create_storage_account: Create Azure storage account

create_storage_accountR Documentation

Create Azure storage account


Method for the AzureRMR::az_resource_group class.


create_storage_account(name, location, kind = "StorageV2", replication = "Standard_LRS",
                       access_tier = "hot"), https_only = TRUE,
                       hierarchical_namespace_enabled = TRUE, properties = list(), ...)


  • name: The name of the storage account.

  • location: The location/region in which to create the account. Defaults to the resource group location.

  • kind: The type of account, either "StorageV2" (the default), "FileStorage" or "BlobStorage".

  • replication: The replication strategy for the account. The default is locally-redundant storage (LRS).

  • access_tier: The access tier, either "hot" or "cool", for blobs.

  • https_only: Whether a HTTPS connection is required to access the storage.

  • hierarchical_namespace_enabled: Whether to enable hierarchical namespaces, which are a feature of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 and provide more a efficient way to manage storage. See 'Details' below.

  • properties: A list of other properties for the storage account.

  • ... Other named arguments to pass to the az_storage initialization function.


This method deploys a new storage account resource, with parameters given by the arguments. A storage account can host multiple types of storage:

  • blob storage

  • file storage

  • table storage

  • queue storage

  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Accounts created with kind = "BlobStorage" can only host blob storage, while those with kind = "FileStorage" can only host file storage. Accounts with kind = "StorageV2" can host all types of storage. AzureStor provides an R interface to ADLSgen2, blob and file storage, while the AzureQstor and AzureTableStor packages provide interfaces to queue and table storage respectively.


An object of class az_storage representing the created storage account.

See Also

get_storage_account, delete_storage_account, az_storage

Azure Storage documentation, Azure Storage Provider API reference, Azure Data Lake Storage hierarchical namespaces


## Not run: 

rg <- AzureRMR::az_rm$
    new(tenant="", app="app_id", password="password")$

# create a new storage account
rg$create_storage_account("mystorage", kind="StorageV2")

# create a blob storage account in a different region

## End(Not run)

cloudyr/AzureStor documentation built on July 31, 2022, 11:22 a.m.