for ordinal regression models, based on...
daCompleteDominanceMatrix of Complete dominance of one variable over another...
daConditionalDominanceMatrix of Conditional dominance of one variable over another.
da.dynlm.fitProvides coefficient of determination for 'dynlm' models.
daGeneralDominanceMatrix of General dominance of one variable over another Uses...
da.glm.fitProvides fit indices for GLM models.
da.lmerMod.fitProvides fit indices for hierarchical linear models, based on...
da.lm.fitProvides coefficient of determination for 'lm' models.
da.lmWithCov.fitProvides coefficient of determination for linear models,...
da.mlmWithCov.fitProvides coefficient of determination for multivariate...
daRawResultsRetrieve raw results for dominance analysis.
daSubmodelsReturns all the submodels derived from full models.
dominanceAnalysisDominance analysis for OLS (univariate and multivariate), GLM...
dominanceanalysis-packageDominance analysis for general, generalized and mixed linear...
dominanceBriefingRetrieve a briefing for complete, conditional and general...
dominanceMatrixRetrieve or calculates a dominance matrix for a given object
formulas.daSubmodelsReturn a list with formulas for a given daSubmodels object
getDataReturns data from different models
getEqualRowIdReturn the index of row equals to r on m
getFitsRetrieve fit matrix or matrices
lmmR2Calculates several measures of fit for Linear Mixed Models...
lmWithCovUses covariance/correlation matrix for calculate OLS
mlmWithCovUses covariance/correlation matrix to calculate multivariate...
plot.dominanceAnalysisPlot for a 'dominanceAnalysis' object
print.dominanceAnalysisPrint the results of a dominanceAnalysis object
print.lmmR2Print method for lmmR2 object, that retrieves the summary.
print.summary.bootDominanceAnalysisPrint a summary.bootDominanceAnalysis object
print.summary.dominanceAnalysisPrint a summary.dominanceAnalysis object
print.summary.lmmR2Print method for lmmR2 models summary
rankUsingMatrixDominance of each factor over others. Dominance requires that...
replaceTermsInStringReplace terms by name using the terms definition
summary.bootAverageDominanceAnalysisSummary for bootAverageDominanceAnalysis.
summary.bootDominanceAnalysisSummary for bootDominanceAnalysis.
summary.dominanceAnalysisSummary for a 'dominanceAnalysis' object
summary.lmmR2Summary for lmmR2 models
tropicbirdDistribution of a tropical native bird species inhabiting a...
using-fit-indicesProvides fit indices for different regression models.
clbustos/dominanceAnalysis documentation built on March 8, 2024, 5:22 a.m.