Man pages for clintpgeorge/ldamcmc
Markov chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model

autos-motorcyclesAutos and Motorcycles (C-4)
bopBirds of Prey (C-9)
calc_beta_topic_labelsComputes beta topic labels
calc_class_term_frequencyCalculate class term frequency matrix
calc_doc_cosComputes cosine scores between documents in a corpus
calc_doc_lengthsCalculate document sizes
calc_doc_tfComputes term frequency (tf) vectors for documents
calc_tfidfCalculate TF-IDF values
calc_top_topic_wordsGets the most probable topical words
canisCanis (C-8)
catsCats (C-6)
felinesFelines (C-7)
gen_corpusGenerates a synthetic corpus based on symmetric Dirichlets
gen_meshgridGenerates a mesh-grid
gen_synth_corpusGenerates a synthetic corpus
get_grid_neighborsGets grid neighbors (used for Serial Tempering)
ibm-macPC Hardware and Mac Hardware (C-5)
lda_acgsAugmented collapsed Gibbs sampler (ACGS) for LDA
lda_acgs_hsThe LDA Augmented Collapsed Gibbs sampler (ACGS) with...
lda_acgs_lppv_RLog Posterior Predictive Value based on the Augmented...
lda_acgs_stLDA: Serial Tempering with Perplexity Computation
lda_cgs_emLDA: Gibbs-EM
lda_cgs_em_perplexityLDA: Gibbs-EM with Perplexity Computation
lda_cgs_perplexityLDA: Collapsed Gibbs Sampler with Perplexity Computation
lda_fgsFull Gibbs sampler (FGS) for LDA
lda_fgs_acgs_ppcEstimates Posterior Predictive Values (demo)
lda_fgs_BF_perplexityLDA: Estimate Bayes Factors using Full Gibbs Sampler
lda_fgs_hsThe LDA Full Gibbs sampler (FGS) with Selection of h
lda_fgs_lppvComputes Log Posterior Predictive Value for an LDA model:
lda_fgs_lppv_RLog Posterior Predictive Value based on the Full Gibbs...
lda_fgs_perplexityLDA: Full Gibbs Sampler with Perplexity Computation
lda_fgs_ppcLDA: Full Gibbs Sampler with Posterior Predictive Value
lda_fgs_stLDA Full Gibbs sampler (FGS) with Serial Tempering and Tuning
lda_fgs_st_perplexityLDA: Serial Tempering with Perplexity Computation
ldamcmcMarkov chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for the Latent Dirichlet...
med-christian-baseballMedicine, Christianity, and Baseball (C-1)
normalizeNormalizes a given matrix
plot_meshgridPlot a meshgrid
read_docsRead documents
recRecreation (C-2)
sample_antoniakSamples from the Antoniak distribution
sample_dirichletSamples from a Dirichlet distribution given a hyperparameter
sample_multinomialA speedy sampling from a multimomial distribution
sciScience (C-3)
vectorize_docsVectorize the documents
wtWhales and Tires
wt16Whales and Tires (8 documents each)
wt16mWhales and Tires (8 documents each)
clintpgeorge/ldamcmc documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 12:39 p.m.