hiregroup_campaign: HireGroup Campaign

Description Usage Arguments Details Note Author(s) See Also Examples

View source: R/create_campaign.R


Create a HireGroup campaign


hiregroup_campaign(title, work, work_file, csv, proof, proof_file, 
                   duration, positions, positions_per_worker,
                   payment, autorate, hiregroup, category, ttr, 
                   key = getOption("microworkers_key"))



A character string containing the title of the campaign.


A character string containing the details of the campaign task. This is a plain text document that can accommodate newline \n characters, but no styling. If autorate is set to “V” or “V+R”, see Note about how to include an appropriate URL template for workers to retrieve their VCODE.


Optionally, a file to display a description of the worker to the worker.


An optional CSV file of the format described at https://microworkers.com/csv.php. This can be used to specify a distinct values each variables in a template supplied to the work text. If missing, each worker receives the same task description.


A character string describing the proof that each worker must submit after they have completed the assigned task. This is a plain text document that can accommodate newline \n characters, but no styling.


An integer value indicating whether the worker must upload a file as proof. Must be one of 0 (not required), 1 (optional), or 2 (required).


A positive integer value indicating the length of time required to complete the task, in minutes.


A positive integer (greater than 30) indicating the number of tasks available as part of the campaign.


A positive integer value indicating the number of tasks that are available per worker.


A numeric value indicating the amount of payment for successful completion of each task (in USD).


A character string indicating whether to use automatically rate tasks based on a VCODE. Must be one of “NO”, “V” (verify only), or “V+R” (verify and rate “Satisfied”). See Notes.


A numeric value indicating the HireGroup ID to restrict the campaign to.


A numeric value indicating the category of the campaign, as returned by categories.


A numeric value indicating the number of days to rate completed tasks (between 1 and 30).


A character string containing a Microworkers.com API secret key.


Create a HireGroup campaign that is only available to workers in the specified group.


A VCODE is a unique code (specifically an SHA256 hash) that you generate to supply to workers as a completion code. Using VCODE verification allows you as a requester to automatically verify work completed by workers without the need to manually approve or reject tasks. If verification is used, a worker will not be able to submit proof in any form other than a VCODE. If an incorrect VCODE is submitted, the task is ignored.

To use VCODE, you must point workers to an external website that can generate a VCODE (note that the VCODE formulae differ for Basic and HireGroup campaigns). In your campaign's work field, you can specify a URL for workers to visit to receive a VCODE: http://www.yourwebsite.com/start.php?campaign={{CAMP_ID}}&random_key={{RAND_KEY}}&worker={{MW_ID}}. When rendered by Microworkers, the {{CAMP_ID}} and {{MW_ID}} tags will be replaced with the campaign ID and the appropriate worker ID. The VCODE is then simply calculated as the SHA256 hash of the concatenated (without spaces) campaign ID, worker ID, a random key, and your requester VCODE Secret Key (which differs from your API key and can be retrieved from https://microworkers.com/account.php), prepended with “mw-”. Because only you have access to your VCODE Secret Key, the worker cannot generate a correct VCODE on their own. Your site can display the VCODE to the worker and they submit it as proof of work completed.

See http://www.blog.microworkers.com/vcode-verification/ and https://microworkers.com/hg_vcode.php for details.


Thomas J. Leeper

See Also

basic_campaign list_campaigns add_positions stop_campaign get_campaign get_results


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cloudyr/microworkers documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:21 p.m.