
# Note: This is still a work in progress (contributors are welcome!)
# Description: This is a dummy function to used in demos and unit tests
#              There are 8 'demonstration faults' in this demo function
#              * 4 related to control flow
#              * 4 related to numeric calculations
#              with some bugs having a mixed type
#              This classification is a bit contrived; however, the number of
#              tests needed to run the tests for each "bug" type varies by 
#              orders of magnitude, so for the purpose of demos in this package,
#              they shall be classified as such.
# Author: cloudcell
# Date: 2016-02-29

# waitForUserInput <- function() 
# { 
#     message("press Enter when ready")
#     invisible(readline()) 
# }

#' Generates errors for several combinations of input parameters to test the
#' existing and emerging functionality of the package
#' Whenever options lead the control flow within a function to a 'demo bug', 
#' the function stops and the test framework records a 'FAIL' result.
#' Upon a successful completion, the function returns a numeric value into the 
#' environment from which the function was called.
#' @param x: any numeric scalar value (non-vector)
#' @param y: any numeric scalar value (non-vector)
#' @param option any character value from "a", "b", "c"
#' @param suboption any character value from "a", "b", "c", "d"
#' @author cloudcell
#' @export
fuzzdemofunc <- function(x, y, option, suboption)
    tmp1 <- 0
                      "a"={                                    },
                      "b"={                                    },
                      "c"={ if(x + y <0) stop("demo bug #1CF (control flow)") },
                      "d"={                                    },
                      { stop("Wrong suboption (valid 'FAIL')") }
               if(abs(x-y+1)<0.01) stop("demo bug #1NC (numeric calc.)")
               x <- 1
                      "a"={ x <- x*1.5                         },
                      "b"={ x <- y                             },
                      "c"={ y <- 1                             },
                      "d"={ if(x>y) stop("demo bug #2CF (control flow)") },
                      { stop("Wrong suboption (valid 'FAIL')") }
               if(abs(x %% 5 - y)<0.01) stop("demo bug #2NC (numeric calc.)")
                      "a"={ stop("demo bug #3CF (control flow)") },
                      "b"={                                    },
                      "c"={                                    },
                      "d"={  rm(tmp1)                          },
                      { stop("Wrong suboption (valid 'FAIL')") }
               if(abs(x %/% 5 - y)<0.01) stop("demo bug #3NC  (numeric calc.)")
           { stop("Wrong option (valid 'FAIL')") }
    if(!exists("tmp1")) stop("demo bug #4CF (control flow)")
    result <- x - y*2 + 5
    if(abs(result)<0.01) stop("demo bug #4NC  (numeric calc.)")
cloudcell/fuzztest documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:02 p.m.