Man pages for cmu-delphi/delphi-epidata-r
Client for Delphi's 'Epidata' API

assert_character_paramAllows character vectors
assert_date_paramAllows a vector of date_like params: date, character, or...
assert_integerish_paramAllows integer-like vectors
assert_timeset_paramAllows a timeset param: a date vector, a character vector, an...
avail_endpointsList all available Epidata API endpoints
cache_epidata_callDispatch caching
cache_infoDescribe current cache
check_is_cachablehelper that checks whether a call is actually cachable
check_is_recenthelper that checks whether a call is a somewhat dangerous...
clear_cacheManually reset the cache, deleting all currently saved data...
covidcast_epidataCreates the COVIDcast Epidata autocomplete helper
date_to_epiweekConverts a date (integer or character) to an epiweek
disable_cacheTurn off the caching for this session
do_requestperforms the request
epidata_callAn abstraction that holds information needed to make an...
epidatr-packageepidatr: Client for Delphi's 'Epidata' API
epirangeSpecify a range of days or weeks for API requests
fetch_args_listSet custom API request parameters
fetch_classicFetches the data, raises on epidata errors, and returns the...
fetch_tblFetches the data and returns a tibble
format_itemHelper function to cast values, non-list vectors, and/or...
format_listHelper function to build a list of values and/or ranges
get_api_keyGet and set API keys
get_wildcard_equivalent_dateshelper to convert a date wildcard ("*") to an appropriate...
parse_api_weekparse_api_week converts an integer to a date
parse_signalturn a signal into a callable
pub_covidcastVarious COVID and flu signals via the COVIDcast endpoint
pub_covidcast_metaMetadata for the COVIDcast endpoint
pub_covid_hosp_facilityCOVID hospitalizations by facility
pub_covid_hosp_facility_lookupHelper for finding COVID hospitalization facilities
pub_covid_hosp_state_timeseriesCOVID hospitalizations by state
pub_delphiDelphi's ILINet outpatient doctor visits forecasts
pub_dengue_nowcastDelphi's PAHO dengue nowcasts (North and South America)
pub_ecdc_iliECDC ILI incidence (Europe)
pub_flusurvCDC FluSurv flu hospitalizations
pub_fluviewCDC FluView ILINet outpatient doctor visits
pub_fluview_clinicalCDC FluView flu tests from clinical labs
pub_fluview_metaMetadata for the FluView endpoint
pub_gftGoogle Flu Trends flu search volume
pub_kcdc_iliKCDC ILI incidence (Korea)
pub_metaMetadata for the Delphi Epidata API
pub_nidss_dengueNIDSS dengue cases (Taiwan)
pub_nidss_fluNIDSS flu doctor visits (Taiwan)
pub_nowcastDelphi's ILI Nearby nowcasts
pub_paho_denguePAHO dengue data (North and South America)
pub_wikiWikipedia webpage counts by article
pvt_cdcCDC total and by topic webpage visits
pvt_dengue_sensorsPAHO dengue digital surveillance sensors (North and South...
pvt_ghtGoogle Health Trends health topics search volume
pvt_meta_norostatMetadata for the NoroSTAT endpoint
pvt_norostatCDC NoroSTAT norovirus outbreaks
pvt_quidelQuidel COVID-19 and influenza testing data
pvt_sensorsInfluenza and dengue digital surveillance sensors
pvt_twitterHealthTweets total and influenza-related tweets
reformat_epirangehelper to convert an epirange from week to day or vice versa
release_bulletsinserts each string as a bullet at the end of the "Prepare...
request_implMakes a request to the API and returns the response, catching...
request_urlReturns the full request url for the given epidata_call
set_cacheCreate or renew a cache for this session
timesetTimeset formats for specifying dates
with_base_url'epidata_call' object using a different base URL
cmu-delphi/delphi-epidata-r documentation built on Nov. 17, 2024, 3:44 p.m.