Man pages for cmerow/meteR
Fitting and Plotting Tools for the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE)

anboCommunity abundance data for a desert grassland (anza...
arthArthropod community abundance data
downscaleSARDownscale the species area relationship (SAR) or endemics...
ebarRelationship between mean metabolic rate (\bar{epsilon}) and...
empiricalSAREmpirical SAR or EAR
ipdIndividual Power Distribution
logLik.meteDistCompute log-likelihood of a meteDist object
logLikZCompute log-likelihood z-score
meteNuEquation of the PMF for the METE species metabolic rate...
metePhiEquation of the METE species abundance distribution
metePiEquation of the PMF of the METE spatial species abundance...
metePsiEquation of the PMF for the METE individual metabolic rate...
meteR-packageAnalyses with the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology (METE)
meteSARCompute METE species area relationship (SAR)
meteThetaEquation of the PMF for the METE Intra-specific metabolic...
mseComputes mean squared error for rank or cdf
mseZCompute z-score of mean squared error
plot.damuthPlot the relationship between abundance and metabolic rate,...
plot.meteDistPlot METE distributions and associated data
plot.meteRelatPlot predicted METE relationships and associated observed...
plot.sarPlot the species abundance distribution (SAR), i.e. objects...
print.meteDistPrint summaries of 'meteDist' objects
print.meteRelatPrint summaries of 'meteRelat' objects
residuals.meteDistCompute residuals between METE predictions and data of a...
residuals.meteRelatCompute residuals between METE predictions and date of a...
sadMETE species abundance distribution
sipdGeneric method to obtain the species-level individual power...
spdSpecies Power Distribution
ssadSpecies Spatial Abundance Distribution
upscaleSARupscale SAR
cmerow/meteR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 8:23 p.m.