
context("stepwise regression output")

model <- lm(y ~ ., data = surgical)

test_that("output from stepwise regression is as expected", {
  x <- cat("Stepwise Selection Method

Candidate Terms:

1 . bcs
2 . pindex
3 . enzyme_test
4 . liver_test
5 . age
6 . gender
7 . alc_mod
8 . alc_heavy

                                Stepwise Selection Summary
                        Added/                   Adj.
Step     Variable      Removed     R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC         RMSE
   1    liver_test     addition       0.455       0.444    62.5120    771.8753    296.2992
   2     alc_heavy     addition       0.567       0.550    41.3680    761.4394    266.6484
   3    enzyme_test    addition       0.659       0.639    24.3380    750.5089    238.9145
   4      pindex       addition       0.750       0.730     7.5370    735.7146    206.5835
   5        bcs        addition       0.781       0.758     3.1920    730.6204    195.4544

  expect_output(print(ols_step_both_p(model)), x)

test_that("output from stepwise regression is as expected when details == TRUE", {
  x <- cat("Variable Selection Procedure
 Dependent Variable: y

 Stepwise Selection: Step 1

 Variable liver_test Entered

                          Model Summary
R                       0.674       RMSE                 296.299
R-Squared               0.455       Coef. Var             42.202
Adj. R-Squared          0.444       MSE                87793.232
Pred R-Squared          0.386       MAE                  212.857
 RMSE: Root Mean Square Error
 MSE: Mean Square Error
 MAE: Mean Absolute Error

                   Sum of
                  Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig.
Regression    3804272.477         1    3804272.477    43.332    0.0000
Residual      4565248.060        52      87793.232
Total         8369520.537        53

                                    Parameter Estimates
      model       Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t       Sig        lower      upper
(Intercept)     15.191       111.869                 0.136    0.893    -209.290    239.671
 liver_test    250.305        38.025        0.674    6.583    0.000     174.003    326.607

1 variable(s) added...
Stepwise Selection: Step 2

 Variable alc_heavy Entered

                          Model Summary
R                       0.753       RMSE                 266.648
R-Squared               0.567       Coef. Var             37.979
Adj. R-Squared          0.550       MSE                71101.387
Pred R-Squared          0.487       MAE                  187.393
 RMSE: Root Mean Square Error
 MSE: Mean Square Error
 MAE: Mean Absolute Error

                   Sum of
                  Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig.
Regression    4743349.776         2    2371674.888    33.356    0.0000
Residual      3626170.761        51      71101.387
Total         8369520.537        53

                                    Parameter Estimates
      model       Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig        lower      upper
(Intercept)     -5.069       100.828                 -0.050    0.960    -207.490    197.352
 liver_test    234.597        34.491        0.632     6.802    0.000     165.353    303.841
  alc_heavy    342.183        94.156        0.338     3.634    0.001     153.157    531.208

1 variable(s) added...
Stepwise Selection: Step 3

 Variable enzyme_test Entered

                          Model Summary
R                       0.812       RMSE                 238.914
R-Squared               0.659       Coef. Var             34.029
Adj. R-Squared          0.639       MSE                57080.128
Pred R-Squared          0.567       MAE                  170.603
 RMSE: Root Mean Square Error
 MSE: Mean Square Error
 MAE: Mean Absolute Error

                   Sum of
                  Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig.
Regression    5515514.136         3    1838504.712    32.209    0.0000
Residual      2854006.401        50      57080.128
Total         8369520.537        53

                                     Parameter Estimates
      model        Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig        lower      upper
(Intercept)    -344.559       129.156                 -2.668    0.010    -603.976    -85.141
 liver_test     183.844        33.845        0.495     5.432    0.000     115.865    251.823
  alc_heavy     319.662        84.585        0.315     3.779    0.000     149.769    489.555
enzyme_test       6.263         1.703        0.335     3.678    0.001       2.843      9.683

1 variable(s) added...
Stepwise Selection: Step 4

 Variable pindex Entered

                          Model Summary
R                       0.866       RMSE                 206.584
R-Squared               0.750       Coef. Var             29.424
Adj. R-Squared          0.730       MSE                42676.744
Pred R-Squared          0.669       MAE                  146.473
 RMSE: Root Mean Square Error
 MSE: Mean Square Error
 MAE: Mean Absolute Error

                   Sum of
                  Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig.
Regression    6278360.060         4    1569590.015    36.779    0.0000
Residual      2091160.477        49      42676.744
Total         8369520.537        53

                                      Parameter Estimates
      model        Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig         lower       upper
(Intercept)    -789.012       153.372                 -5.144    0.000    -1097.226    -480.799
 liver_test     125.474        32.358        0.338     3.878    0.000       60.448     190.499
  alc_heavy     359.875        73.754        0.355     4.879    0.000      211.660     508.089
enzyme_test       7.548         1.503        0.404     5.020    0.000        4.527      10.569
     pindex       7.876         1.863        0.335     4.228    0.000        4.133      11.620

1 variable(s) added...
Stepwise Selection: Step 5

 Variable bcs Entered

                          Model Summary
R                       0.884       RMSE                 195.454
R-Squared               0.781       Coef. Var             27.839
Adj. R-Squared          0.758       MSE                38202.426
Pred R-Squared          0.700       MAE                  137.656
 RMSE: Root Mean Square Error
 MSE: Mean Square Error
 MAE: Mean Absolute Error

                   Sum of
                  Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig.
Regression    6535804.090         5    1307160.818    34.217    0.0000
Residual      1833716.447        48      38202.426
Total         8369520.537        53

                                      Parameter Estimates
      model         Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig         lower       upper
(Intercept)    -1178.330       208.682                 -5.647    0.000    -1597.914    -758.746
 liver_test       58.064        40.144        0.156     1.446    0.155      -22.652     138.779
  alc_heavy      317.848        71.634        0.314     4.437    0.000      173.818     461.878
enzyme_test        9.748         1.656        0.521     5.887    0.000        6.419      13.077
     pindex        8.924         1.808        0.380     4.935    0.000        5.288      12.559
        bcs       59.864        23.060        0.241     2.596    0.012       13.498     106.230

No more variables to be added or removed.
Stepwise Selection Method

Candidate Terms:

1 . bcs
2 . pindex
3 . enzyme_test
4 . liver_test
5 . age
6 . gender
7 . alc_mod
8 . alc_heavy

                                Stepwise Selection Summary
                        Added/                   Adj.
Step     Variable      Removed     R-Square    R-Square     C(p)        AIC         RMSE
   1    liver_test     addition       0.455       0.444    62.5120    771.8753    296.2992
   2     alc_heavy     addition       0.567       0.550    41.3680    761.4394    266.6484
   3    enzyme_test    addition       0.659       0.639    24.3380    750.5089    238.9145
   4      pindex       addition       0.750       0.730     7.5370    735.7146    206.5835
   5        bcs        addition       0.781       0.758     3.1920    730.6204    195.4544

  expect_output(print(ols_step_both_p(model, details = TRUE)), x)
cmlopera/olsrr documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:34 a.m.