fit_stelfi: Modelling spatiotemporal self-excitement

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fit_stelfiR Documentation

Modelling spatiotemporal self-excitement


Fits spatiotemporal Hawkes models. The self-excitement is Gaussian in space and exponentially decaying in time.


  time_independent = TRUE,
  tmb_silent = TRUE,
  nlminb_silent = TRUE,



A vector of numeric observed time points.


A data.frame of x and y locations, 2xn.


An sf of type POLYGON specifying the spatial region of the domain.


A Delaunay triangulation of the spatial domain returned by fmesher::fm_mesh_2d().


A list of named parameters:

  • coefs, logged base rate of the Hawkes process and coefficients of covariates

  • alpha, intensity jump after an event occurrence

  • beta, rate of exponential decay of intensity after event occurrence

  • tau, \tau parameter for the GMRF (supplied only if GMRF = TRUE)

  • kappa, \kappa parameter for the GMRF (supplied only if GMRF = TRUE)

  • xsigma, standard deviation on x-axis of self-exciting kernel (if time_independent = FALSE, it is the s.d. after 1 time unit)

  • ysigma, standard deviation on y-axis of self-exciting kernel (if time_independent = FALSE, it is the s.d. after 1 time unit)

  • rho, correlation between x and y for the self-exciting kernel (the off-diagonal elements in the kernel's covariate matrix are xsigma * ysigma * rho)


Optional, a matrix of covariates at each smesh node.


Logical, default FALSE. If TRUE, a Gaussian Markov Random Field is included as a latent spatial effect.


Logical, default TRUE. If FALSE, Gaussian kernels have a covariate matrix that is proportional to time since the event. Warning, this is very memory intensive.


Logical, if TRUE (default) then TMB inner optimisation tracing information will be printed.


Logical, if TRUE (default) then for each iteration nlminb() output will be printed.


Additional arguments to pass to optim()


Temporal self-excitement follows an exponential decay function. The self-excitement over space follows a Gaussian distribution centered at the triggering event. There are two formulations of this model. The default is that the Gaussian function has a fixed spatial covariance matrix, independent of time. Alternatively, covariance can be directly proportional to time, meaning that the self-excitement radiates out from the center over time. This can be appropriate when the mechanism causing self-excitement travels at a finite speed, but is very memory-intensive. The spatiotemporal intensity function used by stelfi is \lambda(s,t) = \mu + \alpha \Sigma_{i:\tau_i<t}(\textrm{exp}(-\beta * (t-\tau_i)) G_i(s-x_i, t - \tau_i)) where

  • \mu is the background rate,

  • \beta is the rate of temporal decay,

  • \alpha is the increase in intensity after an event,

  • \tau_i are the event times,

  • x_i are the event locations (in 2D Euclidean space), and

  • G_i(s-x_i, t - \tau_i) is the spatial self-excitement kernel.

G_i(.,.) can take two forms:

  • For time-independent spatial excitement (time_independent = TRUE), G_i(s-x_i, t - \tau_i) = f(s - x_i) where f is the density function of \textrm{N}(0, \Sigma).

  • For time-dependent spatial excitement (time_independent = FALSE), G_i(s-x_i, t - \tau_i) = f(s - x_i) where f is the density function of \textrm{N}(0, (t-\tau_i)\Sigma).


A list containing components of the fitted model, see TMB::MakeADFun. Includes

  • par, a numeric vector of estimated parameter values;

  • objective, the objective function; and

  • gr, the TMB calculated gradient function.

See Also

fit_hawkes and fit_lgcp


## No GMRF
data(xyt, package = "stelfi")
N <- 50
locs <- data.frame(x = xyt$x[1:N], y = xyt$y[1:N])
times <- xyt$t[1:N]
domain <- sf::st_as_sf(xyt$window)
bnd <- fmesher::fm_as_segm(as.matrix(sf::st_coordinates(domain)[, 1:2]))
smesh <- fmesher::fm_mesh_2d(boundary = bnd, max.edge = 0.75, cutoff = 0.3) 
param <- list( mu = 3, alpha = 1, beta = 3, xsigma = 0.2, ysigma = 0.2, rho = 0.8)
fit <- fit_stelfi(times = times, locs = locs, sf = domain, smesh = smesh, parameters = param) 
param <- list( mu = 5, alpha = 1, beta = 3, kappa = 0.9, tau = 1, xsigma = 0.2,
ysigma = 0.2, rho = 0.8)
fit <- fit_stelfi(times = times, locs = locs, sf = domain, smesh = smesh,
parameters = param, GMRF = TRUE)

cmjt/stelfi documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 2:53 p.m.