Man pages for cloudyr/googleComputeEngineR
R Interface with Google Compute Engine

as.cluster.gce_instanceCreate a future cluster for GCE objects
AttachedDiskAttachedDisk Object
cat0if argument is NULL, no line output
cli_toolsSee if ssh or scp is installed From...
container_logsRetrieve logs for a container.
container_rmDelete a container.
container_runningReport whether a container is currently running.
containersGet list of all containers on a host.
container_update_infoUpdate the information about a container.
DiskDisk Object
docker_buildBuild image on an instance from a local Dockerfile
docker_cmdRun a docker command on a host.
docker_cmd.gce_instanceDocker S3 method for use with harbor package
docker_inspectInspect one or more containers, given name(s) or ID(s).
docker_pullPull a docker image onto a host.
docker_runRun a command in a new container on a host.
error.messageGet the error message
gce_attach_diskAttaches a Disk resource to an instance.
gce_authDefunct - Authenticate this session
gce_check_gpuCheck GPU installed ok
gce_check_sshCalls API for the current SSH settings for an instance
gce_container_logsCheck the docker logs of a container
gce_delete_access_configDeletes an Access Config, Typically for an External IP...
gce_delete_diskDeletes the specified persistent disk.
gce_delete_firewall_ruleDelete a firewall rule
gce_delete_opDeletes the specified Operations resource.
gce_delete_op.gce_global_operationDeletes the specified global Operations resource.
gce_delete_op.gce_zone_operationDeletes the specified zone-specific Operations resource.
gce_extract_projectzoneExtract zone and project from an instance object
gce_get_diskReturns a specified persistent disk.
gce_get_external_ipGet the external IP of an instance
gce_get_firewall_ruleGet a firewall rule
gce_get_global_projectGet global project name
gce_get_global_zoneGet global zone name
gce_get_imageReturns the specified image.
gce_get_image_familyReturns the latest image that is part of an image family and...
gce_get_instanceReturns the specified Instance resource.
gce_get_machinetypeReturns the specified machine type.
gce_get_metadataExtract metadata from an instance object
gce_get_metadata_projectGet project wide metadata
gce_get_networkReturns the specified network.
gce_get_opRetrieves the specified Operations resource.
gce_get_op.gce_global_operationRetrieves the specified global Operations resource.
gce_get_op.gce_zone_operationRetrieves the specified zone-specific Operations resource.
gce_get_projectReturns the specified Project resource.
gce_get_zoneReturns the specified Zone resource. Get a list of available...
gce_global_projectSet global project name
gce_global_zoneSet global zone name
gce_list_disksRetrieves a list of persistent disks contained within the...
gce_list_disks_allRetrieves an aggregated list of persistent disks across all...
gce_list_firewall_rulesList firewall rules
gce_list_gpusRetrieves a list GPUs you can attach to an instance
gce_list_imagesRetrieves the list of private images available to the...
gce_list_instancesRetrieves the list of instances contained within the...
gce_list_machinetypeRetrieves a list of machine types available to the specified...
gce_list_machinetype_allRetrieves an aggregated list of machine types from all zones.
gce_list_networksRetrieves the list of networks available to the specified...
gce_list_zone_opRetrieves a list of Operation resources contained within the...
gce_list_zonesRetrieves the list of Zone resources available to the...
gce_make_boot_diskMake a boot disk for attachment to an instance
gce_make_diskCreates a persistent disk in the specified project using the...
gce_make_firewall_ruleAdd one firewall rule to the network
gce_make_firewall_webportsMake HTTP and HTTPS firewall rules
gce_make_image_source_urlMake initial disk image object
gce_make_machinetype_urlConstruct a machineType URL
gce_make_networkMake a network interface for instance creation
gce_metadata_envTurn metadata into an environment argument
gce_pull_registryLoad a previously saved private Google Container
gce_push_registryPush to Google Container Registry
gce_rstudio_adduserCreates a user on an RStudio templated instance
gce_rstudio_passwordChanges password for a user on RStudio container
gce_schedule_dockerSchedule running a docker image upon a VM
gce_set_machinetypeChanges the machine type for a stopped instance to the...
gce_set_metadataSets metadata for the specified instance or projectwise to...
gce_set_mincpuplatformSet a minCPU platform on a stopped instance
gce_shiny_addappAdd Shiny app to a Shiny template instance
gce_shiny_listappsList shiny apps on the instance
gce_shiny_logsGet the latest shiny logs for a shinyapp
gce_sshRemotely execute ssh code, upload & download files.
gce_ssh_addkeysAdd SSH details to a gce_instance
gce_ssh_browserOpen a cloud SSH browser for an instance
gce_ssh_setupSetup a SSH connection with GCE from a new SSH key-pair
gce_startup_logsGet startup script logs
gce_tag_containerReturn a container tag for Google Container Registry
gce_vmCreate or fetch a virtual machine
gce_vm_clusterMake a VM cluster suitable for running parallel workloads
gce_vm_containerLaunch a container-VM image
gce_vm_createCreates an instance resource in the specified project using...
gce_vm_deleteDeletes the specified Instance resource.
gce_vm_deletion_protectionToggle deletion protection for existing instances
gce_vm_gpuLaunch a GPU enabled instance
gce_vm_logsOpen browser to the serial console output for a VM
gce_vm_resetPerforms a hard reset on the instance.
gce_vm_schedulerCreate or start a scheduler VM
gce_vm_startStarts an instance that was stopped using the using the stop...
gce_vm_stopStops a running instance, shutting it down cleanly, and...
gce_vm_templateCreate a template container VM
gce_waitWait for an operation to finish
get_dockerfolderGet Dockerfolder of templates
googleComputeEngineRWorking with Google Compute Engine from R
InstanceInstance Object
is.errorIs this a try error?
is.NullObA helper function that tests whether an object is either NULL...
localhostAn object representing the current computer that R is running...
makeDockerClusterPSOCKMake the Docker cluster on Google Compute Engine
MetadataMetadata Object
read_cloud_init_filecreate the cloud_init file to upload
read_shell_startup_filecreate the shell file to upload
rmNullObsRecursively step down into list, removing all such objects
timestamp_to_rTimestamp to R date
cloudyr/googleComputeEngineR documentation built on Jan. 23, 2022, 8:30 a.m.