Man pages for clintpgeorge/ldavem
LDA Variational EM Algorithm

autos-motorcyclesAutos and Motorcycles (C-4)
bopBirds of Prey (C-9)
calc_class_term_frequencyCalculate class term frequency matrix
calc_doc_cosComputes cosine scores between documents in a corpus
calc_doc_lengthsCalculate document sizes
calc_doc_tfComputes term frequency (tf) vectors for documents
calc_tfidfCalculate TF-IDF values
calc_top_topic_wordsGets the most probable topical words
canisCanis (C-8)
catsCats (C-6)
felinesFelines (C-7)
gen_meshgridGenerates a mesh-grid
gen_synth_corpus2Generates a Corpus with a given (alpha, eta)
gen_synth_corpus_multi_alphaGenerates a Corpus with Multiple (alpha, eta)s
gen_synth_corpus_multi_hGenerates a Corpus with Multiple (alpha, eta)s
ibm-macPC Hardware and Mac Hardware (C-5)
ldavemLDA Variational EM Algorithm
lda_vemLDA: Variational EM
med-christian-baseballMedicine, Christianity, and Baseball (C-1)
normalizeNormalizes a given matrix
plot_meshgridPlot a meshgrid
read_docsRead documents
recRecreation (C-2)
sample_dirichletSamples from a Dirichlet distribution given a hyperparameter
sample_multinomialA speedy sampling from a multimomial distribution
sciScience (C-3)
vectorize_docsVectorize the documents
wtWhales and Tires
wt16Whales and Tires (8 documents each)
wt16mWhales and Tires (8 documents each)
clintpgeorge/ldavem documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:01 p.m.