Man pages for clepadellec/ClustersAnalysis
Analyses and interpretation of clustering

m_acm_plotPlot ACM multivariate
m_acp_2_axesValues ACP with 2 dimensions
m_data_typeAll type possible in the dataframe
m_DB_indexDavies-Boulin Indice
m_dummy_dataone hot recoding
m_kmean_clustering_plotplot cluster on the first two dimensions
m_kmean_rand_ajustedCompare two partitions, real classes vs kmeans classes (with...
m_kmean_rand_indexCompare two partitions, real classes vs kmeans classes
m_matrix_distanceDistance Matrix
m_mean_distanceMean distance
m_R2_multivariateRapport Correlation Multivariate
m_rand_ajustedCalculate adjusted rand index
m_rand_indexCalculate rand index
m_silhouette_indCalculate index silhouette
m_silhouette_plotPlot silhouette index
m_sil_pca_plotPlot silhouette index with Component analysis
m_test.valueCalculate the test value
m_type_variableVerify the type of variables
multivariate_objectConstructor for multivariate object
u_afc_plotVizualise modality and class on the same plan
u_chisq_test_allFunction to apply chisq test between your group variable and...
u_desc_profilsSee raws and columns profils, and a barplot
u_desc_size_effectFunction to see if some class are over-representend or not
u_eta2Calculate the correlation
u_fisher_test_allCalculate correlation for each quantitatives variable and...
u_Mosaic_plotCreate mosaic plot
Univariate_objectConstructor for the univariate object
u_plot_size_effectPlot the size effect with a mosaic plot
u_shapiro_testShapiro test
u_test_valueCalculate the test value
u_ttest_allMean's comparison using student test
clepadellec/ClustersAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 10:03 p.m.