Man pages for cmjt/lgcpSPDE
Fitting and Simulation for log-Gaussian Cox processes using INLA/SPDE approach

compile.lgcpSPDECompiling TMB C++ templates
cranesA simulated dataset indicating breeding pair presence of Grus...
earthquakesA dataset taken from the GeoNet Quake...
find.fieldsFunction that extracts the "random fields" of the model...
fit.lgcpFunction to fit a spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox process...
fit.marked.lgcpFitting a marked point process model
fit.multifunction to fit model used in bird paper
geo.fitFunction to fit a either a spatial or spatio-temporal model...
geo.joint.fitFunction to fit a either a spatial or spatio-temporal joint...
geo.spatial.fitspatial only model fitting
geo.spatial.j.fitspatial only fitting
geo.spatial.j.temporal.fitspatio-temporal model fitting
geo.spatial.temporal.fitspatio temporal model fitting
lgcp2DA simulated realisation of a log-Gaussian Cox process 2D
make.meshWrapper function to create a mesh object as used in an INLA...
NZSpatial polygon of New Zealand (including the Chatham...
plot.fieldsPlots fields eith spatio-temporal or spatial
plot.meshplots a tidy mesh (internal function)
rgeospdeFunction to simulate from a spatial/spatio temporal SPDE...
rlgcpspdeFunction to simulate from a spatial/spatio temporal LGCP...
terrorismA dataset taken from the global terrorism database (GTD)...
terrorism_aggregateA cleaned aggregated dataset orginally taken from the global...
worldSpatial polygon of countries worldwide
cmjt/lgcpSPDE documentation built on July 25, 2019, 3:05 p.m.