intervalFilteredPosPL: Filters position PL records that correspond to set intervals...

Description Usage Arguments Details


When a portfolio is updated not on every timestamp, but on intervals larger than intervals b/n market data timestamps, Position PL records are formed out of a 'union' of records based on the Interval argument and records that correspond to records within transactions table. Time in the market should be based on interval timestamps to be correct, excluding duplicates (!), so the statement above should be applied to statistics based on the number of PosPL records in general. At the same time, those records not falling on Interval endpoints could simply be removed from PosPL and the statistics will not be distorted by those "txn" table records


intervalFilteredPosPL(ct, interval = NULL)



environment with context variables, which must include the following: portfolio, symbol, ppl (position PL), dates, dargs(expanded '...'), etc. (yet to be worked out)


optional character string, containing one of "millisecond" (or "ms"), "microsecond" (or "us"), "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", or "year". This can optionally be preceded by a positive integer, or followed by "s".


"time zero" for endpoints is always linked to the beginning of the available price time series. Therefore, "endpoints" may be different for the same study depending on the loaded price data This is a good approach as it relieves the user of the burden to keep an extra variable for the beginning of the time series across other functions of the QS framework

cloudcello/rfintools documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:17 p.m.