TeaSet-class: TeaSet class

Description Fields Methods Note Examples


This class and accompanying functions are designed to help with the creation of ternary graphs and the manipulatoin of ternary data. The class uses snake_names for functions and methods, camel-case for variables, and Pascal Case for everything else. For graphical methods and functions, I have tried to emulate similar functions' parameter names.



a numeric matrix


a numeric list of xy-coordinates


a numeric list of length two


a numeric matrix, dimensions 4X2, i is first and last


get_ijk(raw = FALSE, inplace = FALSE)

Returns myIJK. If raw=TRUE, returns default ijk-vectors. If inplace=TRUE, recalculates myIJK or sets myIJK to default values.


Given t-coordinates, returns what section of the t-plot they are in.

get_xy(data = myCoord)

Given t-coordinates, returns xy-coordinates. Defaults to myCoord.

initialize(data_ = NA, columns_ = c(1, 2, 3), center_ = NA, xFrame_ = NA, yFrame_ = NA)

Initializes a TeaSet object, used when TeaSet$new() is called. No arguments necessary.

p_center_frame(xFrame, yFrame, inplace = FALSE)

Private method. Returns center of xFrame and yFrame. If inplace=TRUE, sets myCenter<<-center

p_color_center(xy, ...)

Private method. Works with tea_plot to extract col variable from ..., and handle gradient and contrast colors.

p_normalize_ternary_pt(x = myCoord)

Private method. For each ternary point, calls p_redistribute negatives, than divides all by their max value.

p_plot(..., alpha)

private function, removes variables after ... before calling its namesake

p_points(..., alpha)

private function, removes variables after ... before calling its namesake

p_polygon(..., alpha)

private function, removes variables after ... before calling its namesake

p_redistribute_negatives(x = myCoord)

Private method. Given ternary-coordinates, redistributes negative values for each axis to the other two axes as half their value.

p_section_key(x = NULL)

Private method. Given a list, returns a list with names set to section names

p_segments(..., alpha)

private function, removes variables after ... before calling its namesake

p_size_frame(xFrame = NA, yFrame = NA, inplace = FALSE)

Private method. Returns the difference between xy-values of xFrame and yFrame. If inplace=TRUE, sets myStretch<<-newStretch

p_text(..., alpha)

private function, removes variables after ... before calling its namesake

tea_contrast_colorize(x = myCoord, alpha = 0.3)

Returns a list of colors based on sections of provided t-points.


Draws the border triangle around a t-plot. May also provide a color to shade the background

tea_gradient_background(rows = 30, border = NA, alpha = 0.1, ...)

Creates a gradient of colors in the background of a t-plot. The more rows (of triangles), the finer the gradient.

tea_gradient_colorize(x = myCoord, alpha = 0.3)

Returns a list of colors for t-points based on their locations within t-plot

tea_label_axes(axis.labels = "default")

Labels the axes of a t-plot

tea_lines(x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL, draw = TRUE, overDraw = c(FALSE, FALSE), col = "grey", ...)

Draws a line given a single value along one of the ternary axes. Points should be from 0-1. Works wtih lists of points. Overdraw makes the line go slightly over the border triangle.

tea_plot(data = myCoord, dataLabels = NA, main = "", newPlot = TRUE, bullseye = FALSE, ticks = NA, axis.labels = "default", col.axis = "grey", ...)

Creates a t-plot. If newPlot=FALSE, will instead draw atop current plot.

tea_ticks(axes = 4, col.axis = "grey")

Draws tick-lines for all three axes and labels them.

tea_triangle(r = 1, xy = myCenter, jCorner = FALSE, raw = FALSE, draw = TRUE, recursing = FALSE, col = "gradient", alpha = 0.3, ...)

Creates triangle similar to the triangle around the t-plot. r is its size relative to the border-triangle, and xy is its center. If jCorner=TRUE, instead draws from the j-vector's corner.

tea_xy_gradient_colorize(x, alpha = 0.3, rotate_hue = 0, raw = FALSE)

Returns a list of colors for xy-points based on their locations within t-plot


allows for blank class to be built


  ## Not run: testData <- matrix(c(rnorm(300)),ncol=3)
           teaSet   <- TeaSet$new(testData)
## End(Not run)

cmpear/TeaSet_Package documentation built on Jan. 10, 2020, 2:46 a.m.